In Oct. 2008 we wrote that Obama will have a landslide victory and also that we see "Obama as essentially a two time president" So our position is clear on this but more important than just the election victory is what Obama will do in his next term and what is our reasoning behind it.
Based on a very simple observation in Palmistry, we have written several times over the years about there being two types of leaders in this world , the ones who will maintain the status quo (Head Line joined to the Life Line) and those who will bring about major changes in the policy (the Head Line being separate from the Life Line).
Both Bill Clinton and Barak Obama have their Head Lines completely separate from their Life Lines! Those with the Head Line are just followers and Mitt Romney is exactly in this category, more wars, billions for defense but not for education etc. When Yasser Arafat was given a chance to have Palestine as a country, we had written at that time that he will just stick to his position. Even though he made a lot of concessions and it was a very difficult decision, in retrospect I am sure they realize that he should have taken the gamble.
As mentioned in March 2012, with his Head Line separate from the Life Line, Obama will break all rules and not fall in line with the establishment. The Head Line being separate also indicates some of the most dynamic speakers who have the natural ability to lift the spirits and inspire the masses, something those with Head Line joined to the Life Line desperately lack. Just compare Hilary Clinton and her husband or Romney and Obama.
Head Line separate from Life Line indicates those who are gamblers and willing to take chances for what they believe in, they are much more impatient and action oriented than those with the Head Line joined. However, the ones with Joined Head Line are more law abiding and dependable (which is good if they are on the right track) and will continue on the same path they were given and not make changes to it. They are better credit risk because they are more cautious. Head Line joined is better for the Dow and longterm blue chip investments e.g. the real estate as opposed to the NASDAQ (which is better for those with the Head Line separate).
We believe that a President with the Head Line is better for the country to lead and inspire and also to motivate the masses but should have cautious advisors to provide a good balance.
In his 2nd term, Obama will really show his daring side as he doesn't have to worry about another term. Although he made some major mistakes with Afghanistan, it seems he didn't have much control over it because of the military complex. As soon as he brings back the troops from Afghanistan, he will be able to concentrate much more on the Education, Alternate Energy, Health Care for everyone and turning the whole economy around. As long as he can keep Netanyahu and the Congress hawks to avoid another costly and useless war, he will be on the right track towards making America a great nation again.
However, with Saturn in Scorpio from Oct 2012 till end of 2014, it seems the vindictiveness will be rampant in the policies around the world along with doomsday prophecies. Interestingly, from 24th Dec 2014, Saturn moves into Sagittarius, indicating a religious movement again in Afghanistan just when the US is supposed to leave that part of the world!
The market is up for correction which will probably start from about the 26th Sep when there is a double T-Square in the sky but especially in the first week of Oct around 7th Oct 2012 (few days before and after) when there is a fraudulent and stressful Mars sq Neptune configuration in the sky. This is still a dangerous time for military actions and also points to a major correction in the market. The stocks will come down and it will be a good time to get in on some of the stocks but of course you have to consult your brokers and do this on your own risk. The market will lift up again when Mars tri Uranus on 15th Oct and Moon trines Jupiter.
The gambling mood will return but the market is usually very volatile and sliding whenever Mars is in Sag (from 6 Oct till 16 Nov 2012). Mars in Sagittarius will also reflect a religious zeal around the world and the motivation for more unrest in Middle East.
The first week of Aug 2012 was very stressful for Barak Obama as well as for Iran but the major negative aspect is gone now. Mars transiting the 9th house of Obama coincided with violent protests abroad and danger of war being pushed onto US troops against the wishes of most of the Americans. Obama still has Mars transiting his 9th house (already from 23 Aug till 4 Oct 2012) which indicates getting fatalistic news from abroad including pressure to invade a foreign country by the war mongers.
As mentioned in March 2012, with Mars in Scorpio, sabotage and violence were common in many parts of the world as we had mentioned and we are still witnessing violent protests around the world, but the most dangerous time from the warmongers is almost over. Benjamin Netanyahu tried his best to create a major crisis with Iran when it didn't exist, exactly as we had predicted. This was against all his own leaders and the people and mainly because he knows that once Obama comes in, their leverage would be gone and Obama will pursue his diplomacy and focus on making America much more peaceful rather than starting another useless and costly war.
Here is what we wrote in March 2012, which in retrospect seems to have come to pass although we still have another few weeks left till mid Oct. The main danger was from end of Aug till mid Sep 2012 which is almost over now.
March 2012 Forecast
Danger for Extreme Violence in the Middle East
End Aug till mid Oct 2012 is a dangerous time for 60s age group including President Barak Obama and Iran's President Ahmadinejad. This is a nightmare period as they will be more susceptible to making mistakes or over-reacting. Mars being in Scorpio is a very vindictive theme and coincides with violence and cruelty around the world. Events in July 2012 are very critical as that is when Benjamin Netanyahu's age group will be paranoid and can make harsh decisions. We hope logic will prevail otherwise mid Aug to mid Oct 2012 could be quite violent.
Netanyahu knows that Obama, once he is elected, will break every rule and do what he wanted to do from the beginning. He will focus on bringing peace in the Middle East and focus on the happiness of the US by going against the foreign interests agenda. It is amazing how the US election is being hijacked by outside interests and the Lobby which governs both houses of the Senate. Instead of focusing on the plight of the poor and needy right here in the US, billions are spent on Afghanistan to build bases to be used against Iran, a country which has not attacked anyone in the last 500 years!
The US shifting its strategy and wanting to talk to Iran now is a clear indication of how seriously the US feels Netanyahu will try to destabilize that region. After the first week of Oct. the danger is over as Mars moves into the sign of Sagittarius, but there will be major religious tension from Oct till mid Nov.
It seems our forecast is on target now and Mitt Romney will be the nominee but Obama will be re-elected (Saturn on top of his chart indicating highest achievement and public response). Obama will be much more effective in the next term as he won’t be concerned about coming back to power. We still believe that with his Head Line separate from the Life Line, he will break all rules and not fall in line with the establishment. At least the potential is there and hopefully he will be successful in doing what he really wants rather than what the Lobby wants him to do.
We don't agree with President Obama's Afghanistan policy as it seems only to be a ploy to have thousands of troops close to Iran and not for the benefit of the local people at all. The US using hypocritical Qatar and Saudi Arabia knowing fully well that they are the cause of most of the injustice in that part of the world.
They are trying to push the issue of attacking Iran because they know that as soon as the pressure of election is over, Obama will not want to go to war at all. Uranus in Aries for the next seven years guarantees that Iran will have nuclear capability but also that there is a very real danger of nuclear explosions as well.
This is what we wrote in March 2012 and we thought we would remind you again as its timing very close. "The next date for major storms and earthquake is around 27 Sep 2012 with the Sun, Uranus and Pluto in a T-square and Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune, and also a free floating Mars in Scorpio."
On 29th Sep 2012, there is a double T-Square in the sky involving the full Moon in Aries (fires) sq to Pluto and Uranus also being part of it. The Storms will start on 27th for about two days probably followed by the earthquakes.
Note to Parents and Friend of Those Born in 40s and 80s: Please make sure if you have children who were born in the 80s that they are aware of the major accident configuration they are in as Mars touches off their Saturn (authority conflicts and temper), Uranus (freak accidents and guns) and Neptune (allergic reactions and a nightmare scenario). Staying late in clubs, drinking and driving or taking reckless chances are all part of this configuration. The 30s and early 40s age group will come to wrong conclusions or miscalculation like Netanyahu immediately accusing Iran being responsible for the Bulgarian bombing with absolutely no proof and the bomber looking like a disgruntled American citizen.
Politicians from the 30s and
The next Mercury retrograde period is between 6th Nov and 26th Nov and it will be in the Sign of Sagittarius and moving into Scorpio. This also happens to be the day of the election so expect a lot of voting problems and the two candidates being very philosophical with lofty ideals. However, this will be a great time for speech writers and anyone with Mercury in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. They will be in their elements and even more enthusiastic, convincing and very positive and this favours Obama again as he has Mercury in Leo. As it moved in the sign of Scorpio from 14th Nov till the end of the retrograde period, expect a lot of vindictiveness, bickering in the congress and underhanded plots being hatched.
On the positive side, with Saturn also moving into the sign of Scorpio, this is an excellent time for medical breakthroughs.
We intend to keep this as a permanent feature of our World Forecast so you each age group is aware of when they are susceptible and vulnerable to stress related illnesses and events which backfire and can potentially become a nightmare if you are not paying attention.
Everyone goes through a very stressful time when Mars makes an adverse aspect to your Neptune. During this period, your immune system is depleted and you are more prone allergic reactions, nightmares, fraud and scandals. Your body needs rest and healing now so take extra care of yourself and don't take unnecessary chances in life. Ex: Princess Diana, JFK Jr, Tiger Woods scandal.
Your body does not behave normally during a Mars-Neptune transit and you need more rest and sleep to recuperate. Avoid drugs and alcohol and sublimate this obsessive period through art or music.
There are always ways to offset a negative theme and that is the whole purpose of astrology. A Mars-Neptune aspect makes one very obsessive but the form of obsession is your free choice. Everything you do during this transit can become a habit so just choose your habits carefully. As you are more prone to allergic reactions now. just take more rest and plan things out beforehand. Avoid accusing people as you may come to wrong conclusions during this transit and later on regret it. Just don't take unnecessary chances now and wait till this transit is over.
Here are the stressful dates for different age groups.
Beg Oct till mid Nov 2012 is stressful for those of you born between Jan 1970 and Jan 1984, as well as those born between 1930 to 1941 (many country singers and blues age group.
Mid Nov 2012 till End Dec 2012 is a scandalous and very stressful period for those born between 1942 and 1949. Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., Netanyahu are all in this age group. However, none of their paranoia will come true and they just need to be careful not to do anything illegal and start actions which they will regret. Everyone born during this period will also have to be more careful of their health at this time (mainly their immune system).
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