Saturn in Sagittarius happens once in 29 years and reflects the curbs, regulations and sanctions in the areas defined by the sign it is transiting.
There is a Historical Event 19 Dec 2017 at 11:48:46 pm EST as Saturn moves away from the sign of Sagittarius into Capricorn. Here is what it reflects in the last degrees:
#amtrackderailment at 11:48:46 pm EST tonight the world will start a Major new theme as Saturn moves away from Sagittarius and into Capricorn. The last degree coincided with the Amtrack derailment which will lead to new regulations relating t transportation.
Saturn in Sagittarius = curbs and regulations Sagittarius = immigration, the stock market, speculation and transportation The last degrees are always the most critical and the Amtrack event will lead to new regulations and curbs
#immigration being restricted was also part of Sat in Sag and the only thing which hasn’t happened is the stock market crash. The market is being propped up but also the Trump effect is making the market optimistic.
#stockmartetcrash the next major event which is close enough to make the market and bitcoin extremely volatile is Mars in Sag between 26 Jan and 17 Mar 2018.
#donaldtrump disappointments are finished tonight at 11:46:48 pm as well as Saturn moves away from his Moon in Sag. There was a little delay in his tax bill initiative which actually offsets negative themes in his chart. After midnight the real government austerity plans begin as Saturn moves in Capricorn.
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