Your Solar Life Report is the first astrology report of its kind ever written by an astrologer. It is amazing how such a simple fundamental Yearly Sun Cycle was overlooked by every astrologer for centuries! Just like the Sun comes back to its own position on your birthday every year (within a day or so), it also goes around the 12 houses on the same dates and makes the same angles to the rest of your natal planets, on the same date, every year, all your life!
The Sun goes around your chart in a counter-clockwise manner and moves through all your twelve houses every year. These twelve houses represent the twelve most important areas of your life. Depending on your date and time of birth, the Sun enters each of your twelve houses the same time every year and stays in each of them for 30 days.
Depending on the house it is in, there will always be a natural urge within you to focus on your home, family, children, your marriage, your health, or a time when you are lucky and make lots of money or travel and even having 30 days of fame! Whether you choose to become famous or infamous, the Sun shows the opportunity for public eye every year for at least 30 days! Being prepared to accept these opportunities is something you can actually plan now.
Beside the exact timing of the Sun's transit through your 12 houses, for the first time in the history of astrology, based on an extremely reliable cycle and its transiting aspects, Your Solar Life Report is available to tap into your inner timing for love, finances, career, opportunities for travel, your luckiest periods, your most inspirational days, your saddest days, even the unlucky days, and when you feel tired and run down.
Mark the important times corresponding to the 12 different areas of your life and you will find yourself living a much more enjoyable life. Also mark the days when you may run into authority conflicts so you can avoid the law during those days. Chose the Sun-Jupiter days for your good news and be careful on your Sun-Saturn
After using Your Solar Life Report, very soon you will feel your own Sun transit within yourself and be much more in touch with your inner timing. We hope you enjoy your new found underlying cycle and are able to make use of it all your life. Remember, the same dates repeat themselves at the same time, every year, all your life! Truly, a present for life...
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Unlock Nature's Most Closely Guarded Secrets...Your Inner Timing!
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Your 12 Month Forecast gives the most important dates for Love, Money, Health, Travel, and accident prone days. Use Free Choice to Offset Negative Themes!
Solar Life Report Just like your Birthdate, the Sun makes many other important Aspects on the Same Dates, Every Year, All Your Life!