Signs of the Zodiac
The Constellations are clusters of Stars which were named by the Ancients. The Sun's apparent path around the Zodiac is called the Ecliptic. All the planets move very close to this path (a little above and a little below). This is the Highway of the Planets (Wanderers in Greek) and is called the Zodiac.
Although there are many Constellations in the Zodiac, we divide this belt into Twelve Signs of the Zodiac starting from 0 degrees Aries. This occurs about the 21st of March each year when the Earth and Sun's apparent path cross each other (Vernal Equinox) and the day and night are equal.
However, in astrology, we use the Signs rather than the Constellations which keep moving back by one sign every 2300 years or so. The Sings always start on the Vernal Equinox on 21 March which is the beginning of the Sign of Aries. Each Sign is exactly 30 degrees.
The Indian Vedic astrology uses the Nakshatras which are Constellations (cluster of stars). However, the original astrology was correct and if you want an Indian chart done, ask them to use Ayanamsa = zero and it will be much more accurate. Right now, due to the precession of the equinox, the first degree of Aries (Ashwini in Indian astrology) has moved by 23 degrees or so and gives wrong answers for the natal chart. However, the transits are fine in both systems.
To find out about your own Sun sign, Click on your sign below:
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