Inspirational Sensitivity
Sadness (pathos not self-pity) comes in different forms and often leads to great inspirational works of art, music or beauty. In another article, we have discussed the adverse Moon-Neptune aspects, which often indicate sadness in family and in childhood, and lead to either escapist tendencies or great works of art, beauty, and music.
Here we will discuss the Positive aspects between Moon-Neptune, which always increase artistic sensitivity, but without the need for sadness to provide the inspiration.
Great works of art, beauty and music always carry a hint of pathos about them. The madonna's of Leonardo da Vinci had that ethereal sadness, which was also a hallmark of all the Renaissance artists. There was no laughter or giggling type of happiness ever portrayed in any of their sacred works. Leonardo had Moon in Pisces (Pisces is ruled by Neptune) which gives a similar sensitivity as Moon-Neptune but includes a deep empathy and compassion as well.
Inspirational sensitivity always has a Neptune quality to it. Any Venus-Neptune aspect makes one photogenic, while a Moon-Neptune aspect gives an acute sensitivity to beauty (great for photography and the film industry), as well as the environment, which is good for Feng Shui or interior design.
Prince Charles has Moon in Taurus, and has been able to sublimate his sad Neptune-Moon transit beautifully by coming out with his own line of garden furniture.
In this issue, we are giving the Client numbers of Subscribers who are born with a Positive Moon-Neptune aspect. This is the hallmark of emotional sensitivity which is excellent for art, music, film or any humanitarian work.
We have also included the Client numbers of Subscribers who have Neptune making a positive aspect to their Moon. We are giving you both the timing (when) and the duration (how long) of this transit.
The Moon represents your home and family, your moods, emotional security, feelings (not love, which is represented by Venus), public response and women in general. It also represents your dreams and the subconscious mind.
Neptune represents the inspirational side of you, which is particularly stimulated when something precious is denied in life. You will find Neptune prominent amongst those who are often misunderstood by society or live in a fantasy world e.g. actors, musicians and film producers. It increases escapist tendencies and even with a positive aspect between Moon and Neptune, one always has to be careful of drugs and alcohol. However, Moon-Neptune usually indicates idealism rather than addictions (which is more of a Mars-Neptune aspect).
Moon Neptune makes one idealize a parent (usually the mother), or beauty and increases the urge to save anyone who has problems or deep sadness in their life.
All Moon-Neptune aspects make one extremely sensitive, but how you use this painful sensitivity is what distinguishes the positive or negative outcomes. Even if you are born with an adverse aspect, you can always sublimate your acute sensitivity through saving professions, like nursing, or counseling others.
A positive Moon-Neptune aspect also gives one an artistic flair and an acute sensitivity to the environment, without the escapist tendencies of the negative aspects. Also, as mentioned before, the need for sadness is not necessary to stimulate the inspirational side.
Positive Moon-Neptune Aspects
Although a lot depends on other stabilizing factors in your chart, if Neptune makes a positive aspect to your natal Moon (Subscribers whose Client numbers are listed in this article), the following will apply to you:
• You will be acutely sensitive to the needs of others and have a sacrificing nature.
• You will be drawn to those who have had sadness in life, but will not necessarily make emotional misjudgments.
• A Moon-Neptune aspect is excellent for art, beauty professions and music.
• Many films producers and directors were born with a Moon-Neptune aspect (George Lucas and Roberto Rossellini).
• A Moon-Neptune aspect increases your intuition and imagination.
• Many humanitarian people are born with a Moon-Neptune aspect (Gandhi).
• Increases philosophical interests although more mysticism than logic.
• These individuals always retain a childlike curiosity, even later on in life.
• Very creative for art, music, makeup or anywhere you need subtle awareness to color, beauty, sound or sadness.
• Good in Media from the point of view of sensitivity for the arts and creativity.
• Ability to transform sadness into creative outlets.
• Very idealistic, romantic, and sensitive to art, beauty and sadness.
• Some daydreaming and living in a fantasy world unless you can sublimate it in positive ways.
• Increased intuition and inspiration.
• Sometimes mediumistic tendencies.
• Increases fantasies but they are manageable. This is excellent for actors and models or film directors because they can project them on the screen.
Please Note: Your Client number may appear in more than one list. For couples, suffix A is for the husband and B for the wife. The Client numbers listed do not have a zero in front, so if your Client # is C-09, it will be listed as C-9.
Subscribers Born with a Positive Moon-Neptune Aspect: The following Subscribers are born with a Positive Moon-Neptune aspect and all the points mentioned in this article apply to you all your life:
Public Figures: Actor Marlon Brando, Rudolf Valentino, Sean Penn, Sydney Poitier and Tatum O’Neal. Artist and painter Henry Matisse and impressionist Pierre Renoir. Composers George Gershwin and Mozart. Fashion Designers Eves Saint-Laurent (became illustrator with Vogue at age 18) and Perry Ellis. Film Producers Alfred Hitchcock (used his Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune morbid sensitivity to produce horror films), George Lucas and Roberto Rossellini. Jacqueline Kennedy, Joan of Arc (sacrificed her life for a cause), Lisa Marie Presley, Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammed Ali, Norman Vincent Peale who wrote The Power of Positive Thinking, poet Robert Browning, Rosicrucian Max Hindel, Singers John Lennon, Michael Jackson and Prince, Tiffany Trump (surrounded by beauty) and statesman Winston Churchill (who was also an artist).
Inspired Sensitivity till 2012:
The following Subscribers have Moon between 20°’ and 29° of Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius, and are going through a Positive Neptune-Moon transit. All the points listed in this article apply to them already from beg 2006 till end 2012.
You may have experience heightened sensitivity to color or sound (music and singing) and can easily sublimate it into art, music, volunteer work or a “saving profession. Avoid escapist tendencies and try to be near the ocean or lake to make use of this transit. Property near water and listening to classical music is an excellent way to utilize this theme:
Public Figures: Bill Gates, Janet Jackson, Julian Lennon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Luciano Nicole Kidman, Pavarotti, Margaret Trudeau, Mel Gibson, Sally Field and Wayne Gretzky.
How to Use This Article: We have listed the Client numbers of those of you who are getting adverse transits from Neptune to your natal Moon. We have also included the Client numbers of those of you who are born with adverse Neptune/Moon aspects, and also those who have Moon in Pisces (the sign “ruled” by Neptune).
Your Client number may appear more than once, so make sure that you look at all the lists! Letter A is for the husband, B for the wife, C for the first child, D for the second child and so on.
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