World Predictions October 2017 Uranus in Taurus as it moves from Uranus in Aries. Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Scorpio analysis.
Jupiter in Scorpio happens once in 12 years as Jupiter is 12 Years cycle. Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio from 10 Oct 2017 to 8 Nov 2018.
There will be an increase in awareness of the mysteries of life and deeper understanding of the self without being a fanatic about it.
New Discoveries and insight into Ancient Civilizations.
Egyptology and revival of Ancient Rites will be in vogue (be careful of spiritual seduction and psychic vulnerability).
The sign of Scorpio also covers anything which comes from under the Earth like oil, coal, and mining.
With Jupiter in Scorpio, the military hardware will be sold and an unprecedented rate. Rocket launcher, tanks, drones for military use will have a booming business. Supersonic jets and bombers and anti-missile technology will all thrive.
Russia and China stand to gain the most from sales of military-related technology and hardware.
For the full article on Jupiter in Scorpio click here.
(Peace Update) 8 Oct 2017
Jupiter in Libra and Peace Initiative finally came as news broke that thousands of Palestinian and Israeli women marched to Jordon river to protest against the injustices and war. It culminated in Jerusalem. Women are raising their voices for the first time and it is about time as it is their sons and daughters who go to war and they are the only ones who can truly influence the process.
This is exactly in keeping with the Jupiter in Libra and Peace forecast we made and is still in effect. Chances for Diplomacy and Peace are still there as long as it initiated before 10th Oct when Jupiter moves into the sign of Scorpio. Hopefully, this is an omen that it is the beginning of something very positive even though it is happening almost on the last two days of the transit.
In 1986, I wrote about the market crash of Oct 1987 and it happened when we predicted based on Saturn in Sagittarius (same as 1929 crash).
Oct 2017 the same transit is back for the Stock Market
At the same time, we also predicted the market crash for Oct 2017. We can at least expect a major correction as Saturn represents curbs and realistic values and Sag is the sign of gambling. This is exactly how the market has become unrealistic speculative. The last day for this is 8 Dec 2017. However, there is always the possibility that the Feds manipulate the market by giving false economic figures and printing billions.
Update: It seems the Trump effect is holding the market up and those responsible are trying to make the speculators total gamblers. However, bitcoin did crash a bit and that may have offset it to some extent. Mars in Sagittarius from 0
After the Oct 2017 date, the Next Major Stock Market Crash is in Oct 2046!!
However, invest at your own risk and call us to have your chart analyzed if you want to invest, as each chart is different and the timing is very critical.
Millions will gain and millions will lose in the stock market in Oct 2017!
There are World Events themes going on at any given time which is similar to your personal themes and it has to do with the collective consciousness of the city, country or the whole world.
Donald Trump has Mercury in Cancer sq Neptune and both of these aspects make him extremely intuitive. Many psychics also have an adverse aspect between Mercury and Neptune. This gives them wild imagination and also makes them believe and justify their actions. Ironically, most politicians are also born with this and that is why they promise you something and then change over time. Obama, Pierre and Justin Trudeau, and most senate members
With Saturn in Sagittarius (curbs in immigration) from Dec 2014 and especially from Sep 2016 till 19 Dec 2017, we witnessed Brexit. This transit also helped Trump as he had accurately sensed this planetary theme.
His promise for Peace in other countries was also a major factor besides the usual job promises.
However, both these campaign promises are coming to an end very soon by Dec 2017.
I still feel Trump is scheming enough to get things his way and will get the border wall finished probably with hi-tech solar panels. He will also curb immigration.
Time for diplomacy and peace around the world is coming to an end on Oct 10, 2017, when Jupiter moves away from Libra
Jupiter will then move into Scorpio for one year and will affect oil production and prices around the world.
Based on Jupiter in Libra and Trump's chart, we had predicted his victory. However, the deep state has taken over his original agenda for peace and people don't even realize it. His disappointments are coming to an end by Oct 2017 (Saturn conj Moon) which has coincided with the failed attempts at healthcare reform. He may also be giving up on trying to bring peace in the Middle East and even North Korea.
The danger of Nuclear explosions will finish as Uranus in Aries moves to Uranus in Taurus by May 2018 but there will be a brief danger again between Nov 2018 and Mars 2019 when it retrogrades back in Aries.
He originally said he wouldn't mind meeting Kim Ung but the establishment opposed him a lot and used the media to make fun of him so now he is just going along with the military complex.
As Uranus moves into Taurus from the early part of 2018, there will be major reforms in health and insurance.
Income Tax Reform is also part of that and is destined to happen. Trump will be instrumental in bringing about these changes once Saturn finishes its conj to his Moon by end of Oct 2017.
- Major changes to Health Plans in the USA in May 2018, Nov, then Mar 2019 till July 2025.
- Trump will bring about major reforms in health and insurance and Income tax reform is also part of what is destined to happen.
There will be new ways of doing old outdated methods
- Virtual Real Estate VR etc will become much more accessible in the next seven years (Uranus is an 84-year cycle and stays in each sign for 7 years).
- There will be a major boom in the VR technology applied to Older Properties and to Historical places.
- You will be able to visit real estate properties in a Virtual World as well as walk in the rooms (combined with health benefits of actually having to walk through the places even if it using VR glasses).
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