Awareness of Your Subconscious Motivations
We are all born with certain pre-destined “themes”. These are basically your inner needs which you are destined to satisfy either consciously or subconsciously through your activities, vicarious experiences or even dreams!
In order to control your destiny and use your free choice effectively, it is important to understand:
• your basic needs
• the areas where you seek to satisfy them, and
• how to sublimate them properly
Otherwise, you will feel as if you are being led by events beyond your control, which adversely affect your relationships, attitude towards others and your happiness in the long run.
The following is a general overview of some important points regarding your innate needs and cycles:
1- You are born with many types of needs (or “themes” as I call them).
2- Some of these are general and apply to every individual (please, no exceptions!), while others are very specific and only apply to some.
2a- General Themes: Everyone is motivated by an inner compulsion to experience twelve basic needs.
Although there may be many more, they fall within this broad category. These needs (corresponding to the 12 signs of the zodiac and discussed in detail in our articles on “How to Lead a Balanced Life”) are to be active, to earn, think (be inquisitive), feel (nurture, nourish and also seek emotional security), show off and seek applause, serve, share and love, contemplate deeply, travel and seek Truth, achieve your goals, be unconventional in some area, and have empathy and dream.
2b- Specific Themes: These are themes which correspond to the planets in different signs, planets in the houses and aspects between planets. The aspects between planets make you really unique and a complex person. They not only show themes like obsessions, escapism, high drive or the type of sensitivity, but also if you will be able to fulfil them easily.
3- There are different areas of life where you will satisfy your basic needs. For example, you may have an innate need for action in some area of your life, stability in another or the need to save others in yet another area e.g. at home, in your workplace or in marriage.
4- Transits of planets through houses and the aspects they make to natal planets reflect the changes in your basic needs
5- There are many ways to satisfy your inner needs - both positive and negative.
6- Your needs have to be satisfied one way or the other. To offset your themes in positive ways, you will need to use your free choice, but you don’t have to do anything to experience the negative outcome
In your chart, themes are represented by the position of planets by sign, houses and angles between each other i.e. aspects. These are all indicative of your potential and what you are born with.
One of the most important elements of success in life involves looking for it in the right areas. A person who aspires spiritual bliss cannot really find it in Wall street and it would be unrealistic for someone to try to obtain the position of a senior executive when all they really enjoy is routine work.
The same goes for the selection of your friends, your spouse, the type of home you have or even your career goals. Your subconscious is very much aware of all this, yet the dictates of the society and social customs often lead our conscious mind to make the wrong choices.
How Your Needs are Fulfilled and Themes offsetBoth the experience of your theme and its duration are pre-destined, but how you offset your theme is your free choice! If you are born with any Moon/Neptune aspect, then you will not feel good till you are really sad from time to time! However, instead of having self-pity and crying for yourself, you can shed tears for others and change it into compassion. You will still fulfil your need to experience sadness, but it is your free choice how you offset this theme!
Similarly, if you are born with a Venus/Neptune aspect, then you will set yourself up for experiencing sadness through love by being too idealistic. You can offset this theme by getting involved in a profession where you project fantasy on the screen or acting out a sad and romantic part.
Henry Mancini had Neptune transiting his 5th house (sadness in love) and opposing his natal Venus (one of the major signs of sorrow in love) when he composed the beautiful themes of Love Story and Romeo and Juliet! Incidently, he was born with both Mercury and Moon sextile Pluto i.e. both the conscious and the subconscious awareness of the Truth. He was deeply aware of need of the masses and was able to fulfill it by using his own sadness as an inspiration to touch the hearts of millions.
Similarly, Moon in Leo gives you a need for applause and recognition which makes you somewhat dramatic and theatrical. To fulfil this need, you will subconsciously try to seek limelight and become famous or perhaps even infamous in the process – as long as it generates attention!
If you have too many debts which are restricting your lifestyle, maybe you have surrounded yourself with assets to feel secure or have simply over-extended your need to achieve (too many Capricorn planets).
People who have a need for attention often display a dramatic temper when their need for attention (planets in Leo) is ignored. When a customer is angry about something, the worst thing to do is to ignore them.
You may have the need to save people (Neptune aspects) but have no outlet for this, so you look for those who have nothing but psychological problems or sadness in their life. The key to offsetting this theme is to become involved in a “saving” career or humanitarian work to avoid getting involved with a lost cause in your personal life!
Similarly, the need to escape into fantasy world (Moon/Neptune) may lead you into music and art, or wasting of time by continuously watching the TV. Some themes can be very addictive like the need to be obsessed with anything (Mars/Neptune). These can be excellent for sports but can also lead to drug abuse.
Master of Your Own Destiny?In its final analysis, remember that you tend to set yourself up for success, failure, happiness, sadness, lack of respect, fame, scandals, achievements, marital bliss or even separations because of your inner needs. The only difference between success and failure in any aspect of your life is the ability or the lack of it to consciously direct your subconscious motivation or your “themes”.
The difficult question is whether you want to be successful or not? For example, you may think you want to succeed in your career, yet not take advantage of any promotional opportunities by only doing what you are asked to and nothing more! Reminds me of the meaningful joke “how many psychiatrists does it take to turn the light bulb?” the answer is “one, but the light bulb has to want to change”!
I guide my clients based on their awareness of the problems they are having, because they will keep making the same mistake over and over again till they finally realize it or their need is fulfilled for them - whichever comes first! Unless of course they learn to satisfy their themes in positive ways.
So when some of my clients tell me of the hard times they are having in life, they are basically admitting a lack of awareness of how they set themselves up for it.
On the other hand, there is a client of mine who has a Venus Neptune conjunction in Virgo and has always been attracted to those who have alcohol problems. However, she understands this now and refuses to be involved with them in her personal life although she will still help them in overcoming their problem.
One of my clients who is somewhat of a globetrotter, really understands the themes. Everytime their is a delay in her flight, instead of feeling frustrated and upset like everyone else, she simply thanks her lucky stars because she knows it is offsetting some negative theme!
Transits Reflect Your Changing ExperiencesAs the planets are moving or “transiting”, they make different aspects to your natal planets, and this indicates whether your needs are being fulfilled positively or not. For example, an astrologer would translate Neptune in your 5th house as “a confusing period for all matters pertaining to children...”.
What is really happening is that you will set yourself up for sadness in this area by not planning or failing to make good decisions regarding children. This can often coincide with children out of wedlock or unplanned pregnancy.
However, if you were aware of your inner needs, you would try to offset this theme by not being involved with deceptive relations in the first place.
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