One of the most dangerous and violent aspects to have is an adverse aspect between Mars (physical drive) and Pluto (radical transformations). Those who are born with this aspect can display violent temper from time to time especially if they are also born with a Mars Saturn adverse aspect (bottled up anger). Once this aspect is touched off by Mars or Saturn, violence occurs in their life.
It is interesting how even minor adverse aspects in the chart give the tendency towards violence and can be triggered off by transiting planets. For example, someone with Mars Saturn adverse aspect is prone to temper and flying off the handle. If they do not have physical outlets, then it comes out as sudden temper from time to time. This transit can also indicate car accidents, head injuries and even aviation accidents if Mars is touching off Uranus.
Rajiv Gandhi was born with an adverse Mars Uranus aspect which shows danger from assassination and explosions. When Mars was making a 45° angle which we call a semi-square, he died in a bomb explosion with Moon in his 12th house and his defenses were down. We hardly take minor aspects into consideration but often it is these relatively unknown and rarely used transits which trigger major accidents.
How to Use This Article: We are publishing the Client numbers of those of you who are getting the lucky transits from Pluto to your natal Mars. If your Client number is listed at the end of this article, then all the points are given here apply to you. Your Client number may appear more than once, so make sure that you look at all the lists! Letter A is for the husband, B for the wife, C for the first child, D for the second child and so on.
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