There are certain definite planetary correlations which we have observed consistently between those who are lefthanded and their planetary predisposition. As we had expected, the combination of Saturn (restrictions), 3rd house (communication) and Mercury (reflexes, hands, speech, coordination etc.) were involved.
The four variations of the above that seem to bring about this trait are listed in their order of significance:
1- Aspects from Saturn ( ) to Mercury ( ) i.e. any angle between these two planets. There are five main aspects and if you have them in your chart, then you will have some or all of th traits we have mentioned here.
2- Sign of Capricorn on either side of the 3rd house i.e. if your M.C. is Cancer or Leo (column D or E in your Moon's transits).
3- Saturn in the 3rd house
4- Mercury in the sign of Capricorn ().
Important: This article not only applies to those who are left-handed but also to those who have any of the above mentioned astro-patterns in their chart - even if they are right-handed. If you used to write or spell words backwards or if your hand is inflexible or if you always seem to have nothing but delays in life, then you can be almost positive that you have some combination of the above.
The degree to which all the interpretations apply is directly proportional to the degree of inflexibility of the hand. The extreme of this is the left-handed individual. The more rigid the hand, the more stubborn and inflexible but also more dependable is the person. Any combination of the above will make the thinking process more methodical and increase concentra tion as well as focus - even for those who are righthanded. Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are prime examples of those who were extremely bright but it was their Saturn/Mercury aspect which gave them the focus and tenacity they needed to use their high intelligence in a productive way. It took several years for Einstein to formulate his General Theory of Relativity and it took Leonardo 41 /2 years to finish his Mona Lisa!
Let us use what we have learnt so far to formulate the following interesting correlations between those who are left handed and their personality and temperamental traits. These also apply to anyone who has a Mercury Saturn aspect (even if they are not left handed) but not to the full extent. Here is the interpretion for the astrological patterns of Mercury Saturn (Positive or adverse):
• They often spell words backwards or write with a backward slant
• Have a deliberate way of speaking or not very fluent (especially with men). This can often be due to some speech impediment or the something to do with their teeth or the tongue (lisping).
• Analytical but pondering mind.
• Conservative and reliable approach
• Stop and go quality in everything they do
• Tremendous amount of persistance and ability to withstand struggles (Joan of Arc)
• Many delays in life and in any project they undertake.
• Steady achievers (best results after 35)
• Delays in university degrees. Usually take trade or professional and evening courses focussing on practical application of knowledge rather than theory. They often pick up education later in life.
• Get right to the point, although some can talk like a house on fire if Mercury is not in Capricorn
• Ability to overcome personal defects e.g. a person who stutters badly becomes an eloquent speaker
• Can sometimes indicate stuttering in early life if Mercury was in Gemini or Sagittarius (think faster than they can speak).
• Good for dental and chiropractic profession
• Inclined more towards traditional and proven techniques
• Deep respect for tradition and culture
• One of the best aspects for a person who is versatile. It can bring out the genius in them because of better focus, tenacity and concentration.
• Can deal very well with precision and technical details (excellent drafting skills)
• Do not learn new skills fast but more thoroughly in the long run unless Mercury is in Air or Fire signs
• Usually not very flexible ie.only do one thing at a time (exceptions are the Mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces).
• Genius becomes knows because they are persistant and keep coming back till they finish what they started especially in Air and Fire signs.
Makes Earth and Water signs too slow and conservative (quiet achivement which nobody knows about).
• They are good credit risks in the long run
• If versatile, then truly versatile i.e. they can do many things and do them well (especially mutable signs) Isaac Newton.
• Need more trace minerals in their diet (we think there is difficulty in assimilating trace minerals but this needs testing in a laboratory setting)
• Strong hands (Tennis ace Martina Navratilova)
Some examples of those who were left handed are given below along with our astro-insights:
Leonardo da Vinci: Saturn-Mercury opposition. He had a Sagittarius ascendant (your editor has the same rising sign although he is not left-handed) which accounted for his versatility and interest in so many areas of life. Michelangelo: (also Sagittarius rising) had a wide Saturn-Mercury trine. Marilyn Monroe: Saturn in the 3rd house and wide Saturn-Mercury opposition. Mark Twain: Capricorn on 3rd house cusp and wide Saturn-Mercury conjunction. Judy Garland: Exact Saturn-Mercury square. Napoleon Bonaparte: Saturn-Mercury conjunction.
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