Due to the complexity and sensitivity of this article, we are writing it in two parts so that we can give you many examples of other people who have had similar aspects. This will also help you to apply the important principles given in this article in your own personal life. In this issue, we will discuss the positive awareness of Truth and in our next issue, we will deal with the negative aspects of it.
Pluto aspects to the Moon always intensify the emotional perception and the deep understanding of human emotions. These aspects always indicate a person who has a powerful awareness of the subconscious desires of people.
The positive Moon/Pluto aspects increase the emotional tenacity and ability to research, whereas the negative aspects (conj., square, opposition etc.) increase the vindictiveness and the need to jealously guard one’s personal life.
Something precious always has to be denied to stimulate the wisdom, so those with Moon/Pluto aspects often experience personal growth through unavoidable upheavals at home.
The main difference between those who have a positive aspect between Moon and Pluto and those with negative aspects really shows. Those born with positive aspects evolve through these experiences and use their powers to generally benefit the masses. Those born with negative aspects hold grudges, become bitter with life and become resentful. They could also (consciously or not) lead the masses in the wrong direction.
The following are some of the typical questions that are best answered by those with a Moon/Pluto aspect: Why do some people go through tragic periods in their life? Do they set themselves up for it or is it just by chance that everyone has to go through it at different times? What lessons are to be learnt here? Can people be wise without having gone through sadness in their life?
Dreams: Why do most people not see themselves being very successful in their dreams? Is the subconscious always telling the Truth regardless of your circumstances or is it constantly being influenced by your insecurities. Can an unsuccessful entrepreneur become very successful at least in his dreams (not just imagination which is conscious) and then condition himself to achieve success in real life?
Music: We know that music affects your heartbeat, pulse rate and even blood pressure. Can religious hymns, meditation, choirs etc. stimulate the pious side of your nature? Do violent lyrics lead to destructive and antisocial nature in teenagers? Can listening to Chopin lower your blood pressure?
Films and TV: Are the film scripts, especially the so-called “thrillers”, not written to stimulate the destructive side of your nature by playing on the primitive instincts and all the negative human emotions like violence, humiliation, sarcasm, fear, vengeance and misuse of power (I am not sure where to categorize sex!).
When you see injustices in the world or in your own personal life, is it better to watch one of these “thrillers” as a release or do they stimulate the vindictive side of your nature even more? In other words, is it better for the violent emotions (which originate from the limbic region of the brain and have a hormonal component) to lie dormant or can they be satiated by watching these thrillers? (probably the more you watch them, the more it is stimulated and triggered off).
Now the answers to all these questions have obviously never changed, but a lot of damage is usually done to the psyche of the masses before something constructive is done to prevent such harm. We all know that children learn a lot of aggressive and almost mean behaviour from watching violence in cartoons.
However, by the time the government or censors do anything about it, there will be many barriers and delay tactics i.e. the sociological and psychological surveys conducted, approvals, bills introduced etc. before any action is taken. Even then, there will be all kinds of contradictory opinions which will confuse the issue even more. In fact, the surveys should be done before the psychologically harmful material is distributed to the masses!
Unfortunately, most of the above mentioned points were created by people having negative aspects between Moon and Pluto! These are the type of questions which those with positive aspects between Moon and Pluto should really be writing about.
There are of course certain people who are able to perceive what the masses need better than others. By the need of the masses, we mean according to the laws of Nature. These individuals are usually born with a positive Moon Pluto aspect. Ironically, those with a negative aspect between Moon and Pluto are also able to perceive some elements of Nature, but mostly of negative origin.
For example, even witchcraft draws on the Laws of Nature but uses symbology to control others instead of healing them. When you hear gurus speaking of spiritual “powers”, you know that ego-gratification and misuse of power has become more important than spirituality.
• They understand the needs of the masses (Thomas Alva Edison, who had over 1000 patents, was born with it and must have had an innate sense of what the masses needed besides having an inventiveand brilliant mind).
• They have an innate ability to understand the reasoning behind events, especially upheavals and events which are beyond one’s control.
• Their talent for understanding anything which has Divine origin really shows up in crisis situations involving life and death
• They are motivated by “causes” and are willing to give many sacrifices in order to save others (Joan of Arc).
• As writers, they instill positive values in children and portray the best of human emotions (James Barrie - author of “Peter Pan”, Lewis Carroll - author of “Alice in Wonderland”, Hans Christian Andersen - author of “The Ugly Duckling” etc., Pearl S. Buck - author of “The Good Earth”).
• They are excellent researchers in any field they work in (Noah Webster laboured for 20 years over his Dictionary and Speller).
• They have a very strong visual mind and are always looking for ways to communicate visually (Samuel Goldwyn who produced the first full length American film, and Hugh Hefner - publisher of Playboy and also originator of the “Playboy philosophy”).
• As singers, they are able to touch people almost at the soul level (Perry Como) by their voice as well as the selection of their music and lyrics.
• They often influence the masses through publishing (Randolph Hearst, George Llewellyn - publisher of many astrology magazines and books).
• They have an innate belief in the positive mind (Norman Vincent Peale - author of “the Power of Positive Thinking”.
• They often set trends (Chuck Berry - rock ’n roll pioneer “Johnny B. Good”).
• As actors, they captivate the mood of the audience and are often involved with “causes” (Sean Connery, Richard Burton, Liz Taylor, Warren Beatty, Rudoph Valentino, Roy Rogers).
• As philosophers, they instill good moral values rather trying to impose their will on others and their teachings are followed for generations (Socrates whose doctrines were recorded by his student Plato).
• They are often drawn to the occult and metaphysics (Aleister Crowley was an occultist and magician, and William Wordsworth’s writings often reflect metaphysical themes.
• They are powerful commentators who are able to change people at the subconscious level without their even realizing it (David Brinkley - ABC co-anchorman).
• As entrepreneurs, they often help the masses (Andrew Carnegie who sold his giant steel company and devoted himself to promoting peace.
• They are powerful public speakers who draw on visual analogies and affective slogans to motivate the masses (Martin Luther King Jr. - “I have a dream”).
• They often have prophetic dreams.Subscribers Who Are Born With
Besides all the points listed above, you will also experience the following for the duration of this positive transit:
• You will become much more aware of your subconscious and habits. Remember that this is only once in a lifetime opportunity that you have (unless you are born with a Moon/Pluto aspect) and use this period to gain control of all your habits. This also an excellent time for any practices involving self-mastery.
• This is an excellent time to go over childhood events and re-evaluate any resentment that you might have towards parental authority.
• You will be very thorough in research and should trace your roots now and try to locate any lost relatives. This is one of the best periods for psychological analysis and understanding of your mind and symbology.
• This is one of the best times to understand your dreams, and you should try to write them down and learn to interpret them.
• You will be able to understand the reasoning behind events, and subtly influence the masses.
• You will be able to change people at a subconscious level i.e. without their even realizing it because of increased visual perception. You will draw better visual analogies and understand the needs of the masses much better. This is specially useful if you are involved with writing or communication.
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