There are two different themes happening around the world these days. Saturn in Scorpio reflecting the violence and cruelty, as well as medical breakthroughs but also the misuse of power from government spy agencies and the evil forces vs the Neptune in Pisces theme (once in 165 years) which is truly inspirational with strong humanitarian connotations.
We have violence and cruelty being stimulated by Saturn in Scorpio but we also have the most humanitarian aspect with Neptune in Pisces. It is like the cruel extremes will stimulate changes in laws around the world. It is sad that such changes only come about after some extreme events.
The good news is that Saturn will move away from Scorpio by the end of 2014 and mid 2015, while the inspirational, humanitarian and creative side reflected by Neptune in Pisces will continue till 2016!
Saturn in Scorpio from Oct 2012 till end of 2014 has coinced with so much suffering and civil wars in The Middle East but also some very important research.
Saturn rules the skeleton, and Scorpio is life-death situations. It is not a surprise that virtual autopsy (Virtopsy) is now available for medical students. They also finally have virtual disection for frogs in schools, which is great for children who have no intention of going into medicine.
of the day which was black (color for Moon in Scorpio)! We believe the power outage was sabotage which is the hallmark of events during Moon in Scorpio.
Everyone goes through a very stressful time when Mars makes an adverse aspect to your Neptune. During this period, your immune system is depleted and you are more prone to allergic reactions, nightmares, fraud and scandals. You need more rest and sleep to recuperate. Avoid drugs and alcohol and sublimate this obsessive period through art or music.
Those of you born in the '60s and children born between 1996 and 2010 are accident prone from theend of Aug to mid Oct 2013, and have to be careful of freak accidents involving the head and spine.
Mid July till end of Aug 2013 is a very stressful period for those born between 1942 and 1949 as well as those born in the '80s. Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., and Benjamin Netanyahu.
As mentioned above, there are always ways to offset a negative theme as you are more prone to allergic reactions and coming to wrong conclusions, just don't take unnecessary chances now and wait until this transit is over.
The Moon was in Scorpio when James Gandolfini, who played the role of Tony in the popular Soprano TV series, passed away as if reflecting the mafia theme he so accurately portrayed. He was a Virgo with Venus in Leo...but it may be easier for you to just listen to my analysis of his horoscope and what caused the heart attack.
Here is our youtube analysis of his chart and transits
Neptune in Pisces (Nature, flowers) and Pluto in Cap (radical changes in manufacturing ): The dandelion's roots contain latex, the milky liquid that is a source for natural rubber and the origin for the plant's name in a number of languages (the Danish for "dandelion" translates as "milk pot"). Using DNA profiling technologies, scientists at a Dutch biotech firm are developing a better rubber dandelion by crossing between the Russian dandelion and the common dandelion, to produce more rubber because of an increased size. Plants will be scanned for mutations that delivered beneficial characteristics in terms of yield, quality, sustainability or tolerance to drought and disease.
Neptune = fantasy Pisces = movies: As we forecasted a few years back, the creation of digital humans is becoming increasingly sophisticated and actors will soon be able to record their likeness, potentially allowing them to star in films long after they retire or are gone from this world. It won't be long before the first all-digital lead actor hits our screen, The imagery and the performances are absolutely believable and it will just take a director who is going to be brave enough to take a leap in that direction.
Jupiter in Cancer: We had mentioned about Jupiter moving into the sign of Cancer and family values returning and emphasis on home made food again. It is interesting that just recently there was a new law enacted in China where grown children must visit their parents or potentially face fines or jail! This is China's new “Elderly Rights Law” which deals with the growing problem of lonely elderly people by ordering adult children to visit their ageing parents. The law says adults should care about their parents “spiritual needs” and “never neglect or snub elderly people”. About time!
Neptune (fantasy) in Pisces (movies, 3D, VR)
The Oculus Rift headset is going to launch a revolution for virtual reality, promising to make it more immersive than ever. However, the concept is quite old but the timing has coincided with Neptune in Pisces.
Thanks to a huge show of support on crowdfunding website Kickstarter (Neptune in Pisces = charitable movements), Palmer Luckey's company Oculus is bringing what looks to be the world’s first viable gaming focused VR headset to the market. The 3D concept is quite old but the computerized rendition etc is what makes it quite unique and cutting edge. Virtual museums and tours will become so much more exciting now.
Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio: In an interesting twist to this, while writing about the upcoming 3D virtual world revolution several years ago, we had mentioned that we will probably have virtual strippers before any educational games, and now a site has done just that and given Palmer’s company $16 million to make the next generation adult entertainment scenarios (Saturn in “Scorpio”)!
As we had indicated before, Mohammad Morsi's conflicts with authority became much more difficult from Oct 2012 as Saturn squared his natal Mars. We mentioned last year that this very stressful aspect continues till about Sep 2013. However, from mid Aug 2013, he does have some positive aspects which may help him but he has to be less strict and more in touch with the emotional needs of his people.
What we were afraid of has happened and his natal Moon-Saturn aspect (emotional toughness) along with the Mars sq Saturn (major conflicts with authority and the military) seems to have temporarily put a damper on his presidency. We also mentioned in Jan 2013 that he has to be careful of wrong timing and trouble with the army and judiciary.
You can read the latest in our Famous Horoscope section where we analyzed the chart of Mohammad Morsi in more detail.
It was just announced that George Zimmerman was aquitted by the six women jury. They should probably have had more of a mixed jury and not all women. It seems that Jupiter sextiling his Mars is the luck element and also Jupiter sq Moon just before which indicates family reunions. This is also an indication of travel and he will probably move very soon to protect himself from the wrath of the public. Moon was late degrees Virgo, the same place where it was when he was born. Neptune opposing his natal Mars is a nightmare configuration which will be there for a few years. He is also born with a Mars sq Uranus which indicates freak accidents and danger from guns and knives.
The jury probably got confused with both versions of the story and aquitted him rather than just believing the defence. With Mercury retrograde, they erred as this was a clear case of manslaughter and we do not believe this is finished yet and there will probably be civil cases against him as well. George Zimmerman is definitely guilty and has every element of temper (Mars sq Uranus) delicate ego (Venus in Leo) which was snubbed by the aloof Mercury in Aquraius of Trayvon Martin, and is also a skillful liar (Mercury sq Neptune). He probably got scared as well as being somewhat of a vigilante and couldn't stand the young Trayvon standing up to him and shot him without any emotions (Moon was opposing his Saturn at the moment).
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