Venus in Scorpio is probably the most emotionally intense and passionate sign of the Zodiac. It is also the most mysterious and its power is most obvious in the nighttime. In love, Venus in Scorpio likes to have long-term relationships and has difficulty coping with breakups because they get so deeply involved.
Public Celebrities: Anne Hathaway, Bill Gates, Bruce Lee, Demi Moore, Drake, Hillary Clinton, Jay-Z, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jodie Foster, Katie Holmes, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Snoop Dogg, Ted Bundy, Vladimir Putin
Here is where you can find out which sign the planets Venus was in when you were born and what it means.
Just enter your birthdate below and click on Interpret button, then read the interpretation for your Venus position.
This is your natal Venus position and it remains the same all your life and never changes.
All the planets in signs are also given below Venus interpretation.
Scorpio colors project power like black and leather.
Here it has some Libra mauve mixed with it.
Black and red (Dracula colors) are their favorites!
Elvis had Venus in Capricorn but clearly
projects Scorpio power here with his black leather jacket
Some of Venus in Scorpio symbology is expressed through metal chokers,
black and dark red lipstick
Indpeth Report Discover your Strengths, Talents, Limitations, attitude towards Love, Money and also How to Offset Negative themes.
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Solar Life Report Just like your Birthdate, the Sun makes many other important Aspects on the Same Dates, Every Year, All Your Life!