Sadly, everyone ignored my prediction of a major Tsunami on the last day of Uranus in Pisces (11 Mar 2011) as we could have prevented so many lives.
At the same time, I also made a forecast of danger from nuclear explosions for seven years starting 12 Mar 2011, and both events happened and not even a day off.
The Tsunami occurred in Japan on 11 Mar 2011 (the last day of Uranus in Pisces as I had originally predicted), and the next day on 12 Mar 2011, there was a major explosion in the Fukushima nuclear reactor.
It scared me for the first time that Nature’s program could be so simple, yet nobody bothers to look at it. It is like Mac thinking which is very simple, but you have to think intuitively instead of sequentially.
Many Mac programs have no menu until you move the mouse, but a PC person wouldn’t think like that.
The danger of nuclear explosions and Nuclear War (Uranus in Aries) was also heightened for 7 years starting 12 Mars 2011, but thankfully, this is all coming to an end now.
The tsunami caused a cooling system failure at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, resulting in a level-7 nuclear meltdown and releasing radioactive materials.
Here is the original Radio Show with Rob McConnell of The XZONE, which was on 9 Nov 2008, almost 2 1/2 years before the tsunami happened the same week as predicted by HJ.
Japan Tsunami in March 2011 was predicted by HJ in Nov 2008! Prediction about Tsunami for March 2011
Here is a link to my prediction about Uranus in Pisces and Tsunamis. This is a radio interview with host Sandy Andrew.
It is a very interesting radio show and has a lot of very useful astrological insights. By the way, the other event which I predicted ended up being a 7.2 magnitude earthquake.
Radio Interview Followup with Sandy Andrew Re: Japan Tsunami
Uranus moves into Taurus on **15th May 2018 till 5th Nov** (CryptoCurrency starts the major revolution in currency exchange), then moves back in the sign of Aries (danger of Nuclear explosions again for the last time in 84 years) from 6th Nov 2018 till 5th March 2019.
Uranus moved back to Aries on March 6th 2019, and we will be safe from nuclear explosions or threats in the Middle East or elsewhere.
Uranus is an 84-year cycle and will again transit the sign of Aries from April 28, 2094!
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