Luckiest Time in Money, Love and Relationships
Jupiter making aspects to your Venus is one of the most auspicious times for love, relationships, and marriage.
It is also a time when you are lucky in your finances.
Are relationships destined and will you ever find your soulmate?
Does everyone have a made-in-heaven match somewhere in the world?
What kind of a relationship is that supposed to be?
Everyone talks about the "made-in-heaven match" match but never really discusses it in depth
Astrologically, there is nothing in Nature which recognizes a marriage! If two people meet, fall madly in love with each other and then one of them passes away, it is all gone. On the other hand, if you have a child, then regardless of whether you like each other or not, both your genes will show up in your great grandchildren a hundred years from now! Culture seems to play a very important part in keeping a relationship together but unfortunately, especially in the West, the sense of commitment is not that strong.
Although it depends on your chart and where Venus was when you were born, different planets touch off your Venus and modify your behavior for the duration of the transit. If you are born with a Venus Neptune aspect, you can never really be faithful to one person. You will always be after an illusion and if you don’t find romance in marriage, you will look for it elsewhere. If Neptune makes an aspect to your Venus by transit, then you will become infatuated with love for the duration of that transit (2 to 4 years).
Similarly, Jupiter increases your need to have a good time but without any sense of commitment. Unlike Saturn which gives a sense of duty and responsibility, Jupiter gives you a playboy playgirl quality. Of course, not everyone is going to become like that but the opportunities for new relationships will be there.
Here is the astrological sign of a Jupiter transit to your natal Venus in our newsletters before. So instead of going through all the explanations, we will just give a brief summary and then list the Client numbers of Subscribers who are going through these lucky transits.
Venus basically represents love, relationships, and your social popularity. Secondly, it is reflective of your financial status especially the opportunities for making money from what you enjoy most. Venus also reflects your attitude towards art, fashion, and clothing etc.
Jupiter represents the opportunist side of your nature. It is the “luck” element in everyone’s chart and its transits increase your likelihood of taking advantage of the situation at hand (depending on the house and planet being “touched off”). Jupiter making the aspect to your Venus increases your fun-loving nature and the willingness to increase your social life.
1- Any transit from Jupiter to your natal Venus (all Subscribers whose Client numbers are listed below) will increase your social popularity.
2-You will meet those who will make you very happy in love.
3- Your existing relationship will improve.
4- You will have more money but also more splurges (money that is not usually hard earned is also spent much faster!).
5- You will buy expensive clothing, jewelry, and perfumes (all of which may increase your popularity as well!).
This is one of the luckiest times for relationships and love matters. This is the time to meet your made-in-heaven match, and your social life improves. Even for existing relationships, this is an excellent time for patching up any differences.
The main drawback of a Jupiter-Venus transit is a tendency to procrastinate and weight gain. You will have a craving for sugar and sweets so make sure that you keep it in control if you do not wish to put on too much weight. You will also feel rich whether you can afford it or not, so watch your financial splurges!
How to Use This Article: We used to publish client number manually before which was a tedious method. Now all you need to do is subscribe to our AstroCalendar & Oracle program, The Oracle portion of it will give you all the dates for love, money, health, windfalls, accident-prone days etc as soon as you go on the page and it only applies to you as it is personalized based on your birthdate, time and place of birth.
When transiting Jupiter makes any aspect to your natal Venus:
• This is one of the best aspects of romance and marriage proposals. However, it does not necessarily mean a commitment.
• You are drawn to foreigners and those who you meet while traveling.
• Besides marriage, this is also an excellent transit for making new friends.
• You meet people who are usually quite well off and involved with the law, philosophy, education, import/export, and transportation.
• Your social popularity as well as your wealth increases.
• Recognize that your timing is excellent, so make a conscious effort to improve your marriage or friendships.
• You will buy more designer clothes (just be careful of too many splurges).
• This is the best time to update your wardrobe and to get skin products and new perfumes. Your taste improves, becomes more expensive and there is also a luck element in buying clothes at better prices.
• This transit increases your internal need to choose the right person for love, friendship and happy relationships.
• This is one of the most fertile periods for having children (especially girls).
• Marriages started during this transit usually have a very happy ending.
• This transit often coincides with meeting the perfect person while traveling or proposals from foreign countries
• You will become more interested in interior design, art, and fashion.
• Your finances will improve but so will your splurges. Be careful that you do not overindulge in luxury and comfort.
• You will have to watch weight gain and a craving for sugar.
If you are born with a Jupiter Venus aspect, then all the qualities mentioned in this article (on page 3) will apply to you all your life.
You will be drawn to foreigners or those who travel a lot and are philosophical in nature. You will also attract those who are quite wealthy and involved with law, education or transportation. You might have a tendency to put on weight easily and will have to fight against procrastination. In terms of business, you should focus on wholesale buying and selling as opposed to retail, of some product which is artistic in nature and is used to beautify self or the environment.
The following Celebrities and Public Figures were born with a Venus-Jupiter aspect.
It is very easy for them to become wealthy although quite a few people who make money from unethical means also have this aspect which is an aspect of easy money or wealthy parents sometimes. If you want an actor or singer who will be successful in terms of business, then nowadays at least, this is a very important factor to consider. hire someone who has a lot of wealth in their natal chart!
Public Figures: Aishwarya Rai, Donald Trump, Paul Allen, Suri Cruise, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Johnny Depp, Kate Middleton, Madonna, Prince, Yanni. Bollywood stars John Abraham, Karina Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan.
Those of you who have Jupiter moving into your 7th house of marriage have one of the luckiest times now for marriage now. Check your Astrocalendar and click the blue Jupiter cycle in your Ten Essential Cycles calendar page to see where Jupiter is right now in your chart.
This is also an excellent time for marriage especially if you are involved with someone who you meet while traveling, or is from a foreign land and is rather philosophical and travels a lot or teaches.
You will also make many new friends who will help you in your goals in life. This transit is similar to Jupiter aspecting Venus so all the points mentioned in this article (especially about relationships) will apply.
Those of you who have Jupiter moving into your 5th house is also lucky when it comes to love matters (engagements) especially if you are involved with someone who is rather philosophical and travels a lot or teaches. It is also a great time for having children (often twins!).
This transit is similar to Jupiter making an aspect to Venus so all the points mentioned in this article (especially about relationships) will apply. This transit also coincides with the time when you are lucky with stocks and speculation.
This transit is also one of the best transits for speculation and having children.
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