9 April 2014
A lot of people have been making a big deal about the “blood” Moon and how it is the beginning of the end of the world etc. the same routine which the doomsday prophets used to scare people to repent or buy their potions or whatever the scam was. I am sure there are some who actually believe it is the end of the world or some major apocalypse is upon us.
The lunar eclipse of 15th April 2014 is significant only because there is a grand square in the sky as well. This will create a lot of stress on the tectonic plates as the planets try to pull the earth off its orbit and you will find more earthquakes during this period.
Tedtrad Lunar Eclipse
Astrologically, everyone born in the 1940s and 1950s as well as the 1980s is being affected including Vladimir Putin. Besides the possibility of strong earthquakes, the military actions are a distinct probability during this time (21st and 22nd Apr are even more significant in terms of the earthquakes as the Moon will be in Capricorn conj Pluto (tectonic plates).
Mars conjuncts Saturn in Putin's chart on 12th April followed by the Lunar Eclipse on 15th, making this a time when he loses patience and can initiate military action. His timing is not good and he will be provoked by the US and European countries and even the people behind the IMF orchestrating some of this.
The next crisis situation is around end of June when the same pattern repeats itself for the third time in his chart! This one is even more dangerous as Mars conj Neptune on 7th July which is a nightmare scenario and mentally very stressful. However, with Mercury in Libra, Putin has a very rational and his not one to jump the gun. In fact, he just wants to protect the Russians living in Eastern Ukraine but wants to leave Ukraine as a major headache for EU and the West.
Vladimir Putin
Peaches Geldof was born in 1989 and as I wrote on our website in Dec 2013, everyone born in the 1980s is all going through a very stressful transit from Mars as it squares their Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. This makes them go into depression, nightmare configuration and immune system being down as well as wrong timing. This transit will continue till July 2014 and you should check out the dates who is vulnerable.
I wish the parents of these age groups would really pay more attention to how they are feeling as they feel very unloved and are in a nightmare as well as a major accident configuration.
1940s and 50s as well as 1980s till beg 90s are all affected by this transit till July 2014. Vladmir Putin is also going through it and in Apr 2014 and July it is exact so you can expect more trouble in Ukraine also.
- You need more rest and sleep to recuperate
- Avoid drugs and alcohol
- Sublimate this obsessive period through art or music
- You are more prone to allergic reactions
- Jumping the gun and coming to wrong conclusions
- Don’t take unnecessary chances
- Stay away from guns and knives
- Avoid being confrontational
I got the full list of passengers of the Malaysian Airlines MH-370 and was able to enter 90 of them in my astrology program. it was very time consuming as all the dates had to be entered manually. I am still working on it but what I found very interesting is that there were three sets of astrotwins. In other words, there were three people who were born on exactly the same birthdate as three others and they were not related and in fact were born in different countries.
There were three patterns I was looking for 1- accident configuration 2- freak accident which are aviation related 3- drowning. Many of them had such configurations but not all of them. The pilot's chart is
Insight on MH370 Birth Chart: I did some research and found out that when MH370 was first flown and the maiden flight was much more revealing than when it was delivered. I am not sure why this would be taken as the "birthdate" of the 777 but if it is, then the aspects in the natal chart of it are quite dangerous and very revealing. It cannot be just a coincidence but it is something I am putting on our research tasks for future. The following is more for seasoned astrologers and I just want them to be aware so they can help as well.
Here are the aspects present in the chart of the first flight:
Moon in Gemini (same as when MH370 was lost) conj Saturn conj Mars and all of these opp Pluto. Moon came back to its own position on its last flight.
Moon conj Saturn: Depression, sadness for family, no emotions
Mercury conj Saturn and Mercury opp Pluto: Both of these are a bit wide but feel this is very important. First one indicates communication problems and the 2nd one is an aspect of conscious awareness of life-death situations. The Mercury Saturn aspect repeated itself in the sky and I feel this is the main reason also for the disaster (no communication, satellite antennae or batteries, all are part of it).
Moon opp Pluto: Destruction of homes and family and homes. It is like bombing raids during war.
Mars conj Saturn: Fire. This is actually a major accident configuration and can lead to mechanical failure but we will have to check the previous record log.
Mars opp Pluto (wide): This is a violent aspect and can point to life/death situations. It does have some political connotation as well.
Saturn opp Pluto: Authority against the system and politics. This is a longterm aspect and after we find the cause, it may shed more light on the incident.
There are many strong astrological symbols showing up in the time the place took off also. Saturn in Scorpio and Scorpio/Sagittarius on 12th (death of an older pilot) in a foreign country that is outside Malaysia flying towards India? (Sagittarius on 12th = flying towards a philosophical country). Saturn in Scorpio in 12th can also point to medical emergency but something a bit more sinister in terms of military defense and where govt is involved or secret technology.
The Captain's chart is also very revealing. He had Saturn in Capricorn (everyone born in1961) and going through an exact Mars square Saturn which is a major accident configuration. It also shows wrong timing, lot of frustration and anger which often leads to heart problems and we feel that the Captain was somehow incapacitated.
Analysis of Plane Takeoff
Uranus in Aries (fire) in 3rd house (transportation) may be an indication of the front tire on fire considering the hot night with an overloaded plane (this has happened before at Kennedy International and the transponders were silent at that time as well). I didn't get a chance to do the charts of all the passengers but quite a few of them has the nightmare Mars-Neptune or the aviation freak accidents (Mars-Uranus) or the accident configuration Mars-Saturn, but I still don't want to come to any conclusions till we get more news.
Why were they not able to land at Pulau Langkawi or did they overshoot the runway on autopilot as they were disabled by smoke? Saturn-squ-Mercury seems to have been reflective of electric short circuits or fire affecting the signals and communication to the point that the Captain was not able to communicate at all.
Hijack or suicide and terrorism seems out of question here.
The Mars sq Mercury in Captain's chart is probably shouting instructions. Both the Captain and the younger First Officer having major accident configuration would also make sense. We don't have the time of birth of anyone which makes it difficult to take planes in houses e.g. even when you don't have an accident aspect, you could still have Mars in 12th (major health house) or in 9th (danger while travelling).
#MH370 #malaysianairlines #astrology #horoscope
Both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a major accident configuration which happens every seven years. Mars Saturn adverse aspect normally indicates lot of legal hassles, being prone to accident and heart due to frustration. The health issues finish after Nov 2014. People get really angry during this transit and it creates blood pressure problem. Drinking more water and pacing yourself helps during this period.
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