Venus in Capricorn normally don't display their feelings and show their affection with material gifts. In love, Venus in Capricorn is caring but not too demonstrative. They like material assets, big houses and mahogany furniture. Those with Venus in Capricorn tend to be rather lonely eagles and need to spend time on social activities instead of just work. Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson and Elvis Presley all had Venus in Capricorn.
Public Celebrities: Alicia Keys, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Cindy Crawford, Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, James Dean, Jim Carrey, Justin Timberlake, Ludwig van Beethoven, Miley Cyrus, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney
Here is where you can find out which sign the planets Venus was in when you were born and what it means.
Just enter your birthdate below and click on Interpret button, then read the interpretation for your Venus position.
This is your natal Venus position and it remains the same all your life and never changes.
All the planets in signs are also given below Venus interpretation.
Earth colors, browns, tan leather mixed with black, conservative expensive clothes but not flashy suits.
![]() Tan handbag |
Mahogany table |
![]() |
Elvis (Venus in Cap) exuded magnetism in black leather.
Capricorn with Leo Asc
or Leo with Cap Asc! |
Ven in Cap reflects expensive conservative suits
Indpeth Report Discover your Strengths, Talents, Limitations, attitude towards Love, Money and also How to Offset Negative themes.
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Solar Life Report Just like your Birthdate, the Sun makes many other important Aspects on the Same Dates, Every Year, All Your Life!