Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are actually very different and not the most compatible!
However, I have always believed that when a couple starts looking like each other in the long run, it is because there is a certain recognition of our own features in the other person which attracts us to them in the first place, regardless of how different our character is. As you can see from this picture, the tips of their noses are almost identical. Just kidding but it is true! To an artist, there are many common features in their face actually, from the way they smile to the profile which is very very similar.
This bodes well for the couple in future as they will be more forgiving with someone who looks like them to some degree! Prince Harry has a wonderful sense of humor and this will help the relationship as well. He will also appreciate her humanitarian side which is very genuine.
It may be the sign of the times that Uranus in Taurus is coinciding with a break from tradition. this happens once every 84 years and just happens to coincide exactly when they are getting married!
Meghan does have her Headline totally separate from the LifeLine so will be non-conformist and break many traditions. The good thing is that she is not a selfish person and will do anything to help the underprivileged and
I will dedicate a whole article to the Royal wedding but I have a feeling that they will get along not because they are compatible but because they are complementary! They add something to each other and if they trust each other's intent, it can be a wonderful relationship which will benefit the masses a lot.
Jupiter is in Meghan's 4th house indicating the luck with the residence and living in a Palace. Jupiter moves in her 5th house in Aug 2018 till Oct 2019, This is an extremely lucky transit for having children (at least two or even twins if one of them has had twins in their family). She will also be involved with children a lot possible due to her mission to do with children around the world.
Updated 17 May 2018
As I had mentioned in our Jan 2018 Forecast, "Meghan Markle has a major accident configuration almost throughout 2018 but gets exact around Dec 2018. It will most likely have to do with her relatives as her disappointments and hassles are from 3rd house". Third House represents close relatives including brothers and sisters, but the accident configuration also is for her father (as Mars in the ruler of her 10th house). The accident configuration is an aspect of heart which Bill Clinton also has till the end of 2018 and applies to Meghan (temper and upset at her siblings probably) as well as her father. The exact Saturn-Mars transit in her chart is the end of Dec 2018 and Jan 2019 after which it moves away.
#PrinceHarryAndMeghan if #PrinceHarry keeps his beard for the wedding, then it bodes well for the marriage as Meghan has Capricorn on her7th house (marriage) and needs a partner who is a father figure! Beard is at symbolic of that even though she is actually older.
This is my latest treat for all of you!
Which movies to watch today based on the Moon position! Just click the IMDB Movies link in the highlighted section to see the overview and trailer of the movies. Here is the link
There is also a short audio for the genre of the day. You can also use the Search on top of the page to insert a keyword e.g. biography or romance to get the titles.
We welcome your suggestions and as there is still a lot to be done here e.g the Mobile version will only have the highlighted section for today instead of all 12 sections at a time.
Saturn moved into the sign of Capricorn on 19th Dec 2017 and will stay there until 21 Mar 2020 and again from 2 July to 16 Dec 2020. Saturn “rules” the sign of Capricorn and therefore represents the most conservative of its principles which are curbs, embargos, restrictions, law and order, as well as authority figures.
Saturn in the sign of Capricorn represents large corporations and industries, manufacturing, building and construction of large projects as well as mining and archaeology.
Pluto also being in the sign of Capricorn indicates that this is the last stand of the deep state and the powerful old bureaucracies and institutions.
The conservative values will be practiced and enforced to their maximum creating the next major change towards the Aquarius ideals of community and shared futuristic utopian values (after 2020 when Saturn moves into Aquarius).
During this once in a 29-year cycle, you will find the emphasis will be on government curbs and austerity measures….Read More
Saturn is a 29-year Cycle and during that period, it makes four major angles to your Sun Sign approximately every 7 years.
The signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are going through a major 7-year phase now. This is the time to plan for your long-term goals and work on them so you can reap the rewards later on. This is the time to build your new home, or start a new profession on the side or develop your hobbies to make money, or plan to have a child etc.
Don't think of taking a part-time position now but something constructive and productive which you really enjoy and which you can continue doing it for the next several years. Depending on what part of the Capricorn you were born in, this will last approx one year and can be anytime in the next 2 1/2 years.
Uranus is a once in 84-year cycle and stays in each sign for 7 years.
Uranus will be in Taurus from 15 May to 5 Nov 2018 and again from 6 Mar 2019 till July 2025.
Uranus - Upheavals, inventions, innovations, use of high-tech, cell and quantum physics, universal media, disruptions, robotics, virtual world, social media
Sign of Taurus represents the traditional, old school of thought, history, family roots, futuristic ideas, and concepts.
When you put the two together, we get the following World Events:
• Renaming of words without any gender “bias” and person instead of male-female or man woman. (person has a son in it though!) This will come out in many ways and they will try to use the liberal agenda to make it all equal which doesn’t exist in nature.
• CryptoCurrency will revolutionize the way we do business transactions and currency will be more and more virtual and cell phones used as virtual wallets.
• Blockchain technology will be used everywhere to track packages.
• Drones used extensively to deliver packages faster.
• Virtual Museums and Virtual walks in Pyramids and the Louvre.
• Oculus like VR viewers will be modified to make it much easy to do Virtual tours of Real Estate especially Historical properties. VR used to visit Heritage and Protected properties.
As I wrote before, it seems my forecast is materializing right on planetary timing "CryptoCurrency is here to stay and Uranus in Taurus is a perfect indication of what is coming. Banks and governments will jump in especially from mid-May 2018 but this will continue in the process till Nov 2018 when it will become mainstream as Uranus completely moves into the sign of Taurus for 7 years. However, there will be curbs put in 2018 as Saturn in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus and makes this very productive for many countries around the world."
As you can see in the screenshot of Mars positions in 2018, the brown color represents the sign of Capricorn (govt, manufacturing etc) and the sky blue or cyan color is the sign of Aquarius (inventions, nuclear technology and high tech etc).
Mars will be in Aquarius from 16 May to 12 Aug and again from 11 Sep to 15 Nov 2018.
During this period when Mars is making a “station” in the sign of Aquarius, there are two major World Events we will have a lot of news coverage on: Nuclear treaties (as well as getting rid of Nuclear warheads etc) and CryptoCurrency.
Which companies will dominate?
What major World Events can we expect?
Mars represents hassles and disruptions but also actively seeking to bring about changes in these areas. On the positive side, there will a major boost in solar panels and storage and many inventions pertaining to space exploration, astronomy, telescopes, atomic energy and breakthroughs in cell and quantum-based computers. There will be increased hacking particularly to do with cryptocurrency.
The Iran Nuclear deal will probably come into a lot of criticism and shuttle diplomacy with tempers flying from the US and their “closest ally” especially with respect to Iran and to some degree North Korea. We can expect the Iran and North Korea issues to dominate the new from mid-May till mid-Nov 2018.
Amazon will make major moves in Crypto Currency as well as expanding the Drone technology for delivery of packages. Apple, Google, Microsoft and Tesla will make major headway as well but run into many obstacles and regulations as well. Artificial Intelligence will make tremendous advances but will be used for both the public good but also to track each one of you with more accuracy which could be used to be more intrusive as well.
In the Oracle section of the AstroCalendar & Oracle, you will see all the relevant dates instantly now. This is extremely important to plan ahead and also to be careful of any danger.
The Mental Stress and Obsessions transit applies to the entire age group e.g. when Weinstein had this transit, there were many others from his age group who also had similar scandals.
This is the one aspect I want to make available to all parents so they can watch when their children are in danger or confused state of mind. So many young people have taken their lives under this aspect and all due to mental problems which may have been just temporary. You don't have to be born with this aspect but everyone in your age group goes through it every few months.
"Which Age Groups are in Danger?
When Mars is in Aquarius, anyone who has Neptune in Leo (1920s age group from the Age of three Golden Movies), the 1960s age group with Neptune in Scorpio and the late 1990s and early 2000 age group with Neptune in Aquarius will get adverse aspects from Mars. Mars will be in early degrees of Aquarius so only those born in the beginning of this age group will be affected.
Here is the full article on what you can expect and how to offset it in positive ways. Here is the link Mars-Mental Stress aspect
Those of you born between the end of 1955 and 1961
You are prone to urogenital infection and cysts caused by stress. Avoid any fraud and scandals (there will be a lot of resignations due to sexual assault charges probably during the above-mentioned dates for anyone born in this age group.
Teenagers born between 1998 and 2003
Your age group is particularly vulnerable to the internet or facebook addiction, illnesses caused by cell phones exposure, and have to be extra careful of insect bites, danger from water (lakes, ponds and ocean). Just keep in touch with your children and keep an eye on them as their immune system is reduced now.
Mars will be in late Capricorn from 13 Aug to 10 Sep 2018 just like it is from beg to mid-May 2018and will affect those born between 1996 and 1999. This age group is particularly susceptible to being workaholics in the long run and need some breaks from working too hard. Mental stress and isolation can lead to addictive tendencies.
Those born between 1953 and 1957
Your age group is also very prone to stress-related illnesses from 13 Aug to 10 Sep 2018 just as it is from beg to mid-May 2018 so pace yourselves.
Depending on the time of birth, everyone will have heightened activity in one of the 12 areas corresponding to the 12 houses based on our date and time of birth. The Action and Hassles will be in the area transited by Mars from mid-May till mid-Nov continuously. This is a great time to get new computers, new software, looking into new ways of doing old things and using the technology to make your life easier.
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Jupiter in Scorpio happens once in 12 years as Jupiter is 12 Years cycle. Jupiter is in the sign of Scorpio from 10 Oct 2017 to 8 Nov 2018.
There will be an increase in awareness of the mysteries of life and deeper understanding of the self without being a fanatic about it.
New Discoveries and insight into Ancient Civilizations.
Egyptology and revival of Ancient Rites will be in vogue (be careful of spiritual seduction and psychic vulnerability).
The sign of Scorpio also covers anything which comes from under the Earth like oil, coal, and mining.
With Jupiter in Scorpio, the military hardware will be sold and an unprecedented rate. Rocket launcher, tanks, drones for military use will have a booming business. Supersonic jets and bombers and anti-missile technology will all thrive.
Russia and China stand to gain the most from sales of military-related technology and hardware.
For the full article on Jupiter in Scorpio click here.
As Uranus moves into Taurus from the early part of 2018, there will be major reforms in health and insurance.
Income Tax Reform is also part of that and is destined to happen. Trump will be instrumental in bringing about these changes once Saturn finishes its conj to his Moon by end of Oct 2017.
- Major changes to Health Plans in the USA in May 2018, Nov, then Mar 2019 until July 2025.
- Trump will bring about major reforms in health and insurance and Income tax reform is also part of what is destined to happen.
There will be new ways of doing old outdated methods
- Virtual Real Estate VR etc will become much more accessible in the next seven years (Uranus is an 84-year cycle and stays in each sign for 7 years).
- There will be a major boom in the VR technology applied to Older Properties and to Historical places.
- You will be able to visit real estate properties in a Virtual World as well as walk in the rooms (combined with health benefits of actually having to walk through the places even if it using VR glasses).
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