Venus in Taurus is the most loyal and trustworthy sign of the Zodiac. They have old-fashioned value and chivalry and enjoy good food and sensual gratification of the senses.
Venus in Taurus makes one very loyal and romantic in love in a rather traditional way. Pink is a Taurean color and so are antique cars. Dean Martin's "everybody loves somebody" which evokes nostalgic memories has strong Taurus themes.
Public Celebrities: Adolf Hitler, Ariana Grande, Princess (singer), Johnny Depp, Kanye West, Leonardo da Vinci, Marlon Brando, Princess Diana, Prince William
Here is where you can find out which sign the planets Venus was in when you were born and what it means.
Just enter your birthdate below and click on Interpret button, then read the interpretation for your Venus position.
This is your natal Venus position and it remains the same all your life and never changes.
All the planets in signs are also given below Venus interpretation.
The famous pink Cadillac of Mary Kay members is a classic Taurus color as Mary Kay herself was a Taurus!
Here are some designs by Bijan which could be used for both Taurus (Pink)
and Libra (Mouve). This combination is also a Libra-Scorpio (blacks) theme
Indpeth Report Discover your Strengths, Talents, Limitations, attitude towards Love, Money and also How to Offset Negative themes.
Your 12 Month Forecast gives the most important dates for Love, Money, Health, Travel, and accident prone days. Use Free Choice to Offset Negative Themes!
Solar Life Report Just like your Birthdate, the Sun makes many other important Aspects on the Same Dates, Every Year, All Your Life!