Mercury is retrograde from 21st Oct to 10th Nov 2013. You will experience many delays in communication and transportation. Hopefully, this will make you more efficient, punctual and better organized in the long run.
However, this is an excellent time for research and going over existing work. Being in the sign of Scorpio, no wonder we are experiencing so many problems with Obamacare and the cynics are there in full force.
Expect everyone to be more forgetful and indecisive
Back up your important computer files and documents
Make extra keys for your house, office and cars and keep them in a safe place. Do it before Mercury is retrograde otherwise, you may get the wrong key!
Register your iPhone with iCloud in case you lose it
Take the keys out of the car when you lock it
Make sure you give extra time between each meeting
Write the important numbers down instead of just memorizing them.
Pay your telephone and cell phone bills on time.
If you have to change your telephone number or get a new one, wait till Mercury retrograde finishes
Take photocopies of your passport, license and credit cards and keep them in a safe place at home. This is especially important if you are travelling
Wait till after this period to buy computers or any communication gadgets
Avoid signing documents under this transit unless the project has already started
p.s. most of this newsletter was actually written in July 2013!
President Obama has two themes going on from last year. Saturn squaring his Mercury in Leo shows all the delays he has been having in getting through to people. This is finishing after about Oct 2013 when the Saturn square Sun is also exact. After this, it will be easier to have many of his plans come to fruition. 7 Oct is an explosive theme though in his chart and there are some dangerous themes around him.
Jupiter sextile his Mars is making him take a gamble and he is in actually in a major windfall theme even with all the delays. After the stressful Oct when the debt ceiling issue crops up again, after the government shutdown finishes, he has a much better Dec 2013.
Feb and Mar 2014 are again very rough on the President and most of the stress if from the economy and foreign countries.
The USA is in a really stressful period when it comes to finances. in fact, this is the time when people often go bankrupt unless they really buckle up and cut down their expenses. The main problem of the US is the dual citizenship of some of the neocon politicians whose loyalty is not with America and they are perfectly happy sending the troops constantly to one war after another. Interestingly, the chart of the USA as well as Israel has exactly the same timing and Saturn is going down in both their charts. Jupiter is still up and there is a last attempt at high profile and fame till about mid-2015. After this period, the US will tend to focus more on domestic issues rather than changing regimes and spending billions on wars elsewhere.
Obsessive Period coming up for the 40s, 50s, and 80s Age Groups between Dec 2013 and July 2014.
Everyone goes through a stressful time when Mars makes an adverse aspect to your Neptune. During this period, your immune system is depleted and you are more prone to allergic reactions, nightmares, fraud and scandals.
This is the time when you become obsessed with everything you do and many drug addicts and alcoholics but also successful people are born with it. Although obsession may be your destined essential, you can choose art, music, saving people, astrology, perfumes, research as your obsession instead of drugs and alcohol.
Mars is making an unusual long station in the sign of Libra from 7th Dec 2013 until 25th July 2014. This means that anyone who was born with Neptune in Libra 1940s and 50s age group) and Neptune in Capricorn (1980s age group) will be getting adverse aspects from transiting Mars for most of this period. This also means that certain politicians affected by this will be more paranoid and come to wrong conclusions including Prime Minister Netanyahu which in turn will make it like a nightmare for others. Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr and Vladimir Putin of Russian will also be going through the same stressful aspect. Putin has Olympics coming up and many of his opponents will seize this opportunity to discredit their policies and try to gain world attention. Putin's chart also shows feelings of betrayal and anger and it could all come to a head right after the Olympics and also in Apr and July 2014.
President Rouhani of Iran is also in the same configuration and will have a problem with the hardliners in Iran. However, as he is getting positive aspects as well, his policies and initiatives will prevail.
Those born between 1985 and 1990 will be in a lot of mental stress and you can expect more shootings by this age group (similar to the ones committed in the movie theatre and school by exactly the same age group).
You need more rest and sleep to recuperate
Avoid drugs and alcohol
Sublimate this obsessive period through art or music
You are more prone to allergic reactions
Jumping the gun and coming to wrong conclusions
Don't take unnecessary chances
Stay away from guns and knives
Avoid being confrontational
Here is a summary of the dates:
mid-Oct - mid-Nov 2013 is stressful for those born between1970 and 1984
Those born between 1941 - 1949 have a very stressful period in Dec 2013, May and June 2014 (Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., and Benjamin Netanyahu) scandals, politics and kidney related problems.
Those born between 1950 - 1955 have the same stressful transit from Jan to Apr 2014 and July 2014.
Those born between 1985 - 1990 have the obsessive transit inDec 2013, May and June 2014 (shootings, mental health problems, car accidents, and out of wedlock pregnancy). They are also more accident-prone with cars and anything to do with skin, teeth and bones).
Those born between 1991 - 1997 have the same transit in Jan to Apr 2014, and July 2014. The signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be more assertive than normal and are advised to pace themselves. They will also have to be careful of drinking and driving as well as dental or knee related problems.
Parents with children born between 1985 to 1997 are advised to keep an extra eye on them and make them aware of the dangers listed above, substance abuse and not to encourage motorcycles during this period.
Pluto in Capricorn for several years. is reflective of:
1- Geological changes and Earthquakes
2-Severe weather conditions throughout, the world and
3- major government shakeups.
Here are the dates to watch out for:
Dec 18, 25, 28, 31 2013. In 2014: 6 Jan and 14 Jan 2014 (full Moon also!).
Neptune in Pisces will continue to coincide with floods but not tsunamis.
Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio: Games and Apps using the EEG headbands will start coming in the market in 2014 onward.
Although the next two years are a time for the US to restructure their financial priorities and stop wasting money on useless wars, Jupiter and Saturn trining each other in the sky will help stabilize the economy and make longterm achievements possible in every endeavour in the months of Nov and Dec 2013. This process has already started from Jun -Aug 2013.
Jupiter trining Neptune from Jan to Apr 2014 will again inspire all the musicians to play their best melodies; volunteer groups to have more empathy and the public to focus on working for the benefit of everyone rather than just themselves.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in Water signs, some of the most inspired works are being written right now but you need to use your free choice as planets in Water signs do not impel you to do anything and just the realization of truth is not enough to make productive use of this very spiritual configuration. Saturn trine Neptune is especially very positive to make wonderful films although Saturn in Scorpio still has the harshness underneath. Neptune in Pisces is very inspirational and Saturn helps you turn your imagination and dreams into reality.
Capricorn rules skeletons and bones and Pluto represents archaeology. We mentioned before that Pluto being in Capricorn till 2023 will be reflective of major discoveries in the field of archaeology, palaeontology and tectonic plates.
They recently discovered an intact human skull dating back to 1.8 million years. Instead of saying that we did not descend from apes, the scientists are suggesting that we were already evolving. My point has always been that we were programmed to evolve rather than being the product of genetic mutations at the nuclear level. Hopefully, this is one of the questions which will be put to rest by 2013.
Jupiter in Cancer: We had mentioned about Jupiter moving into the sign of Cancer and family values returning and emphasis on home made food again. It is interesting that just recently there was a new law enacted in China where grown children must visit their parents or potentially face fines or jail! This is China's new “Elderly Rights Law” which deals with the growing problem of lonely elderly people by ordering adult children to visit their ageing parents. The law says adults should care about their parents “spiritual needs” and “never neglect or snub elderly people”. About time!
The President of Iran is a very learned and deeply spiritual person. he has a doctorate in law from Scotland and is a tough negotiator. Pluto sextile his Mercury increases his depth of understanding and ability to influence others. Ahmadinejad was very intellectual but Rouhani is wiser.
Netanyahu is also intellectual but not wise. Netanyahu's age group is getting very stressful aspects from Dec. 2013 till June 2014 and he will become very paranoid and try his best to sabotage the peace overtures between the US and Iran. However, the American public is fed up of wars and the Republican party has been hijacked by a few radicals who are turning the public even more against them.
President Hassan Rouhani has Neptune trining his Mercury which gives verbal eloquence and inspirational ideas. Saturn trining his Mercury will help him give constructive ideas and longterm solutions while Jupiter trining his Mercury gives a luck element in negotiations. There should be major breakthroughs between Iran and the US by summer of 2014.
Jupiter in Cancer from June 2013 till June 2014 is very positive for the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces and will make these Earth and Water signs more positive and bring many opportunities, especially from foreign countries.
Saturn is touching off the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and it is already in effect from Oct 2012 and continues throughout 2013 and even 2014. During this period, you may encounter a lot of delays but this is just a test of your organizing skills.
It is time to plan for the next 7 years and reflect on what you have achieved during the last 7 years. Don't just take short projects now, but look at the long-term goals and join companies or projects which have long-term potential. It is an excellent time to become more responsible with all aspects of your life and if you are having too many delays, then maybe you need to re-evaluate if you are on the right course. Don't shy away from taking on more responsibilities now.
The signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are getting two very important aspects and this particularly applies to those of you who are born in the first ten days of these signs. Pluto in Capricorn brings in long-term changes in your goals while Uranus in Aries brings in the unexpected elements.
Throughout 2013, those who are born in the early part of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces are especially being inspired to help others and are in a very creative state of mind.
However, with Neptune being in the creative sign of Pisces, the signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces may feel inspired but also a bit confused about their goals in life as they may not be able to see the results in a material way yet. Use this creative period for art, music and humanitarian work.
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