Here is the original Radio Show with Rob McConnell of The XZONE which was on 9 Nov 2008,
almost 2 1/2 years before the tsunami happened the same week as predicted by HJ.
Japan Tsunami in March 2011 predicted by HJ in Nov 2008!
We wrote this para originally in 1986 and it still applies!
"This is one of the best periods for digital holography, and a new interaction between the analog and digital world will take place. Emphasis on bringing in a more complete sensual experience in movie theatres will lead to innovative rain-forest type experiences. Digital aquariums, discoveries of new sea creatures and major advances in marine biology will lead to new experiences especially to do with the ocean life and the shipping industry."
The beginning of this transits brought us the Sumatra Tsunami (predicted six months before it happened in 2010. We also mentioned at that time that Uranus in the last degree of Pisces will also be very critical for underwater earthquakes triggering off tsunamis. Unfortunately, this materialize on 11th Mar 2011, exactly on the last degree of Uranus in Pisces!
(Major inventions with simple ingenious solutions
This will be a favourable period for major inventions in aerospace, space travel, cars, electrical motors and magnetism. The foundation of aeroplanes was formed when Uranus was in Aries 84 years ago!
New ways of transportation will focus on changes in the mechanical transmission of power, and there will be simple new ways to harness solar, wind and magnetic power. There will be major discoveries relating to the Brain and the field of Neurology which will revolutionize everything pertaining to the head area including sight for the blind using magnetic sensors in the retina, cure of a migraine, major discoveries in the field of optics and cell-based computers.
There is an amazing event happening on 3rd to 4th April 2011 which is probably one of the most devastating planetary events I have seen. Neptune is moving from the sign of Aquarius to Pisces heralding a very spiritual era. However, it is the reason why it is making everyone suddenly think of spirituality that is quite profound.
This is not just any event which many psychics and soothsayers call "transformation of consciousness" (whatever that may be) but it is the Stellium in Aries opposed by Saturn and squared by Pluto at the same time which is so dangerous.
Imagine six planets in the sky in Aries, four of them exactly opposed to Saturn and three of them squared by Pluto plus a Mars conjunct Uranus aspect in the sky. All these planets trying to pull the earth off its orbit will have a physical effect in terms of major earthquakes and tsunamis.
On 4 March 2011, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Uranus will be in Pisces (last degree of Pisces for Uranus and end of our prediction for major tsunamis) indicating danger from ocean tides and storms as well.
When Neptune moves into the sign of Pisces on 4th April 2011 (right after the April Fool's day!) this is certainly not a joke that nature seems to be playing on us but the real possibility of major calamities making us suddenly more aware of the Creator!
On the positive side, if the configurations were well aspected, the Aries sign would indicate major discoveries and pioneering technology and Neptune in Pisces, as a whole new way of experiencing life with all the audio, visual and other sensory perception.
Here are the Radio Shows before and after the Japan Tsunami
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