Update 5 Nov 2024
We predicted in 2016, when Hillary Clinton was rising high in the polls, that not only would Trump win, but that he would be a two-term president. This prediction was based on the fact that his planets were beginning to rise. This morning, our prediction came true, and at the exact time when it shows peace around the world.
Jupiter and Uranus in his 10th house represent the highest aspect of fame and recognition. Kamala has Saturn in her 10th, but you only get recognition if you truly deserve it and have worked for it, which she obviously didn’t.
Interestingly, my Doomsday World Graph in AstroCalendar was showing conflicts until November 4, 2025. On the 5th, it showed no wars etc, which was another indication that Trump would win.
Kamala Harris is simply a puppet of the industrial complex and has Mercury in Scorpio like Biden, and would have continued the Ukraine war situation.
Trump has finally surrounded himself with top advisors like Elon Musk, JFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, who will give him sound advice.
Control of the Senate will give him the ability to implement the mandate granted by both the landslide and popular vote.
The media was completely wrong, and with Pluto moving away from Capricorn and into Aquarius, people power and social media will operate more like a global community, offering real news.
Neocons like John Bolton have exposed themselves as backstabbing individuals who, unfortunately, hijacked the legitimate plight of the Jewish people to advance a destructive agenda. The main problem remains his son-in-law, but hopefully, Trump will not grant him security clearance this time.
We have a very positive outlook regarding Trump, despite the controlled media and political pundits’ misconceptions. The USA is finally entering an era of prosperity, though there will still be mental suffering in 2025 (with Saturn conjunct Neptune in Pisces), which will ultimately lead to new laws to protect children and seniors.
Updated 9th Nov 2016
President Donald J. Trump
Well, one thing we can confirm for sure is that Hillary was born in the morning and as I said in the last update it is impossible for her to win as Saturn will be going down in her chart. I had also said when Moon was in Scorpio last time and she was being investigated, the same transit repeats itself on inauguration day. Moon will be in Scorpio again in her 12th house. This is not a good indication for her health and also for the USA where dark intrigues lie in the shadows. Hope this doesn’t bode any life death matters and more of the transformation that the USA will be going through.
Updated Oct 27th, 2016
I am beginning to think that Hillary Clinton was born in the morning at 8:02 am and not pm. If this is the case, then my original prediction of her winning being impossible stands and that she will disappear in a few years or in disgrace as Saturn would be moving down in her chart.
If she does get elected by voter fraud as the shadow govt has already elected her (which can only happen if they stop the public intent using fraudulent means), then she must be very careful of her health as her VP has a much better chance of coming up (Saturn on top of his chart).
However, Tim Kaine looks too weak to be a President and I just don't see him ever as being a president. Although Moon in Scorpio on 20th Jan may be one of the indications of her being selected (her Sun sign being Scorpio) it definitely points to criminal activity and shady deals.
The keyword for Moon in Scorpio is crime and her chart having so many planets in Scorpio also shows her undoing being the keyword sex (the first time I have ever used it in any of my writings!). It was triggered by Hillary Clinton herself with her Mercury in Scorpio. She activated the negative aspect of her Scorpio side when she accused Donald Trump of using words against women and it came back to haunt her with the sexting emails of Weiner and his wife Homa.
Moon in Scorpio on 31 Oct till 1 Nov will give us a very good indication about her if the FBI releases any more info or damaging news. Moon will be in her 12th house (secrets) if this comes out and will confirm her morning birth time. Ironically, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's jeans incident was discovered when Moon was in Scorpio as well!
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has shown her bias and anger towards the FBI Director James Comey who sent the email to Congress. She is totally wrong in this and clearly has been given incentives by the Hillary camp but Director Comey's conscience has been provoked and he will do his best to find the answers between 31st Oct and 1st Nov 2016. There is a vindictive power struggle going on now and they may even investigate why Loretta Lynch has made her decision before even seeing the report!
If Donald Trump's Uranus opp Jupiter is an indication as I mentioned originally at the beginning of the race, then he is set for sudden windfalls through upheavals!
We will keep you updated.
Updated Oct 10th, 2016
Donald Trump really exposed Hillary Clinton in the 2nd Debate. As we had mentioned before, there are chances for a major peace treaty with Jupiter being in Libra till Aug 2017. Unfortunately, the people supporting Hillary are exactly the same who pushed for the war in Iraq, regime change in Libya and now the Syria debacle. Hillary was instrumental in pushing for the war in Libya which completely destroyed the county and is still creating major problems in that part of the world.
Sending millions of dollars to rebels and the opposition was one of the worst decisions made by the Obama administration and not only fully supported by Hillary Clinton but actually pushed by her aggressively. The same people easily duped the US to give millions to Al-Qaeda and eventually ISIS fighters.
Donald Trump called Hillary out on all of these points and was correct about the position of the Russians, the Syrian government as well as the Iranians fighting ISIS. The US still supports the so called opposition even though they are clueless about who they really are.
Hillary Clinton calling Putin a “thug” is an indication of her readiness to go to war again and being a hawk along with the rest of the Neocon lobby. The likes of Soros, Kagan, Dick Cheney and people controlling The Washington Post make it obvious that she is a sellout, and is leading the USA to another major confrontation in Syria.
It is amazing how CNN keeps talking about Trump in his video 11 years ago just to deflect the damaging emails which exposed her hypocritical attitude towards the voters. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Trump won the 2nd debate hands down but it is totally against the neocon agenda and those who own the media. Hillary seems to have better chances because she is being supported by those whose livelihood depends on wars and who have become oblivious to the needs of the masses. As she said in one of the leaked documents, Hillary doesn’t relate to the middle class at all.
Donald Trump has a Mercury sq Neptune which makes him extremely skillful in negotiations and also like a saint and a con artist put together! If anyone can fix the tax loopholes, it is Donald Trump as he took full advantage of the loopholes and as they say it takes one to know one.
In contrast, with six planets in fixed signs, Hillary has the chart indicative of a ruthless dictator. The only hope is that she comes with Bill Clinton who was instrumental in bringing the peace treaty between Israelis and the Palestinians. This is extremely crucial and Donald Trump is the only one in the race who has talked about peace besides Bill Clinton who may indirectly influence Hillary Clinton in a positive way.
We will keep you updated but it is important to be objective and look at the base character of Hillary. Trump may have found all the loopholes which he now claims to want to fix, but Hillary destroyed all the emails along with the classified documents. There is absolutely no way anyone can lie to Donald Trump and get away with it. However, Hillary is not really a liar as much as she is extremely secretive, elitist (Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in Leo) and is definitely not a team player. She will misuse her powers as she has done many times in the past in all her foreign policies while Donald Trump will get the right people and delegate everything. He has the executive ability which Hillary does not.
On the positive side, Hillary shows to be authentic and will sincerely help children and women. However, she couldn’t care less for white men and will pull America into dangerous confrontation because she is not flexible and doesn’t believe in negotiations – Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio sq Mars, Saturn and Pluto!
Hillary has a chart that shows her to be one who will always be drawn to those with power and can be extremely ruthless as well as vindictive. Mercury in Scorpio can be positive or negative depending on how you use your vindictive side. Madame Curies used it for research whereas Charles Manson used it to control others. Hillary’s chart is more destructive and can easily be in bed with evil forces. In fact, she will have to use a lot of free choice to sublimate in positive ways. Hillary appears to be aligned to some of the worst enemies of the American people, and has already been linked to millions of families being homeless and killed through the wars.
Pluto moving through Hillary’s 7th house (marriage) reflects events relating to her marriage partner Bill Clinton which may make her more moderate towards others, although there is nothing moderate about her chart as it is one of the most radical ones I have seen. The only other person I can compare her chart to is Condoleezza Rice who has no compassion whatsoever in her chart and was extremely destructive and driven by the same hunger for power.
Even though I believe Donald Trump is very wrong about Iran and their intentions, I was quite shocked how clear he is in his evaluation of the Middle East and his aversion to regime change or nation building. More to follow…
Written Feb 2016
Who will win the next US Election? What do we know about the real Donald Trump?
What is the most important element of danger Jeb Bush’s chart?
How are Hillary Clinton’s chances to be the next US President? What are the pros and cons of her character and personality?
This is just an initial analysis and we will update this page once we have the final candidates for the Presidency.
Hilary's planets are already moving up and both Trump and Jeb’s are down. We will give the full analysis very soon but in the meantime here are some pointers.
Trump has a real politician’s chart but cannot separate truth from fantasy. He is a very skillful speaker and has an innate ability to understand human nature. His Mercury sq Neptune gives him the ability to say things in such a way that you can’t tell if he is slapping or praising someone.
His greatest asset is his financial wheeling-dealing and he will be a very good negotiator with China and Mexico. None of the other candidates have this ability and even though his chart is like a saint and a con artist put together, it is also the reason why he is able to make deals with crooks (it takes one to know one!). He has done remarkably well actually considering the Mer sq Neptune which makes one justify uncreditable acts. He can bend the rules but still be within the dictates of the law. It is his ability to find every loophole in the tax book rather than evading taxes which makes him a very good candidate to reform the tax system.
Updated Oct 27th, 2016
I am beginning to think that Hillary Clinton was born in the morning at 8:02 am and not pm. If this is the case, then my original prediction of her winning being impossible stands and that she will disappear in a few years or in disgrace as Saturn would be moving down in her chart.
If she does get elected by voter fraud as the shadow govt has already elected her (which can only happen if they stop the public intent using fraudulent means), then she must be very careful of her health as her VP has a much better chance of coming up (Saturn on top of his chart).
However, Tim Kaine looks too weak to be a President and I just don't seem him ever as being a president. Although Moon in Scorpio on 20th Jan may be one of the indications of her being selected (her Sun sign being Scorpio) it definitely points to criminal activity and shady deals.
The keyword for Moon in Scorpio is crime and her chart having so many planets in Scorpio also shows her undoing being the keyword sex. It was triggered by Hillary Clinton herself with her Mercury in Scorpio. She activated the negative aspect of her Scorpio side when she accused Donald Trump of using words against women and it came back to haunt her with the sexting emails of Weiner and his wife Homa.
Moon in Scorpio on 31 Oct till 1 Nov will give us a very good indication if the FBI releases any more info or damaging news comes about her. Moon will be in her 12th house of Secrets if this comes out and will confirm her morning birth time. Ironically Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky jeans incident were discovered when Moon was in Scorpio as well!
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has shown her bias and anger towards the FBI Director James Comey who sent the email to Congress. She is totally wrong in this and clearly has been given incentives by the Hillary camp but Director Comey's conscience has been provoked and he will do his best to find the answers between 31st Oct and 1st Nov 2016. There is a vindictive power struggle going on now and they may even investigate why Loretta Lynch has made her decision before even seeing the report!
If Donald Trump's Uranus opp Jupiter is an indication as I mentioned originally at the beginning of the race, then he is set for sudden windfalls through upheavals!
We will keep you updated.
Here is my hand analysis of Donald J. Trump:
Neptune trining his Mercury helps him understand the needs of the masses and from mid-Aug onwards, he has excellent transits from Jupiter.
However, Both Trump and Jeb Bush have Saturn at the bottom of their charts which is not a good indication of success for the Presidency. Trump has Saturn finally coming up slowly and will start being more and more involved with the public for the next several years.
Jeb Bush has Mercury in Pisces which tends to distort the truth in order to appreciate it. He also has a variation of the classic family genes of Mercury-Pluto which makes one violate the divine truth where they cannot undo the damage. Both his father and brother were born with Mer Pluto or Moon-Pluto and both of them cause untold misery in the lives of millions of people. Thousands of Iraqis suffered because of them and Jeb Bush is the most scheming of the lot. With Virgo rising and Saturn coming down in his chart, we don’t see him winning the Presidency at all.
Hilary Clinton is somewhat of a dictator but is getting very good long-term planetary transits. With Saturn squaring her Moon in 2017, she has some disappointments and will age at that time which could be an indication of stress from the Oval Office too! With Jupiter sextile, her Mars as well as a major windfall theme.
Saturn moving up in her chart above the horizon will help her the most. When I had predicted Obama will be a two time President, we had mentioned that Hillary has a much better chance in 2016. However, if Hillary was born at 8:02 am instead of 8:02 pm then there is no way she can win this election and in fact, will start keeping a very low profile within two years.
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