Freak Accidents to Head and Spine can be avoided! They are often indicated by a Mars-Uranus adverse aspect by birth (natal aspect) or when you are goiing through it by transit. accurately sen in any chart
When we first wrote about an adverse natal Mars-Uranus aspect, we mentioned Princess Diana, Sonny Bono and JFK Jr.'s predisposition to freak accidents to the head and spine. Unfortunately, she died a month later and Sonny Bono and JFK Jr. a few years later. Unfortunately, they all died of negligence and taking unnecessary risks.
If a person is born with this aspect e.g. Prince Charles, then they always have to be careful of not only freak car accidents but also air crashes. We found this amongst a lot of astronauts as well. Although many people may be born with this configuration, it all depends on when this configuration gets touched off, by which planet and if these people do anything to prevent the danger.
Not everyone with a Mars-Uranus aspect will be a victim of a stray bullet, but they are definitely more susceptible to freak accidents, a stroke, sudden bouts of temper (which may be related to the spine), inventive ideas (mainly because their actions are erratic and unconventional) and erratic behavior from time to time. They also need to avoid taking unnecessary risks and to be very careful or danger sports.
In this article, we will focus on both the predisposition as well as the timing of a Mars-Uranus aspect by transit. Usually, this accident configuration lies dormant till a transiting planet touches it off. Even if you were not born with this aspect, you will go through it by transit from time to time.
If you are born with it, then the danger is obviously much more because any planet can touch it off. If you are not born with it, then the danger is only when a transiting planet like Mars, Saturn or Uranus touches off your natal Uranus.
Mars rules the head area. It represents sharp objects, speeding, rash and impulsive actions and physical danger.
You also have to take into account which planet is it "touching" off in your chart.
Uranus represents the parasympathetic nervous system, spine, flying, electronic devices and unpredictable crisis situations which happen very suddenly.
Adverse Mars-Uranus aspects lead to erratic brilliant ideas but wrong timing.
A Mars-Uranus adverse natal aspect or transit is also a classic assassination configuration but don’t get paranoid because there are many ways to offset it.
Rajiv Gandhi had a semi-square between these two planets when he was assassinated.
It all depends where the accident configuration is in your chart. In fact, it may even be just reflecting accidents to those around you and not you at all!
In Caroline Kennedy ’s chart, it accurately reflected her brother JFK Jr.’s crash. Similarly, in Elizabeth Taylor’s case, it reflected one of her husband’s death in a plane crash.
Princess Diana was born with a Mars-Uranus conjunction.
The danger will always be wher Mars is in your natal chart.
Just don’t take unnecessary risks, because the adverse theme has to happen just once and there may not be a second chance. This is not a mild transit and can be fatal.
Life and death is best left in God’s hands.
However, although everyone’s maximum life span is predestined, one’s free choice can shorten it! Nature only gives you free choice to decrease your life span.
An adverse aspect between Mars and Uranus seems to be the cosmic trademark of political assassinations.
Many politicians and people who keep a high profile seem to be been born with it. In fact, their ability to risk their lives may be the reason why they get into politically volatile positions in the first place!
John F. Kennedy, Indira Gandhi and Versace were all born with it and they all died from gunshot to the head.
Even a Semi-Square can be dangerous if you are a public figure e.g. Martin Luther King and Rajiv Gandhi.
When the Russians blew up the Korean Airline, I found the date of birth of a girl who was killed in the crash. She was going through an exact Mars-Uranus transit (interestingly, her social security number added to #8 and there were many Scorpio connotations in the mishap i.e. Russia, communism, missile attack).
Mars-Uranus especially indicates danger through guns, knives and explosives. We first wrote about this while discussing the assassination threat to Rajiv Gandhi. It is also found a lot amongst those who are involved with accidents which happen very suddenly like skiing accidents (Sonny Bono and Robert Kennedy’s son).
If your 12 Month Forecast says that you are going through a Mars-Uranus transit, I would try to postpone the flight. Jean Harlow, who died in an air crash, was born with a Mars-Uranus conjunction, just like many astronauts.
As Uranus is the planet for inventions, Mars activates the inventive ideas when it is expected to Uranus. Those with this aspect just have to be careful of the danger periods.
It is interesting that in terms of world events, when there is an adverse aspect in the sky between Mars and Uranus, freak accidents happen which involve lightning, air crashes, electricity, explosions and earthquakes. This is also a time when the Nasdaq takes a dive and electronic companies suffer.
Here are some of the events which happened when Mars was making adverse aspects to Uranus in the sky:
• Shuttle launch Jan. 2003. Airbus 072 crash, SwissAir flight 127 in 1997, Amtrack 1999 all happened with an adverse Mars-Uranus configuration in the sky.
• 33 vehicle collision, Mars in Virgo sq Uranus in Sagittarius (Sag = transportation).
• Earthquakes: Turkey 6.7 Aug. 1999; Gujarat earthquake in 2001, 7.9 on Richter scale! Mexico 8.1 on RS, 10,000 people dead; Japan 6.2, California 6.1!
• Marine Headquarters explosion which killed 256 U.S. Marines.
This article is going to some high profile political figures as well and some of the points may seem unrealistic but the themes are similar. Here are some of the points you need to be careful of if your Clients number is listed:
• Avoid guns and going to risky places.
• Be careful of freak accidents to head area.
• Be very careful if are on ice or skiing.
• Wear a helmet if roller blading/bicycling.
• Avoid bunjee or parachute jumping.
• You have inventive ideas but may need someone else to carry them out.
• Be careful of danger to the spine (especially whiplash).
• Be extremely careful of explosives and danger situations that you may create e.g. filling a gas tank while the car is running!
• Avoid going to places which are politically volatile.
•Avoid living dangerously or taking needless risks
• You need to be careful of freak injuries to the head and spine.
• You are more prone to a stroke.
• Don’t take unnecessary chances in flying.
• Avoid flying if there is a storm warning.
• You are prone to electric shocks.
• Drink water to diffuse fits of temper.
• Avoid speeding. Check brakes and tires.
• Take extra precaution in snow or ice sports like tobogganing and skiing.
Generally, an adverse Mars-Uranus transit makes people fly off the handle easily and makes them more accident prone. It is best to ride this period and use it for inventive ideas only and not to act rashly.
Alec Baldwin (temper), Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Cosby (son died of gunshot), Caroline Kennedy (brother died in plane crash), Demi Moore (terrible temper), Elton John, H.G. Wells (shot himself), Mata Hari and Mussolini (both shot by firing squad), James Hoffa (we can only guess what happened), Joe Frazier (many head injuries), Joseph Lieberman, Michael J. Fox and Mohammed Ali (spine related illness), Monica Lewinsky (had freak car accident some years ago), Prince Albert, Prince Charles (born with danger for self, wife and children), Princess Caroline (very erratic), Prince Harry (mother died of freak accident), Robert Redford, Roseanne, Robin Williams, Steve Jobs (explosive temper), Tom Cruise (speeding), Tonya Harding, Warren Beatty (brilliant but short tempered), Yasser Arafat, the country Libya.
There is a personalized website subscription based on your birthdate, time and place of birth - AstroCalendar which will give you both your natal aspect if you are born with it and also warn you when you go through it by Transit.
Check out AstroCalendar
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