Two major Astrological events happening. Saturn cnj Pluto in Capricorn is only one part of the story which is major restructuring of governments and big business. Uranus in Taurus is the crypto currency for banks which I predicted and this continues for a few years. The most important transit to me is Neptune in Pisces! Nobody has talked about it yet it is the same spiritual and humanitarian transit i talked when I predicted the major Tsunamis. This event makes everyone extremely spiritual and also relates to crowd funding and free internet concerts. It doesnt predict virus directly but in astrology you look at all the events around it.
Now Mars Neptune is the trigger for epidemics and that happened on 28 Jan 2020 which I had said will make it global. The next one is on 13 June which I believe is another danger point. I would be careful of sea food at that time and also ocean related mishaps. In the meantime, dont be so paranoid and afraid that it paralyzes you. The invisible enemy is always dangerous but there is no need to fill your mind with scary thoughts only. Imagine the best scenarios but be prepared. Your brain is listening and your thoughts affect your immune system.
13 June 2020 is the next major adverse transit for the Covid-19 as epidemics happen during this period.
Sophia Trudeau, the wife of the Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has just been tested positive for the Covid-19 as well.
She is born with a Moon sq Saturn, which makes one emotionally tough but also not close to their subconscious.
She also has Mars in Pisces like Tom Hanks.
Neptune touching off both their Mars in Pisces is exactly what I have talked about when it comes to viruses and infections.
This also indicates sea food and I wonder if they were exposed to it or ate any fish or shrimp or lobster etc,
Sophie Trudeau is even more susceptible as she is born with Mars sq Neptune
We hope they will both recover and this may even help others as these are high profile individuals
Tom Hanks has transiting Neptune conj his Mars which is not going away very soon. Neptune is a very slow moving and it will aspect his natal mars almost for one year till April 2021.
The critical time is when transiting Mars also touches off his natal Neptune which would be exact on 21 May 2020. The danger is a week before and a week after. This affects his whole age group actually.
USA Election 2020 Just had a quick look at Biden and Bernie Sanders charts.
Both of them have very similar timing and Saturn is moving down in their chart.
On the other hand, Donald Trump has Saturn moving up in his chart, and is in fact in a much better position than 2016 Election.
There is absolutely no way Biden or Sanders can win the election and Trump will be your next President, again!
Some of you may feel disappointed, but I stand by my original predication and now I am even more sure!
Trump's biggest weakness is his trusting everyone, which can be a very human quality, but he needs to be much more selective than before in his appointments.
John Bolton, a war hawk and a war criminal, is a typical example who brought America very close to war With Iran!
I believe that Trump will make a big difference in the economy and will focus much more on building the infrastructure in his second term.
Another plant is Jerrod Kushner who has a Mercury sq Pluto and according to the rules of astrology, violates the divine truth.
Bernie Sanders would be a very choice to set the foreign policy of USA, this is the weakest part of Trump cabinet.
Wuhun Virus Will Become Global on 28 Jan 2020
#Wuhan and #Corona virus on 28th Jan 2020 there is an exact Mars sq Neptune in the sky. Please be very careful of anything to do with other viruses even and as it can become dangerous.
There is an exact Mars sq Neptune on 28th Jan 2020 (a few days before and after) 24th to 31st Jan is the most dangerous time for this virus and it will become global. Please be very careful of anything to do with other viruses also as they can become dangerous.
Everyone born between 1935 and 1940 and also between1976 and 1980 is very susceptible to this virus the last week of Jan 2020.
The following are forecast from end of 2019 and are still valid.
Jupiter in Capricorn shows exactly where Brexit is headed and it mainly has to do with foreign workers and immigrants from Europe not being given special status from Dec 2019 onwards.
Everything about Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn show Brexit becoming a reality.
As we had mentioned in 2018, Jupiter in Sagittarius has been a bonus for mass immigration and liberal policies around the world when it comes to letting immigrants in with open arms.
From 2 Dec 2019 till 19 Dec 2020, Jupiter joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in its once in 12 years cycle. This is exactly reflective of the attitudes changing for the Border Wall in the USA, Brexit in UK and mass immigration being curtailed everywhere. If they have election again in the UK then Boris Johnson will most likely have a resounding majority and the Brexit passed even if it is delayed to Jan 2020.
There won't be any govt handouts and hard work and merits rather than liberal values will prevail. Judges will not be able to block immigration laws and sanctuary cities may come under scrutiny as well.
There will be a drive towards building huge structures and massive construction will follow.
President Donald Trump will be able to realize his promise of the border wall and it will be quite an achievement actually judging by Jupiter in Capricorn.
Jupiter represents airports and transportation and Capricorn is the sign of building construction. Many airports in the USA will be revamped and upgraded.
Impeachment fiasco by the Democrats will backfire on them and almost guarantee the Trump presidency again in 2020 validating my original prediction in 2016!
The world is moving in the direction which Donald Trump has been talking about especially relating to the infrastructure.
There is a mood shift amongst the masses which will turn against the misuse of mass immigration.
There will be an emphasis on building long-term structures and economic growth everywhere rather than waging wards.
Astrology will become a big business and very commercial rather than just a philosophical divine science.
The Stock Market will become more realistic from 2 Dec onwards for one year and will not be as speculative.
Dow Jones and long term stocks in manufacturing and big industry will benefit as opposed to NASDAQ and pure speculation.
Corporate real estate will do well as well as mass construction of apartment buildings and govt housing.
There will be major corporate takeovers but also an overhaul of monopolies.
Driverless cars in commercial use will become a reality in 2020 with Uber probably taking the lead.
With Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, the economy will become more realistic but manufacturing and huge warehouses will boom along with commercial real estate.
Uranus in Taurus bodes well for cryptocurrency and breaks from tradition and the past.
Jupiter in Capricorn trining Uranus in Taurus indicates major windfalls relating to commercial use of cryptocurrency and the computer infrastructure expanding to accommodate its use.
Jupiter in Capricorn helping Neptune in Pisces throughout 2020 shows corporate support of crowdfunding and humanitarian work.
This combination also benefits meditation for corporations and apps in demand for mental relaxation and big business getting in the act.
With Jupiter entering Capricorn (distant lands and big boulders) along with Saturn (govt and manufacturing) and Pluto in Capricorn, NASA and other space agencies will aggressively pursue mining on the Moon, asteroid diversion techniques and getting minerals to explore from the asteroids.
Here is the full article of what you can expect with Pluto and Capricorn.
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