Sadness (pathos not self-pity) comes in different forms and often leads to great inspirational works of art, music and beauty. One of the saddest themes is the one reflected in an adverse Moon-Neptune aspect, which can lead to escapist tendencies and emotional misjudgments. Luckily, there are ways to sublimate this acute sense of sadness as long as you do not play the victim.
We are giving the Client numbers of our Subscribers who are born with an adverse Moon-Neptune aspect, as well as those who are going through it by transit. We will give you both the timing (when) and the duration (how long) of this transit.
The Moon represents your home and family, your moods, emotional security, feelings (not love which is represented by Venus), public response and women (especially the mother figures). It also represents your dreams and the subconscious mind.
Neptune represents the inspirational aide of you which is stimulated whenever something precious in denied. You will find Neptune prominent amongst those who are often misunderstood by the society or live in a fantasy world e.g. actors, musicians, film producers. It increases escapism and even with a positive aspect between Moon and Neptune, one always has to be careful of intoxications. However, Moon-Neptune makes one more idealistic, whereas Mars-Neptune can lead to physical obsessions and addictions like drugs and alcohol.
A Moon-Neptune aspect makes one idealize a missing parent (often the mother) and draws one to those who have emotional problems.
All Moon-Neptune aspects make one extremely sensitive, however, it is how you use this sensitivity that distinguishes the positive and the negative aspects. Even if you are born with an adverse aspect, you can always direct the acute sensitivity in positive ways especially in “saving” professions like social work.
A positive Moon-Neptune aspect also gives one an artistic flair and an acute sensitivity to the environment, without the escapist tendencies of the negative aspects. Also, the need for sadness is not necessary to stimulate the inspirational side.
Although a lot depends on other stabilizing factors in your chart, if Neptune makes an adverse aspect to your natal Moon (Subscribers whose Client numbers are listed in this article), you should be aware of the following:
• You may have experienced sadness relating to your mother or a parent in your early childhood.
• You will be acutely sensitive to the needs of others and have a sacrificing nature.
• You are prone to emotional misjudgments especially when it comes to your family. You will be drawn to those who have nothing but emotional problems.
• You need sound advice from time to time from trusted friends or family.
• You may have difficulty assessing your goals. This can extend to other areas e.g. confused about the style of art to adopt.
• A Moon-Neptune aspect is excellent for art, beauty and music professions.
• Many films producers and directors were born with it e.g. Carlo Ponti and Charlie Chaplin (brilliant portrayal of pathos in ”The Tramp”).
• Increased intuition and imagination.
• You often find humanitarian people having a Moon-Neptune aspect.
• Increased philosophical interests but more mysticism than logic.
• These people always retain a childlike curiosity even as adults.
• Very creative for art, music, make-up or anywhere you need subtle awareness to color, beauty, sound or sadness.
• Good in Media from the point of view of sensitivity for the arts and creativity.
• Always a sense of inspired sadness (often a parent missing or loss of family).
• You will be very idealistic, romantic, and sensitive to art, beauty and sadness.
• Self-deception and being unrealistic.
• Day dreaming and living in a fantasy world unless you have positive outlets.
• Intuition and inspiration but also confusion about life.
• Sometimes an identity crisis especially if sadness is not sublimated properly.
• Mediumistic tendencies but can also lead to delusions.
• Hard to diagnose illnesses which are mainly due to wild imagination.
• Increases fantasies but is excellent for actors and models where they can project their dreams on the screen.
• You may set very unrealistic goals.
Note: Your Client number may appear in more than one list. For couples, suffix A is for the husband and B for the wife. The Client numbers listed do not have a zero in front, so if your Client # is C-09, it will be listed as C-9.
The following Subscribers are born with an adverse Moon-Neptune aspect
and all the points mentioned in this article apply to you all your life:
B-130, .
Public Figures: Actors/actresses Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, Dustin Hoffman, Errol Flynn, Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, Michael J. Fox, Omar Sharif, Robert Blake, Robert Redford, Sally Field and Sandra Bullock. Actor/Singer Maurice Chevalier. Al Gore, Albert Schweitzer (humanitarian and physician, brilliant in each field and won Nobel Prize in 1952), Beethoven, Benazir Bhutto, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby (tragedy due to son being shot), Chandra Levy, Charles Dickens, Conductor Luciano Chailly, Congressman Gary Condit (sadness in family due to Chandra Levy affair), Country Singer Mac Davis, Director Carlo Ponti, HRH Farah Pahlavi of Iran (was involved with many charities and helped many causes), Lech Walesa (ex-President of Poland, Margaret Trudeau (son disappeared), Musician Roy Orbison, Oscar Wilde, Placido Domingo, Princess Caroline of Monaco (Moon-Neptune in Scorpio, both mother and husband killed in accidents), Princess Yasmine (daughter of Prince Aly Khan who became humanitarian due to sadness from mother’s Alzheimer’s), Psychic Edgar Cayce, Queen Elizabeth I (mother beheaded), Romantic Poet Lord Byron (Don Juan), Senator Edward Kennedy, Sigmund Freud, Singers Debbie Boon and Natalie Cole, Prince Ali Reza, Steve Jobs (adopted), Walt Disney, Writer Charles Lamb (devoted life to mentally ill sister who had killed their mother). Interestingly, both Ariel Sharon and Yassar Arafat were born with adverse Moon-Neptune aspects and regardless of their ruthlessness, dedicated their life for causes.
Inspired Sadness till end of 2005:
The following Subscribers have Moon between 3°:59’ and 15°:59’ of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, and are going through an adverse Neptune-Moon transit. All points listed in this article apply to them already from Beg 2000 and continues till end 2005.
You may experience sadness relating to your family and need to sublimate it through art, music, volunteer work or a “saving profession". You may also find it difficult to decide where you want to settle down. Avoid escapist tendencies and try to be near the ocean or lake to offset this transit. Property near water and listening to classical music is an excellent way to offset this theme:
Public Figures: Actors Demi Moore, Jerry Lewis (telethons), Meryl Streep, Michael J. Fox and Robert Downey Jr., Chelsea Clinton, Singers Barbara Streisand and Elton John, George Lucas, Gorbachev, Monica Lewinsky, Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II.
getting adverse transits from Neptune to your natal Moon. We have also included the Client numbers of those of you who are born with adverse Neptune/Moon aspects, and also those who have Venus in Pisces (the sign “ruled” by Neptune).
How to Use This Article: We have listed the Client numbers of those of you who are getting adverse transits from Uranus to your natal Venus. We have also included the Client numbers of those of you who are born with adverse Uranus/Venus aspects, and also those who have Venus in Aquarius (the sign “ruled” by Uranus).
Your Client number may appear more than once, so make sure that you look at all the lists! Letter A is for the husband, B for the wife, C for the first child, D for the second child and so on.
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