Moon will be in Gemini when Donald Trump wins the 2nd term as I had predicted in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was way up in the polls.
Biden is on his way to retirement as Saturn moves down in his chart and has major legal problems in 2021 besides health issues.
The only problem is that Mercury retrogrades while millions of mail-in votes will be sent. This shows delays and recounts like the 2000 Al Gore and Bush election time.
Mail-in votes create a lot of room for voter fraud.
There is a quad-Tsquare in the sky i.e. four T Square configurations involving Sun opp Mars sq Moon Jupiter Saturn and Pluto. As it involves the Sun and Moon also, there will be major pull on the tectonic plates of the Earth resulting in Earthquakes.
The most dangerous time is 11 am EDT 22 Oct 2020 and the equivalent elsewhere in different time zones.
However, Kamila Harris's planets are moving up so she will be active for a number of years.
Mars is making a station in the sign of Aries from 27 Jun until 6 Jan 2021.
Everyone will have sudden bursts of energy now but will also be more aggressive and hasty.
Generally, it is a time when people drive faster and are more prone to speeding accidents and head injuries.
Excellent for sports cars but be careful of reckless driving.
People are more prone to migraines now and head injuries.
Great time to start physical exercise programs and taking on new challenges.
Military and Police actions in the news from July to Dec 2020 as governents lose patience
Covid-19 cases surge for late 1940s to mid 1950s, and 1980s to mid 1990s age groups
1940s age group vulnerable to immune system and scandlas.
7th July (1 week before and after) very stressful for Donald Trump and Joe Biden
Everyone born between 1988 and 1992 is very accident prone and vulnerable to fraud and immune system down 1st to 20th July
Mid July to beg Aug stressful for those born in late 1940s to mid 1950s, and also 1980s to mid 1990s
Mars in Pisces from 13th May till 27th June will coincide with major storms.
When it conjuncts Neptune also in Pisces from 11th to 13th June 2020, this is the next major adverse transit for the Covid-19 as epidemics happen during this period. It is also one of the major aspects for scandals and fraud at a global level.
This period i.e. 11th to 13th June 2020, also represents major storms, cyclones and tornadoes. Ocean related mishaps are very common during a Mars Neptune in Pisces adverse period.
On the positive side, you will see some of the best online concerts around the world as Pisces is both the sign of music as well as faith and benefits.
Mental Stress and immune system vulnerability in June 2020 for everyone born in the 1930s, 1970s age group as well as babies under 5 years old.
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