AstroCalendar is Hassan's personalized Astro-Life Coaching Program, by means of which you can gain an upper hand on Nature's most closely guarded secret...Your Inner Timing.
Astro Calendar is your Personalized website and shows your Moon Transits and their meanings on a daily basis plus all the planets and what they mean in your life. From Pluto’s once in a lifetime events which change your whole attitude towards some area of your life, to the saddest but the most inspirational areas, to your luckiest periods, it is all in your Personalized Astro Calendar. You can go back in time to the day you were born and get an insight into all the important events which happened in your life.
The possibility that Astrology could answer questions like these has always fascinated all those who were interested in controlling their own destiny. The fact that they were being answered has kept the interest in Astrology going for centuries. The answers to all these questions may lie closer than you ever thought possible...within yourself! Yet only a few make an attempt to understand and use their inner timing to their advantage. The ones everyone calls Lucky!
Providing us with his unique insights and guiding us in our quest for a fulfilling life is the distinguished astrologer Hassan Jaffer, who brings his years of research and his unique ability to understand anything with a Divine origin. Hassan combines his artistic and musical talents with his engineering logic and an acute sensitivity to anything which touches human sentiments to make you aware of the most subtle experiences in life. You do not need any knowledge of astrology or your horoscope to use your Personalized AstroCalendar & Oracle.
Astrocalendar & Oracle is completely personalized and based on your date, time, and place of birth.
Moon's transits on a daily basis so you know which activity to focus on.
Your best timing for relationships, love, and marriage.
The best time to travel or buying a car, your windfall periods
The most deceptive period in love matters
The best time for buying or selling a house etc.
When can you expect the next lucky phase of your life and in which area? Love? Purchase of property? or Fame and recognition?
Other cycles (Mars, Jupiter, etc.) will help you establish monthly and yearly goals.
AstroCalendar gives you all the tools to have that special insight to establish your short-term as well as long-range goals with full confidence that they are in line with Nature's timing!
AstroCalendar is the only personalized life-coaching program in the world that allows Hassan to give specific guidance to his Subscribers and tools for effective planning on a monthly basis.
Click AstroCalendar to take control of your life by using your Free Choice most effectively!
Check out AstroCalendar
Unlock Nature's Secrets
Indpeth Report Discover your Strengths, Talents, Limitations, attitude towards Love, Money and also How to Offset Negative themes.
Your 12 Month Forecast gives the most important dates for Love, Money, Health, Travel, and accident prone days. Use Free Choice to Offset Negative Themes!
Solar Life Report Just like your Birthdate, the Sun makes many other important Aspects on the Same Dates, Every Year, All Your Life!