Venus in Aries is a very independent and physically passionate sign of the Zodiac.
They have a natural flair for graphics and design including interior decoration and fashion.
They also have an eye for architecture. The color red is usually associated with Venus in Aries.
Public Figures and Celebrities
Audrey Hepburn, Bob Marley, Christiano Rinaldo, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Aniston, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Marilyn Monroe, Rihanna.
To find out where your Venus position is, just enter your birthdate below and click on the Interpretation.
Here is where you can find out which sign Venus was when you were born and what it means.
Just enter your birthdate below and click on Interp, then read the interpretation for your Venus position.
All the planets in signs are also given below Venus interpretation.
Here are some beautiful clothes in Aries red by the Persian designer Bijan
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