Updated 22 Feb 2013
It seems the storms have materialized in the US and there are huge storms developing the Midwest right now.
The ocean theme is Neptune in Pisces along with many other planets in Pisces as well and as we mentioned, Saturn trining all these planets is a positive theme as well. Saturn in Scorpio (research) trining several planets in Pisces (ocean, fish etc) has coincided with new forms of marine life being discovered and underwater robots discovering new ways of monitoring the sea life. This is a major breakthrough and six planets in Pisces around 11th March will coincide with this theme being exact.
10th and 1th March are two of the most spiritual days in history as Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune are all in Pisces while Saturn trines most of them. Children born during this time will be acutely sensitive and spiritual as well as humanitarian. Saturn aspect also ensures that they will be productive as well and it seems some very spiritual and creative people will be born now who will bring about wonderful changes in the world. However with no planets in Fire signs, they will need others to put their dreams into action.
For musicians and song writers, these two days are the most creative and I would encourage them to immortalize this beautifully romantic but also inspirational time through songs and lyrics. They may also coincide with the Pope being elected and mass prayers being offered around the world. It is rare that we get such moments when everyone is in a deep state of contemplation and prayer.
On 12th March, the magic finishes and with Moon, Mars and Uranus in Pisces, the impulsive actions and military action begin again leading up to a Mars opp Saturn in the sky on 20 Apr 2013 and major conflicts around the world.
Updated 11 Feb 2013
In our World Predictions below, we wrote "As Pisces is the sign of children and senior citizens as well as spirituality, this is a very special time and time for spiritually sad events. However, this is one of the best times also for mass prayers...
With many planets in the sign of Pisces including the Moon, it is not surprising that an event has taken place which hasn't happened since 1415, Pope Benedict XVI resigned the his position making our prediction come true without our realizing the impact of the simple astrological truth. The Pope happens to be a n Aries but has Mercury and Jupiter in Pisces and the fact the he announced this on the day when Moon is in the same sign, almost confirms about his spiritual nature. You often hear of truly gifted musicians passing away when Moon is in Pisces. Similarly, we heard about Princess Diana when the Moon was in Leo (sign of Royalty).
The ocean related themes that we have predicted have started with three major earthquakes all in the ocean as we mentioned and a ship being stranded with over 600 passengers. These are all Pisces themes and will continue till mid-March when there are six planets in Pisces!
Two more underwater earthquakes this week, 7.1 in Solomon Islands and 6.9 off the coast of Japan.
Updated 6 Feb 2013 3 am
It seems the ocean related earthquakes are already starting:
(CNN) -- An 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific on Wednesday, triggering a localized tsunami that killed five people but didn't threaten the wider region.
4 Feb 2013
Almost the same configuration as March and April 2011 is repeating itself mid Feb and Mar 2013. From 5th Feb till 15th Feb is a major ocean related theme developing which could coincide with underwater earthquakes triggering off waves but not the major tsunami like Japan in the Pacific ocean. There is also danger of major storms, floods, ship sinking, and any whales or fisheries related adverse events. As Pisces is the sign of children and senior citizens as well as spirituality, this is a very special time and time for spiritually sad events. However, this is one of the best times also for mass prayers, absolutely breathtaking compositions and a very creative period for anyone connected with the film industry and spirituality.
The same theme repeats itself on 11th March when there six planets in Pisces (including the Moon and the Sun). However, Saturn trines most of them so it is also a very inspirational as well as productive theme but the danger from ocean and epidemics still remains.
Although the asteroid is missing the earth around 15th Feb, we are sure this is not part of that configuration at all.
We just need to be extra careful near the beaches and not take unnecessary chances as the ocean will be very rough and involve major storms and hurricanes triggered by natural events.
The Straight of Hurmuz is also full of volunteers who are ready to sacrifice their life and all we need is one ship sinking to trigger the next event given below. We hope even if there are major naval exercises in the ocean, Saturn trining all the Pisces planets will reflect the spiritual leaders helping in the political process from the Mideast. Children and the elderly suffering in Syria will be highlighted as well but more for making the conditions even worse rather than helping their plight.
Danger of epidemics is very strong especially for children and seniors.
Children born during mid Feb 2013 and also on 10th and 11th Mars 2013 will be extremely musical, creative and spiritual.
What happened in April 2011 seems to be repeating itself and we have four 7.1 earthquakes which are again possible. We are concerned about the Midwest again and the BC coastlne to LA. Stellium in Aries from 8th to 11th April (three or more planets) indicates military actions and hot tempers triggering war like conditions again but hopefully diplomacy will prevail. President Obama will be at his aggressive peak and take decisive actions in solidifying his authority and take steps towards normalizing relations towards Iran as a first step. There is a lot of opposition but diplomacy is the only possible offsetting theme especially in April when the Republicans and their Lobby will try their best to start a war and derail any peace initiatives.
We mentioned in our last newsletter that "Mars squaring Saturn in mid Jan 2013 is a major accident configuration and points to aviation or nuclear related mishaps...
It just so happens that mid Jan is exactly when All Nippon Airways (ANA) grounded its fleet of 17 Dreamliners after its flight NH 692 from Yamaguchi Ube was forced to land shortly after takeoff. Japan Airlines followed suit, saying it would ground its fleet of seven 787s from 16 January until further notice. Although this is the latest setback for Boeing and its problem-hit Dreamliner planes, it actually offset a major accident aviation disaster about to happen as all Dreamliners were grounded! It is similar to my telling my clients that when their car ends up in the garage, they should thank their lucky stars that somebody's blessings is offsetting their accident configuration!
It seems our forecast about the stocks came about almost exactly as we had anticipated but the key is taking advantage of our timing by actually trading in the market. It was exactly mid Jan on the 15th that Apple stocks went down and came up right after. They also released new software but the stock will be down again from around 8th to 11th. However, people are on a gambling mood on the 10th The first two weeks for April are critical for Apple and they are not positive. However, the longterm prospects are still very positive. End of Mar beg Apr looks positive and then immediately after there is a downturn, so you have to be very careful in trading and please do this at your own risk but keep an eye on our forecast.
BBRY (previously RIMM) is really underrated still and has some very positive aspects till May 2013. However, there are two periods which seem to be critical, 9th March up and down almost at the same time and around 23 April which is a low period for it. Blackberry also has to be careful of any legal issues which show up from about June onwards but July onwards Jupiter trines its Mars giving it a major lift.
On Friday just before the Superbowl I realized that the two brothers are both coaches and will be on opposing teams. I looked at the charts of Jim Harbaugh and John Harbaugh and found out that Jim (49ers) had disappointment in his chart and was getting a Moon Saturn and Saturn Moon aspect, whereas John's chart (coach of the Ravens) showed happiness. Although this is the first time we were doing this and basing the results on the chart of the coaches rather than the players, our prediction came true and we will use the same process for future as well. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time of birth of the coaches and just the date of birth but the happiness and disappointment was quite obvious in their charts. I emailed my prediction to a few friends and clients and also to Rob McConnel of the XZone (I will be a guest on the 11th Feb from 11 pm to midnight of his coast to coast Radio show The XZone.
I also sent him an email about the ocean related disaster from 9th to 12th Feb and hopefully my prediction will not come true or at least not affect any lives adversely. the reason for writing this is only so we can help governments in the future by knowing that we are on the right track., This is not guesswork but based on solid astrological research.
Interestingly, the Moon was in Scorpio and the power went off for quite some time, leaving the entire stadium in complete darkness. When the power came back, the 49ers came back with fresh action but were never able to catch up with the Ravens. Another indication of the Ravens winning may have been the color of the day which was black (color for Moon in Scorpio)! We believe the power outage was sabotage which is the hallmark of events during Moon in Scorpio.
Everyone goes through a very stressful time when Mars makes an adverse aspect to your Neptune. During this period, your immune system is depleted and you are more prone to allergic reactions, nightmares, fraud and scandals. Your body needs rest and healing now so take extra care of yourself and don't take unnecessary chances in life. Ex: Princess Diana, JFK Jr, Tiger Woods scandal.
Your body does not behave normally during a Mars-Neptune transit and you need more rest and sleep to recuperate. Avoid drugs and alcohol and sublimate this obsessive period through art or music.
There are always ways to offset a negative theme and that is the whole purpose of astrology. A Mars-Neptune aspect makes one very obsessive but the form of obsession is your free choice. Everything you do during this transit can become a habit so choose your habits carefully.
Everyone born in the late 80s and early 90s was in a very stressful aspect in Nov and Dec 2012. All three of the last major shootings in the US was done by individuals who were getting a Mars aspect to their Uranus and Neptune. This is when someone who is already unstable mentally becomes even more so while Mars, Uranus and Pluto were all making dangerous aspects.
Children born in late 90s are also very accident prone and have to be careful of icy conditions and any freak accidents involving the head and spine. Please be extra careful with your children during mid Jan for about ten days.
Feb till mid Mar 2013 is very stressful for those of you born between 1977 and 1985, and 1937 to 1942. Take extra care when it comes to all respiratory illnesses. For the older folks, they also need to be careful of drug reactions while the younger ones have to be more aware of driving mishaps.
mid Mar 2013 till 19 Apr 2013 is a very stressful period for those born between 1942 and 1949. Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr., and Benjamin Netanyahu. As Mars will be in Aries, you can bet Netanyahu will become very impatient and belligerent and yearning for war again and military expansion, but will fail as his thinking is clouded now.
As mentioned above, there are always ways to offset a negative theme as you are more prone to allergic reactions and coming to wrong conclusions, just don't take unnecessary chances now and wait until this transit is over.
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