Venus in Virgo represents classic, minimalist styles in mostly neutral hues, with no frills or ruffles. Natural material and fabric, pure cotton, sober tones, black and olive green, sliver accessories as opposed to gold.
Those with Venus in Virgo often wear black and prefer sad songs (country songs). They use very little makeup and would rather wear pure cotton than silk. Safari jackets. Those with Venus in Virgo can be somewhat shy in love.
They enjoy natural skin care products and are good at modeling with focus on less fat content.
Public Figures and Celebrities
Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Demi Lovato, Eminem, J. K. Rowling, John Lennon, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, Kim Kardashian, Meghan Markle, Mick Jagger, Mila Kunis, Robert De Niro, Robert Redford, Robin Williams
Here is where you can find out which sign the planets Venus was in when you were born and what it means.
Just enter your birthdate below and click on Interpret button, then read the interpretation for your Venus position.
This is your natal Venus position and it remains the same all your life and never changes.
All the planets in signs are also given below Venus interpretation.
Virgo is somewhat like Pisces in the green theme as in
collection from Bijan. Venus in Virgo also prefers natural
fibers and pure cotton
Leo-Vir Asc is the black with flashy accessories here. Joe Jonas is a Leo with Venus in Virgo (Silver jacket). Pottery is another Venus in Virgo hobby. |
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