Jan 1998 to 3 Apr 2011
written Nov 2008
2011 Dangerous Times and Tsunami - an amazing event happening in Mar 2011, one of the most devastating planetary events I have seen.
Neptune moving from Aquarius to Neptune in Pisces heralds a very spiritual era. What worries me is why everyone is suddenly thinking of spirituality which is quite profound.
This is not just any event that many psychics and soothsayers call “transformation of consciousness” (whatever that may be), but it is the Stellium in Aries opposed by Saturn and squared to Pluto at the same time, which is so dangerous.
Imagine six planets in the sky in Aries, four of them exactly opposed to Saturn and three of them squared by Pluto plus a Mars conjunct Uranus aspect in the sky.
All these planets trying to pull the earth off its orbit will physically affect and trigger major earthquakes and tsunamis.
On 17 Feb 2011, Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Neptune in Aquarius all opposite to the Full Moon in Leo, dangerous solar storms may knock off satellites and cell phones.
The electric grid may be affected in North America. Space-related mishaps and a strong possibility of an asteroid coming very close to the earth or even hitting it! Major air crashes.
On 4 March 2011, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus will be in Pisces (the last degree of Pisces for Uranus and the end of our prediction for major tsunamis), indicating danger from ocean tides and storms as well.
Major Tsunamis (tectonic plates slipping from Vancouver to Los Angeles?), storms, hurricanes, ship sinkings, epidemic breakouts, and other ocean-related mishaps are quite possible now.
(Editor’s Update: the “last degree of Pisces for Uranus and end of our prediction for major tsunamis”... Uranus was in the last degree of Pisces on 11th March when Japan Tsunami happened. The prediction was made in Nov 2008, three years before it happened and exactly to the day).
On 4th April 2011, when Neptune moves into the sign of Pisces (right after April Fool’s day!), this is certainly not a joke that nature seems to be playing on us but the real possibility of major calamities making us suddenly more aware of the Creator!
We believe the major earthquake in 2011 is in the mid-USA and other parts of the world. We will keep you updated on our findings.
On the positive side, if the configurations were well-aspected, the Aries sign would indicate major discoveries and pioneering technology, and Neptune in Pisces, as a new way of experiencing life with all the audio, visual and other sensory perception.
So basically, we have to prepare for three major events in 2011:
1- Space related mishaps for Feb 2011, an asteroid hitting or coming very close to earth?
Many air crashes and dangers to cell phones and satellites.
2- Water and ocean-related disasters for March 2011 (tsunamis and ship sinking) Danger for tectonic plate slipping from Vancouver to LA and in the Pacific Ocean.
3- Earthquakes and major volcanos in the Pacific Ocean for April 2011
Events to Watch in 2009: There is a minor similarity between the events of Feb and Apr 2009 to the dangerous dates we gave in 2011.
Although the major planets will not be dangerously aligned till early 2011, Mars will give us a taste of the themes to expect in 2011.
In Feb. 2009, we will have the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune in Aquarius, so we should get some news about satellite disruptions, aviation crashes, dangerous ice conditions, electric storms, and stocks for hi-tech and digital products being affected.
In Feb. 2011, the same themes will also be much more exaggerated due to dangerous solar storms. (See 25 March 2009)
On 8th Mar 2009, Mars conjuncts Neptune and with the Moon in Leo opposing this conjunction, we can expect the nightmare theme to peak.
Around mid-Mar 2009, Mars will be in Pisces along with Sun, Mercury, and Uranus. This is the time we can expect major storms, ocean-related mishaps, and tornadoes. (See 25 March 2009)
15th Apr 2009 is when Mars conjuncts Uranus while opposing Saturn from a week before.
There is a real indecisiveness in action but a very dangerous situation that can become explosive in the Mideast.
We hope Saturn keeps this in check, but you will hear about preparations for strikes.
Even small Tsunamis will be very important now as the same configurations appear with much more intensity in Mar 2011. Watch for ship sinkings or epidemic breakouts to learn what to expect in Mar 2011.
Apr 2009 will be the transit somewhat similar to Apr 2011 in terms of military actions and the impatience to go to war.
Impulsive actions and aggressive postures by rogue nations in the Middle East and indiscriminate bombings are man-made tendencies now, and volcanoes or disruptions from fire are what make this period similar to Apr 2011.
We would appreciate any feedback on events of this nature that you can send to .
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