by Hassan Jaffer
by Hassan Jaffer
Detailed Horoscope Analysis
Here is the chart of the most photographed woman in the world. The critics could never understand the ethereal beauty and the talents of this remarkable actress who had such a glamorous personality yet always had a sense of pathos around her.
We will analyze her chart in-depth at a later date. We wrote two articles about her in 1988 and discussed not only her complex personality but also what happened to her when she died.
There was a Mars-Neptune aspect in her chart when she died, exactly like Princess Diana and JFK Jr. and we do not feel that it was a natural death.
While seeking to unravel the complicated personality of Marilyn Monroe and her mysterious death, the most important part of this puzzle was accidentally solved by finding out that Marilyn Monroe was left-handed and my evaluating her chart for left-handed people. She had a wide Mercury- Saturn opposition but putting Saturn in the 3rd house (all astrologers have it in the 4th) not only accurately accounted for her being left-handed but for the many delays in communication that she had throughout her life, including her possibly trying to contact anyone during her last hours.
Saturn does not have to be in the 4th house to account for her unhappy childhood. Her Saturn Moon square and Moon-Neptune-opposition is a strong indication of an unhappy childhood and also that it was like fantasy and very unstable - she lived in more than ten foster homes. Saturn in Scorpio in the 3rd house (short trips) would account for her father being killed in a car or motorcycle accident. If we put Saturn in the 3rd house, then two other planets change houses and suddenly her complicated and misunderstood personality starts shining through the maze of coverups.
Mars in her 7th house (marriage) clearly points to her husband being in sports - Di Maggio was a baseball hero. Neptune in 1st or 12th House? With Saturn in the 3rd house, Neptune could still be just in the first house. However, her secret love affair with a famous married man (John F. Kennedy) and her taking excessive medication and alcohol both point to Neptune in Leo in the 12th house.
We believe that it is close to her ascendant but still in her twelfth house instead of the first which would account for her escapist tendencies. However, Neptune in Leo in the First house would account for her almost ethereal, soft, and transcendental beauty with an illusionary quality to it. Her Venus - Neptune trine gave her beauty and also gave her a seductive aura, photogenic appeal, and mystical glamour.
There is always a true genuine feeling of pathos and disappointment in the life of those who have a Moon - Neptune opposition which can lead to escapist tendencies also but is fantastic to project fantasy on the screen. When this very sensitive opposition is squared by Saturn as well (a T- square), it gives them deep depressions and periods of loneliness. Put the Neptune right on the ascendant and you can understand that when asked if she found New York as lonely a city as they said it was, she replied: "Any place is lonely when you don't know who you are"
Her Leo ascendant gave her the exhibitionistic tendencies and her personal magnetism and charisma where she stood out in a crowd. It also gave her a certain class and pride which prevented her from confiding her true feelings. Those of you with a Taurus or even with a Gemini M.C. (A or B column) would be able to relate to some of her personality traits and events around her.
It is important to realize that not only her personal magnetism, glamorous beauty, soft feminine voice, and seductive aura but also her helpless vulnerability, disappointments in life, sadness, lack of parental affection, and deep insecurities, were all essential in the making of the unique legend of Marilyn Monroe.
If anyone of these ingredients were missing, we would never have been emotionally touched in so many ways by the many sides of her real personality.
Neptune comes back to its own sign approx every 165 years but that is only the Age of the Golden Movies generation aspect of her personality!
On 26 July 1953, with Jupiter transiting her tenth house (fame and recognition), Marilyn Monroe (and Jane Russel) placed their hands adn feet in the wet cement at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.
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