This is based on my own theory and one that science will hopefully recognize as soon as someone correlates astrological themes with internal neural signals that Nature has provided us from our moment of conception, and which are accurately reflected by the planetary movements from the time of our birth.
The diagram on this page is a simplified “flow chart” of dreams to give you an idea of the astrological reasoning behind different types of dreams. You might want to compare it with the one in our last issue.
Some questions about dreams that I often think about are:
How are the dreams of beggars and kings different?
Do blind people dream and how are their dreams different from ours?
There is a close link between memory and dreams e.g. if someone drops water on you, your memory will recall all events associated with this stimulus and dream about Niagara Falls or storms etc., but what if one has never been outside one’s home?
Can a PET scan (which shows the brain’s dynamic activity) be used to locate the area where prophetic dreams originate from?
Is the Visual Cortex activated when you see something in your dream just like when you are awake?
Is the Broca’s region involved when you speak in your dream, or the Wernicke’s area if you understand what you are saying?!
Will your brain scan be different if you dream that you are dreaming?!
We gave you some traditional dream interpretations in another article. Now we will show you how you can use astrology to understand the hidden messages of your subconscious.
Some important points about dreams that we discussed before also apply to my astrological method of dream interpretation.
We mentioned that symbols are the language of the subconscious, and that you should try to understand what different objects, feelings and activities (e.g. water, heights, chasing, falling, birds, flying, stage, feelings of joy or sadness, etc.) mean to you personally at that particular time in your life.
We also mentioned that the emotions that you experience in your dream (i.e. how you feel towards the other person or in a certain situation) are just as important as the activity itself.
We also discussed different types of dreams i.e. prophetic, fulfilment, nightmares and warning signals (about health etc.) through your dreams, as well as the significance of recurring dreams.
Finally, we also indicated that when interpreting your dream, it is important to take all activities and experiences of the day into consideration and that the stimulus for your dream can be external e.g. TV programs and events of the day, or internal e.g. insecurities, sadness or even an upset stomach!
We are all born with certain predestined “themes”, the timing and duration of which are both predestined, although how you offset them is your free choice to some extent (but only if you are aware of it). These themes are basically your innate needs which you will experience either consciously through your activities or subconsciously through dreams. Whether you are awake or not, your “themes” are being offset continuously. Your mind is never asleep and not only tries to satisfy these needs while you are awake (through your actions), but also while you are asleep – through your dreams!
In other words, your needs can also be fulfilled through dreams. This is the key to my method of dream analysis i.e. if your “themes” or needs are not satisfied while you are awake, then they are offset through your dreams! For example, you may have Moon in the 9th house and you dream of speaking to your astrologer about philosophy! Or if you were supposed to go through the experience of flying, then you may dream of it if you did not actually fly on that day.
In fact, it is better for some of your negative themes to be experienced vicariously through dreams rather than being offset in real life! For example, when your mind prompts you to swim in the ocean to satisfy an inner desire to experience “danger through water” (a Mars/Neptune theme of drowning), you can simply dream or watch a movie about the Titanic and go through similar experiences as its passengers. Many nightmares may be a blessing in disguise as they prevent dangerous situations in real life!
There is a close link with any planet’s transit in your chart and the contents of your dream. The Moon is the main indicator because dreams only last for a few hours and other planets are too slow to reflect your inner state of mind on a daily basis (although they may set the trends for the whole month or even the year). Feelings and Timing Stimulated by Moon and Planets
To keep it simple, let us just take the Moon’s transits around your chart and see how they affect your dreams (the same principles apply to the rest of the planets as well):
1- The Moon travels around your chart in a counter-clockwise direction and goes through all the 12 houses in about 29 days, and then repeats the same cycle over and over again. You already know which column applies to you in the “Moon’s transits”, so all you need to know is which house number the Moon is transiting when you are asleep, and you will find that the contents of your dream will reflect the qualities of that house! Table 2 gives you an indication of what you are likely to dream of when the Moon or other planets transit the 12 houses.
2- As the Moon goes around your 12 houses, it also makes different angles or “aspects” to your natal planets. When the Moon makes an aspect to a natal planet, it stimulates the need within you represented by that planet. For example, if Jupiter was in Aquarius when you were born, the Moon will “conjunct” it when it is also in Aquarius, and stimulate your philosophical side.
3- Each planet represents a need within you which is expressed in some symbolic form in your dream, and each house represents the area where your needs are fulfilled. For example, if the Moon is the same degree as your Venus, you will dream of romance, love or art objects. If the Moon is also in your 4th house (#4 in your Moon’s transits), you might dream of buying furniture for your home. Similarly, if it is in your 3rd house and also touches your Venus, you may dream about talking to someone about love or writing a love letter!
A Moon-Pluto trine or sextile gives an innate ability to have prophetic dreams and to understand and interpret them. A Moon/Pluto conjunction, square or opposition can also be prophetic, but more about life/death situations.
Astrological dream interpretation is quite complex, but if someone can accurately read your transits for the future, they should be able to understand your dreams in light of the same planets’ transits that they use to evaluate your future trends.
1- Write down the signs of all your planets using the Legend given on page 8.
2- Check the Moon’s sign for the day under “Moon’s Position” (shaded column on page 2).
3- Find out which planet in your chart has the same sign as the Moon on that day.
4- Check which house the Moon is transiting on the night of your dream (#1 to 12 under your M.C. column on page 2).
5- Combine the meaning of that planet (Table-1), the meaning of the house that the Moon is transiting (Table-2) and later on, you can also take its sign into consideration (e.g. if the Moon is in Leo and you dream of castles).
Sun Symbols representing your goals and personality.
Moon Feelings, need for nurturance, mother or women, home and family.
Mercury Writing, telephones, messages, letters, talking on the phone.
Venus Feelings of love and romance. Symbols of art objects and beauty.
Mars Sports, physical activity, guns, fire, strife and anger.
Jupiter Happiness, travel, foreign countries, foreigners, philosophy, churches.
Saturn Symbols of authority, limitations and restrictions, father or older figure. Feelings of sadness and loneliness.
Uranus Symbols of the space age, sudden flashes of insight, unexpected news, shocks.
Neptune Symbols of inspirational beauty and romance, sadness and spirituality, lakes, beach, gardens, flowers, butterflies, grandparents, children, pets.
Pluto Symbols representing power and masses. Life and death situations, cemetery, the realization of Truth. Emergencies, hospitals, jails, dark alleys and basements. Secret desires which are deeply hidden.
1st House: Dreams of personal improvement. Often revelations about your mission in life.
2nd House: Dreams that you have at this time might help you find the areas where you can make money. Things you buy or lose will provide clues to your earning potential.
3rd House: Dreams of brother and sisters and events relating to neighbours. Dreams of bicycles and cars or walking in the park. Receiving letters and telephone calls.
4th House: Dreams relating to home, parents, moving, and all symbols of emotional security.
5th House: Dreams involving love affairs, children or pets as well as being on stage. Dreams of winning lotteries or sudden windfalls.
6th House: Dreams involving people at your work. Also dreams that deal with your concern for health especially minor operations.
7th House: Dreams about marriage or involving your spouse or in-laws if you are married. Fights and arguments with close friends.
8th House: A time when people think about life/death matters during the day and may feel run down because of it. Dreams of inheritance or money through banks and property. Symbols of passion, taboos and life/death situations.
9th House: Usually the most prophetic dreams and those involving saints, spiritual people, churches and foreign lands as well as flying.
10th House: Dreams where you are the focus of attention and in the limelight or involving those who are famous. These dreams may relate to your career and social status (scandals!).
11th House: Dreams which deal with your aspirations and insecurities for the future. Dreams of parties, clubs and social occasions. People you meet in your dream now will be the type who help you realize your goals.
12th House: Dreams of secret love but also secret enemies and those who you feel are trying to undermine your interests. You also dream of hospitals, jails and institutions as well as people chasing you or being caught.
We will focus on the Moon’s transits for now. Although the Moon makes many aspects to each planet, we will only take 0° for now which is called a “conjunction” and happens when a transiting planet is the same degree as a natal planet. For example, if Venus was in Pisces when you were born (shown as 12 00 = Venus 12° Pisces), then the Moon will conjunct your Venus when it is 12° Pisces (You can refer to the shaded column in the Moon’s Transits on page 2 to see the daily position of the Moon).
Let us take an example and follow the monthly trends of this girl’s dreams (refer to Fig.1):
As the planets move in a counter-clockwise manner, each of them will touch off her natal planets in the following order only: Saturn, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, then again Saturn etc.
1- When Moon is in Aquarius, it conjuncts her Saturn (because Saturn was in Aquarius when she was born), and her dream will reflect feelings of restriction or loneliness. Because Saturn is in her 4th house (parents), she might dream of conflicts with a parent or sadness related to a parental or authority figure.
2- Then the Moon touches off her natal Moon and stimulates her need for nurturance and emotional security along with dreams of food and family. 3- It then moves into Pisces and conjuncts her Jupiter when she will dream of flying or other symbols of freedom and happiness. As the Moon will be in her 5th house of love affairs, she might dream of travelling to distant lands with a foreigner or meeting someone in a foreign land (both Jupiter themes).
4- When the Moon activates her Mars, she will be physically active in her dreams or perform on the stage (Mars in 10th) or experience arguments and strife. 5- As the Moon passes over her natal Uranus, she will experience some unexpected events in her dream. 6- When the Moon touches off her natal Pluto, she will start thinking deeply and probably dream about her mission in life. As the Moon will also be in her 12th house, she might dream about hospitals, illnesses or events that make her realize some aspect of “Truth”.
7- Then the Moon will transit her 1st house and conjunct her Sun, when her dream will relate to her personality and self improvement. 8- Then as the Moon transits over her natal Mercury, she will dream of writing, talking on the phone or some other means of communication. 9- Finally, when the Moon conjuncts her Neptune, she will feel rather sad and melancholic in her dream (as well as during the day). She will feel inspired during this transit and probably dream about grandparents, children, pets or romance and setbacks relating to them. This is also the time one dreams of lakes and flowers. 10- Finally, the Moon will conjunct her Venus and she will have the most beautiful dreams of romance and love or about beauty products.
Then the Moon will again touch off her Saturn and the same cycle will repeat itself. There are other planets involved but they will only add more colour to this basic lifelong pattern. For example, if Venus is in her 11th house of social activities, she will dream of parties and weddings. Combine this with the transits of the rest of the planets and you will know how to interpret all your dreams!
The minute you start talking about a dream – you start forgetting its contents, especially if your dream is a little vague to begin with. So write it down without first verbalizing or talking to someone about it.
Opening your eyes activates almost 50% of neural activity and inhibits remembering your dream. So keep a pen and paper near you to write down your dreams with eyes half closed.
Make special note of recurring dreams and write down the date and time of all your dreams so you can check the similarities when the same transit repeats itself.
Here are the symbols for all the planets and the signs of the Zodiac:
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