World Events 22 August 2011
Mercury retrograde is almost finished and hopefully it taught you a few lessons and you are more organized and less forgetful as a result of this. Most people don't understand the benefits of Mercury retrograde and only focus on the negative aspects of it which is forgetfulness and communication problems as well as gadgets not working properly etc. If you really want to learn something from it, then it is actually one of the best times for research and getting organized.
Get prepared for all your projects moving forward again as Mercury goes direct from 25th Aug. The retrograde will be back with all its delays etc from 24th Nov till 13th Dec 2011.
Mercury is again retrograde from 12 Mar till 4 Apr 2012 in the sign of Aries/Pisces. Everyone will be much more impulsive and hasty till 24th Mar when it moves into Pisces and everyone is again evasive like politicians. This is a great time for new ideas but dont implement them as you will probably jump the gun. Write down your ideas and go over them again after 4th April when Mercury is direct again.
This is an excellent time short term projects which require new ways of thinking. You will be more action oriented but just use this time to jot down all your thoughts e.g. thinking of names of articles as opposed to finishing off your writing. Great for one liners and names of websiite or making logos etc. However, you will certainly be tested and will probably run into all kinds of delays which will hopefully make you more efficient rather than just frustrated.
Here is what you can do to prepare yourself for this period but you have to do this before the Mercury retrograde sets in:
Expect everyone (including yourself!) to be more forgetful and indecisive
Back up all the important computer files and documents in a separate Backup Folder
Back up the above in a removable storage device (usb or external hard drive)
Make extra keys for your house, office and cars and keep them in a safe place.
Remember to take the keys out of the car when you lock it (a Niagara couple got locked out on their honeymoon with the car running during Mercury retrograde!).
Make sure you give extra time for each meeting and don't have them back to back.
Try not to buy computers or any communication gadgets during this time
Realize that everyone is likely to be more forgetful now (including yourself!).
Don't memorize important numbers, write them down!
Pay your telephone and cell bills so you are not left without communication
Don't change your telephone numbers, wait till Mercury retrograde finishes
Take photocopies of your passport, licence and credit cards and keep them in a safe place at home. This is especially important if you are travelling.
We wrote about the 50s age group having to be careful of stress related illnesses as well as the late 80s and 90s age group going through a nightmare period.
A real sad event happened recently in Ontario. A Japanese girl was straddling over the railing overlooking Niagara Falls and right after having her picture taken, she fell backwards, slipped and went over the falls to her death. She was holding an umbrella and I am sure that was one of the reasons she lost her balance. It is so sad for the parents who had sent this girl for studies in to Toronto, Canada. I am hoping one of these days to devise a very simple program when parents can warn their children as we had mentioned so clearly about this. She was only 19 years old and was going through an exact Mars Neptune aspect we wrote about. This is also an aspect of drowning and one in which Natalie Woods also drowned. Of course, it is also carelessness and plain stupidity of people who take these chances and put their own life at risk.
What we find amazing is that she came from japan where so many people lost their life in the tsunami, only to be drowned by going over the Niagara Falls. Seems almost destined as if she had a Mars-Neptune aspect by birth.
In the 50s age group which we identified, we just hear today that Jack Layton of the NDP party in Canada, has died of cancer. He had the exact aspect we talked about and bravely fought it for as long as he could. We had a look at his chart and it was really a remarkable chart with strong leadership ability and he actually brought the party from oblivion to one of its strongest placements. In fact, because of him there is hardly a Liberal party in Canada right now. I am sure if he had been a Liberal, he would have won hands down.
Steve Jobs is also getting the same aspect around 15th Sep (a week before and after) as Mars touches off his very sensitive natal Mars-Neptune-Uranus T-Square. What is more dangerous is Saturn touching off this T-Square from Nov 2011 till May 2012. However, he has some very positive transits from Dec 2011 till Feb 2012 and hopefully will recover well if he has to have any surgery. This aspect repeats itself every seven years and I believe he had the cancer around seven years ago. We wish him the best and pray for his good health. He should reduce his stress and take some rest and give responsibilities to others during this stressful period.
When we originally wrote about major earthquakes in April 2011, the configuration has not finished yet and in fact there is a T-Square in the sky between Pluto, Uranus and Saturn which keeps getting touched off my Moon and other planets. Certain days are more critical than others when Mars touches this T-Square. Last week of Aug 2011 (very dangerous aspect as Mars is the trigger here) and last week of Sep 2011 (when Moon makes a grand square) and end of Sep 2011 when there are three T-Squares in the sky involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn all in Libra touching off the Uranus Pluto square. This looks like a major event with political connotation to it which will bring long-term peace in the Middle East.
Of course Moon will touch this off four times every month but we will write about this in a later newsletter once I finish some of my research.
We feel that the real estate will pick up after end of Aug 2011 as the dangerous Mars-Saturn-Uranus and Pluto finishes. Older properties and land will be the main developments going up.
The transit mentioned above touches off geological events and is reflective of major military operations as well. This is probably indicative of indiscriminate bombing by NATO in Libya where continuous bombs are being dropped. Gaddafi was the only one holding that country together and we feel it may go into some chaos before stability comes in. Gaddafi is not just going to give up although he has very dangerous aspects from end of Sep 2011 till Sep 2012 (legal conflicts as well as temper and self destructive aspects).
Gaddafi's son Saif, who has a PhD from the London School of Economics, was actually quite moderate who opened the country to Western business opportunities, paid millions to the Lockerbie victims, and generally was calling for moderation. Unfortunately, the Arabs are not the most tactful people and need better PR as all their words were taken in a negative way. Rivers of blood implied by the civil war was taken as meaning that they would actually trigger it! NATO has its own agenda which has nothing to do with the safety of the civilians and everything to do with providing all help to the armed rebels in order to gain a footing in Libya for its oil and gold.
Stressful Time for the 60s Age Group and Children under Ten
Those born in the 60s as well as children under ten have the Mars-Neptune aspect from 19th Sep to 10th Nov 2011. The aspect dates are relative to when you were born i.e. if you born in the early or late 60s and you can adjust the dates accordingly. The 60s age group is prone to kidney and uro-genital area problems and the children will be very susceptible to accidents and spine injuries now. This transit reduces the immune system of the body and the 60s age group will be again into scandals, out of wedlock pregnancies and other nightmares. They are also very susceptible to drug abuse and overdose.
Try to stay away from any excesses, obsessive behaviour and fraudulent activities. This is the Tom Cruise and Charlie Sheen age group and their age group is in a nightmare period now, and needs more rest (Heath Ledger died under exactly the same transit). Use moderation and keep out of shady deals!
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