World Events 27 January 2011
While the revolution in Egypt has already started, March will see many martyrs but also many musicians and spiritual leaders in the world in a start of prayer and humanitarian missions. However, April 2011 is when the patience will run out and some of the most violent scenes and military actions will take place. Although April is also dangerous for major earthquakes and volcanoes which have already started erupting from Japan to Ireland, the man-made wars and military ruthlessness is also part of the same theme.
Hosni Mubarak is from the 20s age group which has Neptune in Leo. Although this was the age of the golden movies which saw some of the greatest actors, this was also an age group which felt very comfortable with being Kings and Queens! Mubarak has Mercury in Taurus and used his Mercury Pluto sextile to keep control of the masses for over 30 years. In the eyes of the Middle East public, he practically sold out to the Western interests and ruled with an iron fist. We had mentioned about the problems with the Internet and cellular networks due to solar storms in Feb but also problems due to man-made hassles. This is already starting with the government in Egypt shutting off Facebook, Twitter and now the Internet as well as the cell phones! beg Feb 2011 is a nightmare period for Hosni Mubarak when the tide completely turns against him and interestingly, both Obama and Hosni Mubarak are in the same stressful Mars-Neptune transit till mid Feb 2011.
As a Muslim resurgence starts everywhere, there is only one month where the spiritual leaders can help and that is the month of Mar 2011. With so many planets in Pisces, some of the most sacrificing sentiments will prevail around the world. Unfortunately, some of the prayers could be because of the worst storms and flooding everywhere but still the spiritual and humanitarian gestures by religious authorities can help placate some the major divisions.
Apr 2011 will be too late and we can expect violent retaliations everywhere besides the adverse geological shifting of the tectonic plates. The Muslim brotherhood group in Egypt will again come to the front against the wishes of the US. Hezbollah is already forming the new government in Lebanon and have used political means to gain an uppoer hand and their longterm objectives. The rest of the Middle East is only a matter of time in this age of the internet. The full impact of which we will start feeling in Feb 2011 when the hackers start helping the general public. The Palestinian issue will again gain momentum especially starting from April 2011.
We are going to repeat our predictions from several months ago as we are almost there now. Apr 2011 is probably going to be the time when Midwest US and many other parts of the world are going to experience devastating earthquakes like 1811 and 1812, which also had Jupiter and Saturn opposing each other. With the major t-square configuration in the sky, this is an astronomical phenomenon and this is why I am surprised nobody has picked up on it even though we wrote about it such a long time ago. Now we are almost into April and I hope the governments start making plans to help the masses in case the danger comes to pass. Australia is already experiencing some of the worst floods and March 2011 is when we have predicted severe storms, hurrricanes, tsunamis and other major ocean related mishaps.
Between 4th and 6th Feb, you will get a glimpse of some of the storms you can expect in March 2011. New and full Moons are the worst times especially around dawn when these events usually materialize but the first week of Apr is the most dangerous. (Search for Dangerous times on our newsletter and you can read the article in detail which we wrote a few years ago).
Feb 2011 will probably be one of the coldest winters in history. With several planets in Aquarius, icy conditions will become dangerous around the world. Mars still being in Aquarius is already showing the internet related problems and some of the most volatile activity in the stock market, as we have predicted before. In Egypt, the government of Hosni Mubarak shut off the Internet and cell phones and the stock market was shut down. Throughout Feb 2011. we expect the market to be very volatile.
We have been hearing lately about the Earth's wobble creating problems for astrologers and everyone's sign being one off. This is not a new thing at all but some astronomer again trying to create doubt in people's mind about the validity of astrology. I wrote something about this also on my site but maybe I should make a clearer visual drawing of it all and maybe a video on my site and on YouTube.
Western astrology (called Tropical astrology), we don’t go by the constellations at all but the "signs of the zodiac" which are located on the ecliptic starting from the zero point of Aries which is always on 21st Mar! Constellations are the cluster of stars in the celestial sphere (the sky) and the ones behind the Ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun) are referred to as the Zodiac.
Now the Indian Vedic astrologers (called Sidereal astrology) do go by the Constellations and their starting point on the vernal equinox i.e. 21st March (for us it is zero Aries) keeps moving back by one sign approx 2200 years or so. For the Western astrologer, 21st March is always zero degrees Aries (ironically the astronomers themselves call it zero Aries as well!) but for Indian astrologer, it keeps moving back because of the precession of the equinox. If what the astron-omer said was true then the Indian system should work but for the natal chart, their interpretation for personality fails miserably! The timing of the events are still the same for both systems.
Now it is true that there was a 13th constellation (those of you who were born between November 29 to December 17th) and if I didn't believe in total subjugation to the will of God, I would feel very proud of the fact that I was born smack in the middle of it but I am too humble to acknowledge anything to do with the God of Wisdom (Ophiuchus)! However, the sign of Sagittarius is already quite philosophical and the constellation of Ophiuchus would just make them even more so. This would apply to the Indian Sidereal system only.
President Obama selected William Daley as the new Whitehouse Chief of Staff, whose chart is very similar to the President himself in many ways! Bth of them have Mercury in Leo which gives strong leadership ability and they both have Venus in Cancer, which gives them strong family values.
However, William Daley also has a Mercury conjunct Pluto in Leo, which gives some dictatorial powers and also actions which cannot be undone. Daley's work with the Wall Street is probably indicative of his misuse of power before. However, he does have some very positive aspects from Jupiter this year which will help him make good decisions. At least President Obama and his Chief of Staff will be in sync with each other's thinking but I am afraid that Mr. Daley will keep tyring to change Barak Obama's thinking (Pluto conjunct Obama's Mercury). This can lead the country on to the wrong path but let us hope Jupiter will make him more philosophical this year. Interestingly, he worked with Bill Clinton who also has the same Mercury conjunct Pluto like him.
(Pluto will be in Capricorn from Dec. 2008 till Mar. 202)
We mentioned but didn't elaborate on another very important theme that is represented by the sign of Capricorn i.e. human aging. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and governs the skeleton, skin, teeth and bones, and these are exactly the areas where most of the medical wonders will be seen. From artificial prosthetic devices to bone grafts and cloning of human hair, major advances in dental surgeries and artificial teeth, to aging itself being controlled or even reversed.
Although we may still be a few years from an immortality pill, research on telomere length has already shown that at least in the laboratory, scientists have introduced telomerase into cells in tissue culture and extended the length of their telomeres. These cells then divided for 250 generations past the time they normally would stop dividing, and are continuing to divide normally. By extending the telomeres with telomerase (the enzyme), the “mortal” cell has become immortal! Now imagine if you could promote the production of telomerase in your healthy cells. You could theoretically slow down the aging process. This is something scientists are already working on. Although this was known several years ago, it is only recently that the Nobel prize was given for the discovery of how telomeres affect aging.
This is probably the most important contribution in human aging which will be accurately reflected by Pluto in Capricorn. Scientists will discover new ways to promote the production of telomerase in healthy cells in an effort to extend telomere length and slow down cellular aging.
Another important theme of events reflected by Pluto in Capricorn is weather manipulation. Scientists have been working on artificial rain and storms to earthquakes, some of this used for the benefit of humanity but artificial earthquakes probably to be used for warfare as well. The effect of artificial rain in deserts and especially the Middle East has far reaching benefits and will become quite common well before Pluto moves away from Capricorn by Mar 2023. Droughts could be a thing of the past as man takes control of nature and manipulates it at will. Tesla had predicted this over a hundred years ago and also indicated that he was able to create artificial lightening. Unfortunately, he gave all his plans to a US General at Pentagon when he died.
Just as Pluto in Sagittarius till Nov. 2008 coincided with major changes in communication, transportation, education as we had predicted several years ago.
Some of the other Pluto in Capricorn themes we have predicted back in Apr 2002!
"Pluto represents changes at the fundamental level and Capricorn is the sign for manufacturing, big business, corporations, government and attitude towards material possessions. Between Dec. 2008 and March 2023, we will see a complete revolution in the manufacturing sector....Changes in Governments: Government bureaucracy will be cut down from Nov. 2008 onwards and the cost of elections decreased due to Internet polling. New Manufacturing Techniques: There will be a major revolution in the manufacturing industry with new techniques developed and new products made from different metals. Between Dec. 2008 and Mar. 2023, new elements or completely new ways of making or combining elements will be discovered. The new metals will be much stronger and lighter. Robots in the Corporate World: Robot workers will be introduced in corporations as well as general public and replace mundane jobs. Electronic robot tellers will be programmed to be fast, efficient and also courteous"!
Here is one of our predictions mentioned above which just became a reality: A research team led by Dr. Hiroshi Kitagawa of Kyoto University has created a new alloy that behaves very similarly to palladium (atomic element number 46), which is a rare metal. The alloy is formed by combining particles of rhodium (element number 45) and silver (element number 47) on a nanoscopic scale, as those two elements don't mix under usual conditions. The creation of this kind of material is the first ever in the world.
Launched 1st Jan 2011 at Noon. With her Moon in Sagittarius, there is going to be a philosophical twist to it of course and the show will be very successful presenting Oprah as a good preacher. However, with a natal Mars square Saturn, this is one of the major aspects of legal hassles and problems due to authority conflicts. Jupiter will trine the chart's natal Mars from June onwards till end of 2011 which will help probably. Mid Feb and end of Mar 2011 are the most stressful times for the OWN chart.
As we mentioned in our Dec 2010 issue, Mars in Aquarius touches off the 20s and 6os age group which affects both President Obama's age group as well as that of Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. Mubarak has been a real disappointment for the Muslims and has tried ot portray its own scholars as bieng radical in order to keep himself in power. He has a nightmare period especially in the beginning of Feb 2011 where he might resign. He is in the nightmare configuration which brings nothing but disgrace and feelings of betrayal.
Both the 20s and 60s age group are affected and will have to be very careful of the impact of this nightmare theme as it is happening around the time when several planets in Aquarius will reflect the major solar storms that we have predicted. Any action taken by this age group will backfire and lead to more misunderstandings.
Feb 2011 will probably be recorded as the coldest winter in history with most of the US being under major snow storms and places which have never had snow getting snowed in. People will be very susceptible to any freak accidents resulting from icy conditions and probably the coldest winter ever recorded. Back problems, scandals, communication mishaps and mental stress are characteristics of this transit as well as the immune system being down.
Those of you born in the 30s and the 70s have to be extra careful of any health issues, underhanded activities, allergic reactions and fraudulent deals from end Feb till beg of Apr 2011. You need to be very careful of acting on wrong hunches and being involved with fraudulent people or deals. Your psychic vulnerability can be exploited by charlatans. Direct your obsessive nature towards creative pursuits and avoid addictions. You may also feel betrayed at this time.
This transit reduces the immune system of the body and you will probably hear much more of the scandals, out of wedlock pregnancies and other nightmares from this age group. They are also more prone to stress related illnesses including the flu and generally need to be careful of setting themselves up for nightmare scenarios. Be extra careful when signing any documents, investing in stocks on incorrect advice etc.
There is a stellium of planets in the same signs Aquarius, Pisces then Aries which shows the three distinct themes, some of which is being picked up by NASA also now including the dangerous solar flares. However, Feb 2011 is also the month where the internet related news including hackers helping revolutionaries maintain electronic communication will be in the news.
Here is the chart of the young swimwear designer , who was found dead in the bathtub of in Soho House, in the hyper-trendy District of Manhattan. We don't know her time of birth but I have a feeling she was born in the morning and had Capricorn as her rising sign. Venus in Pisces is an extremely romantic and idealistic placement (Casa Nova was also born with Venus in Pisces actually). Being in her 2nd house (how you make your money) would account for her profession being a swimwear designer.
However, as much as she excluded a lot of femininity, she also had a bit of a controlling and bossy side to her (Mercury in Capricorn squared by Pluto). This aspect can also make one rather sarcastic and cutting and wanting to impose one's will over others. On the outside of the bi-wheel is the chart of her young boyfriend Nicholas Brooks whose father won an Academy Award for "you light up my life" in the 70s. Even the music connected with her boyfriend is part of Venus in Pisces. The most dangerous aspect is his Neptune conjunct her Mars (anyone from his generation would do this to her actually) which is an obsessive theme and one which would increase her tendency towards drugs and alcohol as well. This is a nightmare theme and it was probably in her 12th house indicating a major health hazard.
He was very independent and she must have been acutely sensitive to his remarks. His Venus in n Aquarius and so is his Mercury, making him very cool and aloof and manipulative as well. She had a Moon Saturn conjunctoin in Leo indiating fame but also pathalogical depression.
Moon was in her 12th possible and she was very tired as she came into the hotel and her immune system was down. This also indicates that her secret love became her secret enemy. Mars was possible transiting her 1st house (head area) and she was strangled and drowned in the tub.
Moon in Capricorn makes one rather immune to any emotions and the fact that she was a Capricorn makes the danger almost fated. Mercury Pluto also leads one to be self destructive and she provoked him till he lost his mind and probably didn't even realize what he was doing. He had a Mars coming very close to his Neptune which is a nightmare configuration and a time when people dont make good decisions at all and the whole situation goes out of hand. In fact, this is one of the classic aspects of drowning and being under the influence of drugs and feeling like crying the blues. His whole age group is going through this very stressful transit actually which we wrote about (see below).
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