We had mentioned that Jupiter is Pisces will coincide with some of the most humanitarian projects and that musicians and actors will be instrumental in bringing a lot of peace and harmony in the lives of those who are down trodden. Right after the Haiti earthquake, this is exactly what happened almost to the day when Jupiter went into Pisces! This will continue till beg Jan 2011.
Mars being in Leo has coincided with gold prices being high as we had predicted from last year till 5thJune 2010. After that, silver prices will be affected till 28th July 2010. Gold and Monarchy both are represented by the Leo theme so we can expect some strife in the Royal family as well.
Around 4th June 2010, there is a danger from epidemics as well as ocean related mishaps as Mars opposes Neptune similar to Dec 2009.
Out of all the projects that President Obama has undertaken, the Afghanistan is the weakest link and will never be successful. In fact, President Obama and Iran's Ahmedinejad are both going through the same nightmare theme that those born in the 60s are going through. Iran's new republic was created with a lot of Aquarius planets which makes sense as Aquarius rules modern technology and futuristic ideals.
Ahmed Karzai of Afghanistan has Pluto conjuncting his Mercury which indicates forces beyond his control will create major obstacle and sabotage all his plans. There is no need for being there at all and even though they may bomb and kill lot of people who actually live there, the latest fiasco will create even more tension in the long run and make even normal citizens like the Taliban. In the meantime, the real problem of the Mideast is not being attended to at all which is exactly what the powers to be want.
The world tends to underestimate Iran's accomplishments and merely try to create tension there. Senator Lieberman is the main person who keeps trying to push the US towards a confrontation with Iran but they will fail. Dr. Ahmedinejad has Mercury in Libra and no amount of threats will change his sense of fairness and justice whether we agree with him or not. While the US was putting sanctions on Iran, they were encouraging India and even helping them by supplying the enriched uranium.
Moon being in Aquarius, we expected very cold temperatures (continuing till 14th Feb) and Mars also being in Leo, the combination make it very dangerous in Whistler and more icy than normal. We are really sorry to find out that a young 21 year old lost control of his sled and died as a result. It is sad that they are pushing limits which are beyond human endurance and touching the speed ceiling now (over 140 km/hr).
We just found out the birthdate of Nodar Kumaritashvili and did a quick chart to see how we can prevent such tragedies in future. Nodar was born with Mars-Saturn square (a major accident configuration) as well as a Mars-Neptune aspect (a nightmare theme). he had Mercury in the last degrees of Scorpio which always makes them go to extremes and not know their own limits. Neptune squaring his Mercury may have also contributed to errors in his judgment. Transiting Saturn was exactly opposing Mars in Aries (daring adventurous side of him) making him extremely accident prone for the whole of 2010, not just a day or so. It was also squaring his Neptune (everyone born in the 80s) making him feel insecure about his abilities. Unfortunately, even our computer report would have predicted this year as being extremely dangerous for him. Mars in Aries being opposed by Saturn indicates head injuries and this was the second accident he had on the same slope! We believe he had Scorpio rising which put Moon in his 3rd house (accidents while skating, walking running etc).
He did have a Mars sextile Jupiter aspect, which makes one take unnecessary chances and most Olympic athletes are born with, but he was going through a major accident configuration and set himself up for it by pushing the limits of speed where you don't have much control over the consequences. The danger of the Whistler track had been talked about for months and many people had remarked about the dangerous 100 million dollar track. At least 12 sliders had already wrecked a week before on the fast Whistler surface. Flirting with 90 mph on the track pushing speed to the outer limits, the luger from the republic of Georgia tilted his head slightly forward as his sled climbed the high banked wall.
Just when he reached 88 mph (double Scorpio numbers) destiny took over and there was no free choice at that point. Just 48.6 seconds from the start of the run, the young athlete had created an upheaval in his family (Moon opposite Uranus) and it is amazing how easily astrology could have prevented such a tragic incident if only we could run all the dates through an astro program. Rest assured, we will make a program for doing just that and this young man's life would not have gone in vain.
In our Dec 2009 and again in Jan 2010, this is what we wrote about Bill Clinton being in danger of heart problems.
"Bill Clinton has Saturn squaring his Mars which is a major accident configuration and happens every seven years (This can also indicate conflicts in the life of his spouse as Mars in the ruler of his 7th house - marriage partner). It often leads to heart and blood pressure problems (in Clinton's case, he also has to be careful of sugar and kidney related problems). This transit usually coincides with health hazards resulting from frustration and authority conflicts and continues till end of Oct 2010. It is also one of the stressful aspects for marriage for a lot of people especially if Venus is also getting touched off."
We are really happy that he had himself checked as soon as he felt chest pains and had an angioplasty done. However the danger does not finish till Oct 2010 and he still has to be very careful that he doesn't take on too much. This was a result of any frustration caused by the Haiti earthquake mission where so many things were not running as efficiently as he would have liked.
As mentioned before the following public figures are still in a major hassles period which can translate into heart problems, accident and legal matter:
Other Public Figures getting a similar Transit are: Actors Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Omar Sharif, Katie Holmes, Kurt Russell, Reese Witherspoon, Richard Chamberlain, Politicians Newt Gingrich and PM Stephen Harper of Canada.
Those of you born in the 60s are still going through a very stressful transit till May 2010 as Mars squares your Neptune. many actors in Hollywood a well as sports athletes are being affected by this including Tiger Woods, This transit makes you very obsessive and you need moderation to offset it. Be careful of escapist tendencies and realize that your immune system is down now so give yourself lot of rest and pace yourself. This transit often coincides with out of wedlock pregnancy, infections and betrayal. However, most successful people are also born with it! As it is a habit forming transit, just exercise you free will and chose your
Here are some general trends for the different Sun Signs:
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are all going through a major 7-Yr Cycle and need to establish themselves for the nest several years. Although many delays happened during this transit, it is time to re-evaluate your goals and take it as a test of your organizing skills.
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are also getting some very positive aspects from Jupiter throughout 2010 which will make them more optimistic and they can expect opportunities from foreign countries as well.
In about two days we will be back with our regular website which has a lot of our new updates.
Sky is kicking off the UK’s first 3D channel with a live Premier League football match to be broadcast in nine pubs around the UK end of Jan. 2010. Fans will be able to enjoy 3D from the comfort of their bar stool.
In the 80s when we first predicted 3D movies, we expected it to coincide with Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius. This was also based on Apple’s Steve Job’s chart (Pisces with Mercury in Aquarius). Even though we expected it to be in the market a bit earlier, the reasoning was correct as Uranus is still in Pisces and Neptune still in Aquarius!
This is a combination of analogue and digital world and very soon we will see the real magical experiences starting. With Jupiter also in Pisces and coming into Aires this year as well, we will have some of the most magical experiences. Very soon the rest of our predictions made years ago for this period will start happening very soon especially when the next phase is started i.e. holography!
With Apple launching its revolutionary iPad now, this is something we had all been working for, and the experience will be as easy as using a TV. It interesting that last year we also mentioned under Jupiter in Aquarius about these gadgets and it is right after Jupiter entered Pisces that these were announced. In fact, Avatar and all these futuristic devices were finished while Jupiter was in Aquarius.
"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charlie Mingus
The next stage is the 3D TV but also unique ways of watching it. At present, the best way to see a 3D movie is by using polarized glasses to watch the movie as it is projected on a lenticular screen and logically separating the two images by using horizontal and vertical polarization for each eye. I am sure we will be able to see the images without any glasses but that is probably the holography technology being worked on right now in labs.
Google is set to have millions of books online as well and even if they get hassles with the court, this is bound to happen in the long run. Imagine reading a book on your iPad (which looks like an electronic slate only and has no buttons like the iPhone) and watching the story come alive with color, videos and music. Of course, you can probably be able to have it read to you in different voices and in different languages and some of it even having holographic models.
This is just the beginning of the mass education and holographic experiences (holographic concerts) that we are about to start experiencing. The groundwork has already been laid in terms of faster technology (cell computers coming very soon), 3D being revived, holographic images and TV. As we mentioned several years ago, we will probably see holographic strippers being introduced in the market before holographic professors! The technology is already there and it is just a matter of the computers speed and the Internet catching up with it.
Once we get past the dangerous Feb., Mar and Apr. 2011 period, we will be able to enjoy some wonderful experiences around the world and be closer to collective experiences. Both natural disasters (solar flares, tsunami and earthquakes/asteroid) as well as man made wars await us but only for a few months).
President Obama has been doing a lot of wonderful things but his one foreign policy being dictated or coerced by the lobby and senators like John McCain and Lieberman, has been a total disaster as we had mentioned during the first days of his inauguration, continuing to go into Afghanistan.
As we had mentioned before, these people are not couch potatoes but fighters who believe in their cause and are willing to put their life on it. There loyalty is such that even for 25 million dollars the didn’t hand over bin laden (who had nothing to do with 911 anyway!). They are making everyone who wants to defend his country a Taliban unfortunately. There is absolutely no reason for the US to be in Afghanistan other than the Caspian pipeline and they cannot justify it for any reason. They have never planned to attack the US and have no ability to do that anyway. Iraq is another quagmire when they have still not got out of. While these are creating normal people to become radical and into the camp of the Taliban, the world is hurtling towards a nuclear trigger happy dangerous time around April 2011.
While the US populace watches 3D movies, they are also bomb a country which has been continuously in war for years. We have very little time to save the manmade wars which will become more serious if we don’t do anything about it form now. President Obama’s age group still has a nightmare period till about May 2010. Only after that will he be able to make good decisions about Afghanistan and hopefully will shift his focus back in the Middle East peace where they keep making illegal settlements while keeping the US engaged in useless wars to distract them. It is also time to get out of Iraq but we feel it is only after summer of 2011 when the world experiences the Earth’s true vulnerability that the tide will turn. Until then, the US will keep pulling people out from the rubble of Haiti while creating more rubbles in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Jupiter in Pisces from 17th Jan till 5th June 2010 and again from 7th Sep 2010 till 21st Jan 2011 heralds one of the most spiritual, inspirational and humanitarian times where grassroots community work will be encouraged and children and seniors will particularly benefit from. Record charities and benefit concerts will be held by musicians to help the poor and the needy.
From April onwards, we will also see some of the most magical times when it comes to technology with the introduction of the 3D TV and holographic events. This is the beginning of Internet driven charities and benefit concerts as well.
Updated 14 Jan 2010
There is a Mars square Saturn in the natal chart of Haiti which reflects the countless military coups and confrontations that country has had from its date of "birth". This square got exactly touched off by transiting Saturn as well as Pluto, both extremely dangerous and violent configurations. Unfortunately, this continues till the beginning of next year when we have predicted major tsunamis and earthquakes from Feb till Apr 2011.
Haiti was formed under the sun sing of Capricorn but it is the natal Mars Saturn square which indicates the continuous hassles and confrontations in its chart. Having so many planets in Capricorn and touched off by Pluto (once in 246 years), this falls within our general prediction for Pluto in Capricorn from 2008 onwards (written in 2007) that it will coincide with "major geological revolution" and how "major overhaul of old bridges, government buildings and landmarks will become necessary to make them earthquake proof."
There was a stellium in Capricorn (three or more planets in a sign) in the sky which touched off Haiti's three planets in Capricorn. Unfortunately, we still see a lot of hassles as well as danger till the end of this year. Epidemics and the nightmare scenario which we talked about last month unfortunately applies to the whole country as well.
On the positive side, future generation will gain from the sacrifice of individuals now as it seems to have awakened world consciousness. Pluto touching off so many planets in Haiti’s chart also indicates a complete re-evaluation of the building codes and major reconstructions in 2010.
As we mentioned in our Dec. 2009 forecast, there is a very stressful period from 17th Oct 2009 till 7th June 2010 for those of you born in the 60’s (lot of Hollywood actors) as well as the 20’s age group (Age of the Golden Movies who have to be careful of heart because of their age anyways and stress related illnesses).
This transit reduces the immune system of the body and you will probably hear much more of the scandals, out of wedlock pregnancies and other nightmares from this age group. They are also more prone to stress related illnesses including the flu and generally need to be careful of setting themselves up for nightmare scenarios. Be extra careful when signing any documents, investing in stocks on incorrect advice,
Those of you who are born in and the 40’s and 50's as well as teenagers born in the 80's will go through the same period in Sep 2010. Those born in the 40s will have to avoid activities leading to fraud and scandals whereas the younger generation has to be careful of drinking and driving as well as dental or knee related problems.
As mentioned in Dec. 2009, Mars in Leo aspecting Neptune from time to time from later Oct 2009 till beg June 2010 will reflect strife in the royal households in the Middle East as well as most likely in England. Prince Phillip is also affected during this transit and anyone with heart problems has to be especially careful. This is also one of the major aspects of epidemics and nightmare for the masses and the exact period is mid May to mid June and around mid Oct 2010.
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