The following predictions are from AstroTrends written Feb. 2002
Planetary Alignment: You may have read that some planets are going to be aligned in the month of May. However, this is not a conjunction where two or more planets are close together as seen from the Earth. It is only Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn which are in the sign of Gemini. When Sun moves into Gemini on 21st May, Venus will go into Cancer. It is basically Mars conjunct Saturn which is a dangerous aspect. In a person’s chart, this aspect makes one angry very easily and is the classic aspect of heart attacks caused by frustration, running into obstacles and crisis situations. In terms of world events, it shows military operations, stock market slides and explosions.
Mars conj Saturn is exact on May 4th 2002. On May 8th, Mars also opposes Pluto which is a dangerous aspect for assassinations, explosions, guns and earthquakes. Moon will set off these aspects on 29th Apr., May 6, 14, 20 and 27th, which may coincide with storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and a volatile market especially in May. As I was writing this article, there was an earthquake in New York just when the planets started going into Gemini, You may remember from a previous article about the Twin Towers that I had indicated New York as somehow being connected with the sign of Gemini (this is purely from the fact that the Twin towers represented this sign). This hypothesis is now confirmed and we fell that every time there is an adverse aspect in Gemini (even the Moon being there), it can be dangerous for New York and the US in general. It may also be because the planet will conjunct Uranus in the US chart (explosions and sudden shocks).
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