U.S. Elections (Jan 2008): We are just finding out that Obama and Hukabee both are winning in Iowa. We have mentioned about Obama that he has Mercury in Leo like Bill Clinton and has excellent oratory skills. Hillary Clinton as mentioned many times in the last few years, does not have good aspects and will ultimately not have the public support she needs. She also has her own agenda which is based on power and secrecy. She is not a moderate but is in fact quite radical in her beliefs. We said before also that we don't see her coming up at all. We are happy about Giuliani as we feel that he was in fact responsible along with Dick Cheney and others in the 911 conspiracy. The fact that he "just happened" to be in London when another false flag operation happened in the London tube convinced us that he may have actually helped them mastermind that operation as well. Fighting terrorism is big money for the government and the parties and corporations that back them. McCain proves our theory that those who have been in prison or tortured can become very cruel. We are happy for the US that he got low votes and will not be able to continue with his war rhetoric at least.
We don't know the time of birth of either Obama or Hukabee so it is a little hard to say anything yet. Obama's main asset is his vision and ability to inspire the masses and he is quite genuine about it. Our prediction about the war and troops all ending by Nov. 2008 seems to be coming true with the type of people who are being elected. Pluto moving in the sign of Capricorn from Nov.2008 heralds not a world government but the beginning of the end of governments the way we know it. The process is a long one and will take place for the next several years but this is the beginning of Bush Cheney legacy of bloodshed, corruption of power, war mongering and emphasis of threats and scare tactics to make the people tow the line. The next presidents will be instrumental in completely and radically changing the US foreign policies but don't expect the neocons and Corporate giants to go without a fight.
We just found out about Benazir's assassination and refer you to the article we wrote in Oct. 2007. Here is the complete analysis of her chart and transits: Benazir Bhutto.
We still maintain that Nawaz Sharif has the best chance to come to power but probably the election will be delayed for a month or so. It is interesting how the US is trying to destabilize Musharraf and the CNN fanning the news of a conspiracy etc while they make direct contacts with the new Chief of the army. Bhutto’s husband (known as Mr. 10% is his country because of the bribes he took, and who was in jail for 11 years, is trying to gain the sympathy votes and rushing the elections. They are putting the blame on the government for her assassination. Even if this were true, it was typical carelessness of her Mars Neptune transit, that Benazir Bhutto stood up in her armored van for a few minutes with half her upper body exposed and directly in line of fire from anywhere, waving to the crowd while the van was at a complete stop! This was most negligent and inexcusable for her security personnel. They should have been even more on guard if they felt the government will do anything. We do suspect the security people involved though but not Musharraf himself.
Nawaz Sharif’s planets are on top and we still maintain that he has the best chance of being the new PM. From an astrological perspective, he will be the best person for building factories and the industries that they desperately need. It would have been excellent if he could still keep Pervez Musharraf in some capacity at least to keep the country free of bribes to some extent. Musharraf is the only one who has never been charged with anything like that. We had advised in our newsletters for him to keep the uniform and give up the presidency as now the US may undercut his position and try to make deals directly with the new commander in chief of the army. I have a feeling that Bilawal Bhutto will be an excellent politician when he is of graduates from Oxford. Once I have his birth details, we will send you the complete analysis. We are sad for Bhutto and her family and we had warned about this in Oct. 2007 but she certainly set herself up for it not only by being careless and becoming a fixed target in a stopped van but also inflaming the radical elements constantly. Mercury square Neptune (inherited from her father) indicates those who are Mensa types but make really stupid mistakes once their emotions get involved.
The new Moon of the 8th is not very good for Nawaz Sharif but we don’t know the time of birth of the opportunist husband of Benazir Bhutto to comment on his chances. It will probably be postponed for a few weeks as the mod has destroyed most of the polling stations.
Updated Dec. 10th. 2007
Stock Market Bubble: We wrote this in Aug. 2007 but it still applies so we are repeating the caution for you that the stock market (particularly NASDAQ as opposed to the DOW) will only be on a high till end of Dec.2007. Those of you who have invested heavily in the stocks should consider other options especially longterm assets. After Dec.2007, the focus will be on commercial property and an industrial boom but the market will become very conservative again. We were right in our last update as the market did go through some big corrections.
Strict Standards in all Areas of Industry: This is another longterm predictions we made in Aug. 2007 and it still applies. With Saturn moving into the sign of Virgo from Sep. 2007 till end of Oct. 2009, there will be major new laws governing the standards in all areas of business. This includes a drive towards standards in audio video formats, precision instruments, stricter rules governing medicine and prescription drugs. There will also be major advances in the fields of biochemistry, nutrition, farming, organic food and natural health.
Country Singers Age Group: Those born in the 30s tend to be very grounded and down to earth. However, they are also somewhat reclusive and don't care for their own health. They have to be very careful till end of 2009 as they are very susceptible to stress related illnesses particularly in the bladder area. Those born in the 40's and early 50's have a Mars Neptune theme going on in their charts as well and are also prone to infections, scandals, and a nightmare scenario. They will be very obsessive till at least March or even Apr. 2008 and should refrain from fraudulent activities or they will get caught (Bill Clinton had this aspect during his scandalous period). This transit is typical of feeling the blues, under the weather, bad reactions, misunderstandings and feelings of betrayal. This includes some of the leaders of the world right now including General Musharraf of Pakistan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Kim Jong Il of North Korea and Tony Blair amongst many others.
Nightmare Period for Different Age Groups (40's and 80's): Aug. and Sep, 2007 and again Jan. to Feb. 2008 are very stressful and obsessive months for the 30's and 70's age group. You will be prone to mental stress, false conclusions and even danger if you are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys. You will also have to be careful of lung related problems.
Those born in late 40s, the 50s will have the nightmare period of scandals and immune system being down from Nov.2007 to Mar. 2008. Avoid getting into fraudulent deals and taking shortcuts and bypassing the law and be more selective of your friendships. Mars being in Cancer during these periods, you will have to be specially careful of acidity in the stomach and food poisoning.
Youth and children born between mid 80s and 1998 will be more accident prone from Nov.2007 to Mar. 2008. Watch the head area and violence as well as food poisoning. You are also more susceptible to skin, teeth and bone infections and kneecap problems. Be extra careful near the ocean, lakes and swimming pools as this is also an aspect of drowning when little things can become traumatic. Drinking and driving is a particularly dangerous now.
General Musharraf of Pakistan: As we mentioned, General Musharraf's hassle period does not finish till end of March 2008. The same goes for Pervez Musharraf and Benazir Bhutto and they are all in a very dangerous transit (read below under "nightmare periods...) where they are susceptible to tremendous amount of stress and acting upon wrong hunches.
North and South Korea: As we had mentioned a few years ago, North and South Korea may unite or become much more friendly again by Nov. 2008 (one of our longterm predictions from before).
As mentioned before, George Bush has Saturn coming down in his chart and will leave the office in disgrace and in bad health. Mars touches off his Neptune Oct, Dec, and Mar. 2008 indicating major health problems and fraudulent deals again. With Mars moving into Cancer (his Sun Sign) and close to his natal Saturn in the 12th house (major health house), the most dangerous time for his health is from Oct. till Dec. 2007 and again from Mar. till Apr. 2008.
Saturn conjuncting his Mars from Oct.2007 till summer 2008 is also a dangerous time for his heart. He will also run into major obstacles with his party members and Senators and his timing is totally off. This is when he will become very frustrated and attempt his most disastrous plans (Jupiter giving him false hope) and become increasingly isolated. This is also one of the heart configurations due to legal hassles.
In the US, Dr. Ron Paul is the best candidate as he is the only one honest enough to threaten the establishment even though Obama is the an excellent orator. We do not see Hillary winning and McCain will be a dangerous person in power and will want to keep the murderous war going on for ages. Nov. 2008 is the crucial timeline we gave for end of this whole era of radical elements in religion and the new era of dismantling the government and the way it is run.
Britney Spears: Britney Spears has Neptune transiting her 5th house (children) which shows sadness relating to her son. However, this is also a very creative time for music and lyrics which are inspired by sadness. People tend to set themselves up for disappointments in life and wherever you find Neptune, you will find the source of inspirational sadness.
Throughout 2008, Britney has Jupiter transiting her 4th house, which indicates moving to a bigger place and family reunions. End of 2008 and 2009 are fantastic for her creativity as well as her children when Jupiter will transit her 5th house and also conjunct her natal Moon (public response). Mars transiting her 9th house got her into so much legal hassles and it is there till March 2008. She has to watch speeding and tickets till that time as well. There will be a major restructuring in her career from now till next year and she seems to be already focusing on it.
Mid 2008 till end of 2009 is a dangerous time for her health for her health and heart. Saturn touching off her Mars in 12th points to surgeries and she needs to be careful that she does not push her luck with the law as well as she will be very rebellious. She may also have to be careful of kneecap related problems. However, mid 2008 onwards is very lucky for her love matters.
Delays in Communication: The next Mercury retrograde period is from 28th Jan. 2008 until 18th Feb. 2008. Mercury retrograde is excellent for research and being in the sign of Scorpio in Oct., we can expect medical breakthroughs but also advances in war related inventions. Mercury retrograde is always a good time to re-evaluate all your writing and contractual matters but hold off on purchasing of gadgets. Mercury goes into Libra from end of Oct. till mid, Nov, which may indicate some initiative towards peace but all peace treaties will fail during this period. Negotiations breakdown under this transit but at least it is a good time to focus on the legalities and letter of the law.
During this period, you can expect delays in communication including mixed messages, keys getting lost or misplaced (make backups!), forgetfulness, missed appointments, mail being lost or misplaced, false alarms, indecisiveness, wrong diagnosis,. erasing of e-mail addresses by mistake, and communication gadgets not working properly. Buy the products before or after this period.
Make sure that you back up important data on computers and keep copies of important letters being mailed. Give yourself extra time between meetings and take into account any delays due to communication and transportation problems. However, this is an excellent time for research and to go back over existing leases and other important papers.
Try not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with you; and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be more forgetful, will run out of time, change their mind and be very indecisive now. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather than taking on new projects.
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