Updated Aug, 2005
The danger of storms, hurricanes and epidemics is especially strong from end of Aug. 2005 till Jan 2006 (Mars square Neptune along with Uranus in Pisces). This is also a mentally stressful period for people when scandals and misinformation is rampant and points to mass suffering which is not very obvious. Both Mars and Uranus in Pisces is a major accident configuration in the skies for ocean related mishaps. We also feel that high powered radio beams interfering with the ionosphere have a great deal to do with the erratic weather patterns we have been experiencing. Under guise of scientific experiments, HAARP and other organizations have been playing with nature in what really amounts to meteorological vandalism and havoc in people’s lives. (from July 2005 update)
Delays for NASA: The space agency never seems to learn. We mentioned in Moon Magic 2005 that whenever NASA has a launch when Mercury is retrograde, either it is always delayed because o the weather or it does not go as planned. 22nd July Mercury started retrograde just before the shuttle launch!
Mercury Retrograde Days: 22 July 2005 to 14 August 2005 and 14th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2005. Avoid initiating new projects and especially anything to do with buying gadgets and signing of documents. Expect delays and avoid crisis situations. Get spare keys for car, house, office etc. as things easily get lost during this period. Treaties fail and botched escapes are common. Communication is especially affected including wrong mail and email addresses, misunderstandings and electronic gadgets not working properly. Excellent time for research but just wait till after this period too sign documents.
Air France Crash in Canada: The recent Air France crash in Toronto happened when Venus and Jupiter were still luckily in the 9th house. Miraculously, all passengers survived!
ABC's Peter Jennings: The ABC anchor was a Leo with Mercury in Virgo. He had the charisma of a Leo and the perfection of a Virgo. He also had Mars in Leo which got exactly touched off in Aug. 2005 and he passed away about three or four days after his birthday. This accident configuration would have continued till next summer and he demise saved him from major surgeries and the anguish he would not have wanted. He certainly left his mark.
Danger to Monarchies: We predicted in our AstroTrends as well as our World Predictions till 2017 that as soon as Saturn goes into Leo, there will be sadness in places of Monarchies. King Fahd of Saudi Arabia died within a few days of this transit of Saturn. We still believe that the house of Windsor is in for some sadness as well (Prince Phillip particularly has to watch his health) and the Middle East monarchies will be continuously challenged for the next two and a half years. Once they are gone or are radically redefined, the US will have no place in the Middle East and new friendships will emerge amongst the countries there.
Danger to Iran: We mentioned in our AstroTrends in Jan-Feb 2005 that Aug. 2005 till Feb. 2006 will be the start of a campaign against Iran by the US and military plans will be made to try to attack it. Mars in Taurus seems to always affect Iran adversely. However, I somehow feel that Iran is much smarter than Iraq and there is no bribe or fraudulent activities going on. The exiled Iranians or the rich ones who left Iran will always unfortunately try to discredit the ruling parties there, but Iran has been very fair in its dealings with everyone. They also have more women in the parliament than any country. Iran has also built some very strong alliances with Russia. Iraq has actually benefited Iran although the loss of lives is not something to cherish for anyone.
London Bombing: It is very strange that a drill involving hundreds of anti-terrorist squads was being conducted exactly at the same time as the actual bombing happened. The drill involved military grade bombs and we believe that the trains were rigged the night before. It is also strange that BBC was broadcasting this drill about terrorists bombing the London underground and then they switched to the real one! No mention of it on the most trusted name in the news - CNN!!
It is also interesting that an Israeli security company has a 30 year contract on the security of all the London underground and buss services! Ex mayor of New York Guliani also just happened to be at Charring Cross at the time of the bombing and gave a statement about the "Islamist" terrorists (Islamist rhymes better than Muslims!). There was also a strange "coincidence" during 911 when they were about to conduct a drill about terrorists hijacking a plane and diving into WTC. Of course, Juliani happened to be there as well and was awarded medals. With his Mercury sq Pluto, he may even have been a consultant for both the drills!
We mentioned in our last issue that Jupiter in Libra will herald a new era of peace, harmony, fairness and justice but also very loose liberal values. Unfortunately, Mars in Scorpio has made this November one of the most violent months. The barbarian attitude of the U.S. marines is creating a hatred for them which will remain for a long time and will breed more terrorism.
We feel that the election was stolen by fraudulent e-voting (Diebold CEO is a Republican and had said on 14th Aug that he was committed to deliver Ohio to the President!).
If it was only Kerry and Bush, Kerry would have won hands down. I got the time of birth of Kerry’s wife only on the day of the election. I couldn't’t believe that Saturn was at the very bottom of her chart and she certainly is not supposed to be in the Whitehouse now! She also did a lot of damage by snubbing the reporters. Laura Bush on the other hand, carried herself very well.
It may be that the curse of the 20 year Tecumseh curse is working here (our next issue has a detailed analysis of the danger in Laura Bush’s chart) because Laura Bush’s chart shows danger for her husband from summer 2005 till summer 2006, because of actions in Nov. 2004 (Falujah?).
There was voter fraud in Ohio and Florida where the ballot was unaudited and without any paper trail! The optical scanners gave Bush same percentage gain even though the exit polls favored Kerry. Someone else seems to be running the show because Kerry conceded too soon. Instead of choosing “Peace not War” as his slogan, he simply joined Bush in saying that he will stay for four years, increase the troops and win the war! The voters certainly would want to keep Bush if they wanted more war. On election day, Moon was in Cancer (Bush’s sign, patriotism, family values) and Kerry may have lost it also on the basis of his Liberal values (too soon for Jupiter in Libra?). Gay marriage was soundly defeated along with pro-abortion views. I also saw Ashcroft and Powell leaving but they both “resigned”! But we still feel that as whatreallyhappend.com said in July, the computer program was designed to give Bush the victory.
Interestingly, Kerry does have an assassination configuration which gets touched off in 2008, when Saturn is at the top of his chart, but transiting Saturn is also activating the Mars Uranus conjunction in his chart. This is the same configuration which Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy had when they were assassinated! Bush gets this transit from mid 2005 till mid 2006.
Kerry took the lead especially as Nov. approached, but the Ohio and Florida votes were tampered with, many thrown away, media banned from monitoring in Ohio and no paper trail of audit of e-voting was kept.
As we had mentioned, Bush did get some public response from Jupiter to his Moon, although we didn't’t think it would have been be in time for him. Although the media is doing a good job of hiding it, the votes are still being recounted even as the Republican judges are trying to oppose it.
Here are some examples of events which happened when Jupiter was in Libra:
- Fall of Saigon, end of Vietnam War. This time, hopefully, it will coincide with end of Iraq occupation.
- Statue of Liberty unveiled in New York Harbor:
- Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation granted freedom to slaves.
- UN formed in 1945 as a global organization to maintain world peace
- George Washington was born with Jupiter in Libra and had a strong sense of fairness and justice.
In 1975, US pulled out of Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. Saturn was in Cancer and Jupiter in Libra, exactly where it is now (Jupiter just moved in Libra end of 24th Sep. 2004). History will repeat itself and although Iraq will continue for some time, US may pull out within two years.
The danger of more Earthquakes and Tsunamis is very real when Mars aspects Uranus or Neptune and the Moon triggers it especially at a time when nature changes like early morning and around sunsets. Full Moon is especially critical as well. Mid May to end of May is another very destructive period for storms and anything to do with the ocean, children and senior citizens.
In AstroTrends of Jul-Aug. 2004, we wrote about major storms during Uranus in Pisces between 2004 and 2010 which materialized with the recent Tsunamis. In fact, in our World Predictions till 2017, we even wrote about Major Tsunamis caused by underwater Earthquakes. The 11x17 laminated World Predictions till 2017 is available from Astrograph Inc. for 12.95 + $3 S$H. (to order, please call 416-497-9000 or send a M/O or cheque to Astrograph Inc., 1800 Sheppard Ave. East, Box 55019, Toronto, ON, M2J 5B9.
-The danger of epidemics is especially strong around Mid April and end of Aug. 2005. This is also a mentally stressful period for people when scandals and misinformation is rampant and points to mass suffering which is not very obvious. Both Mars and Uranus in Pisces is a major accident configuration in the skies for ocean related mishaps. It gets touched off by the Full Moon in Scorpio on 23rd Feb. and then May 1st 2005 when Moon squares the Sun. We also feel that high powered radio beams interfering with the ionosphere have a great deal to do with the erratic weather patterns we have been experiencing. Under guise of scientific experiments, HAARP and other organizations have been playing with nature in what really amounts to meteorological vandalism and havoc in people’s lives.
Nightmare Period for 30’s and 40s Generation: Jan. 2005 is very stressful and an obsessive month for the 30s generation and Feb. 2005 for the 40s and 50’s age group. You will be prone to all mental stress, false conclusions and even danger if they are not careful. Your immune system will feel depleted so pace yourself and avoid dark alleys. Mars adversely affecting your Neptune during this time. For the 30s till early 40s age group, you have to be extra careful of self pity, poor me attitude, crying the blues, addictions, alcohol and drugs (including smoking, of anything!). The 40s and 50s age group is more prone to scandals, breakups, problems relating to love matters, getting caught because of love with a married person, legal hassles and kidney related problems.
Violence in the Iraq: Our prediction for Nov. 2004 being one of the most violent months (Mars in Scorpio) as the U.S. when it would violate international treaties and commit war crimes and atrocities on citizens of Mosul and Falujah materialized. Mid Dec. will see religious reprisals as Mars moves into Sagittarius and they will continue in Jan 2005 when religious leaders may be targeted.
Delays in Communications: The next Mercury retrograde period is from 19th March till 11th April 2005. The last time we had this phenomena was during the US elections and it proved to us how it can affect the whole nation. It also proved another important point: Mercury retrograde is excellent for research! Because of it, we are having new laws in place so these mistakes are not repeated again and there is still a lot of research going on in the constitutional aspects of it.
As Mercury will mostly be in Aries, expect a lot of impulsive actions and shouting matches on the part of politicians only to be regretted later on. Any strike during this period will not be successful and peace efforts in the Middle East will be up in the air.
Try not to travel during this period as you may have a lot of unexpected delays. If you have to travel, make sure all your documents are with you and make photocopies and leave them safely at home. People will be more forgetful, running out of time, changing their mind and very indecisive. Be careful of communication problems as well but this is a good time for going over existing leases and research. Just avoid signing new documents or initiating new projects. This is a good time for re-evaluating existing work rather than taking on new projects.
We will remind you again but just in case Mercury retrograde delays our newsletter, the next Mercury retrograde period will be from 4th Jun. 12:20 am EST till 28th Jun. 2001 12:50 am EST. As Mercury will be in Gemini, you will have to be more careful of gadgets not working properly as well as anything to do with communication. Telephones, pagers, computers and file data may not function properly or you may inadvertently erase data or write over an important file with the wrong name (and therefore not be able to recover the original file). Generally, during this period you have to be careful of keys getting lost so make sure you have extra ones made and keep them separately!
Religious Fervor: Mars moves into Sagittarius from 25th Dec. 2004 till 5th Feb. 2005 and will coincide with religious fervor everywhere. You can expect violence motivated by religion during these periods and religious leaders may be targeted. This is also not a good aspect for the stock market. Religious authorities will have a field day calling on the wrath of the Almighty in trying to get the common masses to listen to their sermons. There will be new controversies during this period relating directly to religious issues or business people trying to capitalize on the religious/spiritual vulnerability of the masses. Preachers born in the 30's and early 40's will be in scandals (Mars in Sagittarius squaring their Neptune in Virgo).
George Bush Jr. (Updated Nov. 3, 2004): I had written about the positive and negative aspects for both Kerry and Bush and actually expected Kerry to have the edge. Bush has just won the election and besides voter fraud, secret unaudited software without any audit trails being used and many other factors, astrologically speaking, here are some conclusions for those of you who are interested in learning from this experience.
George Bush was getting a Jupiter conj Moon and sextile to his Mercury. This is one of the best aspects for public response and also makes him communicate with enthusiasm and project a positive spin to everything. He was actually born with a Moon Jupiter conjunction in Libra (ironically, the sign of peace! like his father). Both these were trined to Uranus which is an aspect of windfalls. This Uranus was also being trined by Jupiter and certainly this election was a real windfall for him.
Moon was in Cancer on the election day and Bush being a Cancer, it not only helped him, but also reinforced the family values and anti-gay marriage and Christian votes. Jupiter conj Moon also favors women and Moon being in Cancer played well for him and his patriotic call. Even Osama bin Laden's tape emerging one day before the election probably helped. Interestingly, Osama's first three letters are USA!
What I am surprised at is Moon being in the 12th house conjuncting his Saturn is when people feel disappointed. This was the exact aspect when he gave his victory speech! Maybe the 12th house really signifies the underhanded connotations and intrigue that went in this election. After all, "whatreallyhappened.com" had written in July 2004 about "how George Bush is going to win this election", and it pointed out to the fraudulent Diebold company being used etc.
The biggest handicap I fell for Kerry was his natal Moon Saturn conjunction which makes it difficult for people to connect with him especially women. Although, Kerry had Saturn moving up in his chart, I suppose it wasn't enough and eventually, Jupiter conj Moon for Bush helped him along with religion (Jupiter sextile Mercury).
We had predicted that Jupiter in Libra will bring the focus on peace not war from Oct. 2004 till Sep. 2005. Unfortunately, Kerry also endorsed continuation of the was in Iraq instead of bringing the troops home. That one sentence would have changed the direction of this election.
However, he still has time for another go when Saturn will be right on top of his chart in four years!
Kerry's wife had Saturn and Moon right at the bottom of her chart and this also may have pulled him down completely. Laura Bush's chart also has Saturn moving down but she has at least one or two years before that happens.
Curse of the Zero year? Some astrologers find it very interesting that any president elected in a year ending with a zero with eventually dies in office. This has been true since 1840 with the exception of Reagan. Apparently, he escaped the assassination attempt because the Jupiter Saturn conjunction happened in Air Sign instead of an Earth sign.
This makes Bush a prime candidate now. Uranus is opposing his Mars for the next few years which is an aspect of freak accidents with cars, planes, guns etc. Laura Bush has Mars in Scorpio in her 7th house of marriage indicating danger to the husband. This is getting touched off by transiting Saturn from mid 2005 till end of 2006!!
I wrote this article on George Bush Jr. in Feb. 2003, and it is quite revealing, especially in retrospect.
Here is our assessment of Senator John Kerry
Latest Predictions Updated July 2004
I was looking at John Kerry’s Timescan again for the whole year and he is certainly getting some excellent aspects. Jupiter is right on top of his chart in his 10th house of fame whereas George Bush has Jupiter in the obscure 3rd house of short trips (to Texas?) and then moving to his ranch (Jupiter in 4th) for family reunions.
However, it is interesting that both candidates have good aspects from Jupiter to their Mercury, which is good for communication, but it will actually help Bush more as he is a better communicator (Mercury in Leo) and more convincing because he exaggerates and believes himself with a force of conviction! Bush also has Jupiter conjuncting his Moon in Libra, so women and voters will actually believe his lies about being "a man of peace" or that he will bring peace to Iraq! This is one of the best aspects for public response and Bush is getting it just two weeks before the election.
However, at least it will make John Kerry speak with a little more enthusiasm and make him more believable.
John Kerry has Mars sextiling Jupiter and Jupiter trining Mars in Oct. and Nov.2004. These are the best possible windfall aspects and when you feel like a real winner.
In Dec. 2004, both of them have Jupiter aspecting their Moon and they will both be moving. This is also good for publicity and will help Kerry more as he needs the enthusiasm that this transit generates. However, we are not sure if it will be able to offset his natal heavy Moon-Saturn conjunction.
You can expect some surge in publicity for Bush at the last minute but it won’t be enough. Saturn in his 12th house making an exact Saturn return is also not a good omen for him and in fact points to health problems coming up. If he is elected in Nov. 2002, this may point to his depleting health or some danger as Laura Bush's chart in going into an obscure sector from mid 2005 on wards.
June-July 2004 will mark the beginning of problems and disappointments for Bush. This may be when Fahrenheit 911 is released and exposes some of his hypocrisy, End of Sep and beg. Oct 2004 is a nightmare period for Bush when he is under a lot of stress and scandals make it worse for him. In fact, he even has major authority or legal issues just around the election time.
Kerry has his share of difficulties but none of them like Bush in the coming two years. Not only the underhanded activities of George Bush and company will come out in the open in this period but there may be some crisis in his health as well. Kerry's real hope is to emphasize peace and not war (Jupiter in Libra), otherwise the religious right will hijack this election for Bush!
Unfortunately, Kerry will still pursue many of the policies in the Middle East which the Bush administration has implemented except that he won’t be as much of a puppet as Bush. He still does have a ruthless side to him and no feelings for home and family (Moon conj Saturn). This of course applies to other’s family and he will still cause a lot of hardship and destruction of homes and families. George Bush Jr.’s father was also born with a Moon-Saturn conjunction and was instrumental in causing tremendous amount of pain and suffering to Iraqi people. We still feel that Kerry will be better in terms of diplomacy. There is always an emotional toughness about those who have a Saturn Moon conjunction and this is the reason why he hardly ever smiles. We are banking of his practicality. Reagan was born with Mercury in Capricorn like John Kerry and had a lot of resolve but was not very intellectual. Boris Yeltsin was also born with the same configuration!
Saddam has some publicity from Sep.2004 till Aug. 2005 which could indicate his preliminary appearance in court. However, he is nobody's fool and understands International law much better than any of his captors. This is actually a good aspect for publicity but Neptune squaring his Mars for two years points to scandals and nightmares. Now till Sep. 2004 is the best time for him for legal matters and he will probably be preparing a lot of his writings during this period.
Prince Charles Wedding?
Prince Charles has Venus in Libra which will be conjunct by Jupiter from Sep. 2004 till Aug. 2005. This is an excellent time for happiness in love but not necessarily an aspect for commitment. Although this is one the best times to marry, I still think it would be better for him to remain single or marry someone else rather than Camilla Parker. Just because there were conflicts with Princess Diana because of this relationship, it is a lot of emotional stress for the young Princes. The best thing for Prince Charles to do would be to make himself available for a suitor to come along as he has one year of luck element. This is also an excellent time for his furniture design business.
From AstroTrends newsletter July 2003: Liberals all around the world will be back in power from end of 2004 onwards. Unfortunately, liberal policies will go to extreme to please same sex marriages and other values which drive people away from families. Major Peace Treaties will be signed between Oct. 2004 and Sep. 2005. Peace Treaties will be signed between the Palestinians and Israel, Pakistan and India and North and South Korea. However, the real peace around the world will be realized by Nov. 2008.As we had mentioned in Jan. 1988, "Bill Clinton will bring the Middle East closest to Peace but will only see his plans come to fruition between 2004 and 2008 while he is not in office." Justice system will go through a major overhaul by Nov. 2008 as well.
Updated 15th June 2004:
Wildfires and Crisis in Royalty: Mars in Leo from 23rd June till 9th Aug. 2004 points to both wildfires as well as some scandals relating to Royalty. This will probably be some young Prince from the 60’s generation getting in trouble with the law or getting caught for some illegal activity.
Around Aug. 18th is also a very dangerous time but probably relates more to the NASDAQ being down and aviation accidents, as Mars will be opposing Uranus.
Mid Aug. 2004 till end of Sep 2004 is a very stressful period for the 30’s and early 40’s generation (the blues and country singers) as well as the 70’s age group, who will be going through a nightmare period. They have to be very careful of their immune system being down and generally events around them making them paranoid and letting their defense down. You will probably hear a lot of scandals affecting these generations during this period.
This is also the generation of Donald Rumsfeld, Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat.
Written Jan. 2003: USA has Saturn transiting the 9th house (foreign countries) and conjuncting natal Mars (strife and war). This indicates wrong timing, strife from foreign countries and danger of war. It is an accident configuration and coincides with heart attacks, serious accidents and major surgeries in an individual chart. This configuration has been active from July 2002 and will continue till June 2003. Saturn in the 9th is also a test of legal ethics and a Saturn-Mars aspect indicates breaking of the law during this whole period. It indicates a period of a lot o frustration for the Whitehouse and President Bush and his team. They will try their best to go to war but will be opposed by foreign countries and will not have the backing of the UN.
On the positive side, the US chart has Jupiter sextiling Mars between July and Sep 2003, which is an excellent time for big moves and success in a big way. This would have been a much better time to initiate major moves, expending business and other global activities.
Instead of breaking international laws and going against the wishes of millions, while creating deep resentment in foreign countries, and indulging in activities which in a normal person's chart would be considered criminal and against the law, it would have been much more prudent to wait till summer 2003 and resolve the whole situation much more peacefully.
President George Bush is being manipulated and his delicate ego being used against him to coerce him to act in haste. North Korea is also indicative of this configuration and the confrontation will continue till summer 2003 only.
During the last Gulf War (17 Jan 1991), Jupiter was in Leo (places of monarchy) exactly like now and the countries with monarchy were exploited. It is also the sign of inflated ego which is being flaunted with the air power and the biggest firepower and destructive bombing capabilities of missiles.
Transiting Saturn-Mars aspect in the US chart reflects the negative war connotations and forcing one’s way at all costs. The last war was triggered when Mars opposed Pluto which repeats itself on 24th April. There is also a dangerous Mars-Saturn-Pluto aspect in the sky between 17th and 20th Feb 2003. You will see a lot of violence around the world around these times. .
Mars opposes Uranus in the U.S. chart around 30th Jan 2003 (aviation crashes) and Moon goes in Aquarius (space age related events).
War preparations are already in effect as of now (mid-Dec 2002) and Mars is in the vindictive sign of Scorpio. The inspectors will act like puppets and not question the validity of US actions and will disregard other countries with nuclear capabilities and chemical weapons. Anti war protests will be ignored till mid Mar. 2003.
Most of the resentment is in Dec. 2002 and early part of Jan. 2003, where we can expect a lot of violence and bombings. Mars in the violent sign of Scorpio till 16th Jan. 2003 always brings out the most radical elements in society. However, it is also a time for major breakthroughs in medicine.
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