Astrological Highlights
Moon in Pisces in 4th = Deep empathy for children and older people. Compassionate. Adopted.
Mercury in Aquarius sq Saturn in Scorpio: Genius but also extremely focused and practical ideas. Stubborn and tenacious. Problems in assimilation of trace minerals.
Scorpio Rising: Extremely secretive. Penetrating gaze. Research oriented. Saturn in 1st or 12th (Major health issues due to excessive self control. Need for control extending to self discipline.
Leo on 9th/10th: Charismatic preacher of innovative technology. Showmanship. Won Academy Award (Leo on 10th).
Mars opp Neptune: Obsessive, prone to problems with immune system Mars in Aries sugar metabolism problem.
I was one of the very few astrologers who predicted most of the "insanely great" innovations as Steve Jobs called them, mostly based on this singular visionary's chart! There was something amazingly fascinating about the the fact that two configurations in the sky i.e. Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius would both perfect represent Steve Jobs and everything he did to transform the lives of millions around the world. Being a Pisces (rules by Neptune) and having Mercury in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus), you can now grasp how this combination represented the combination of inspirational art and cutting edge technology.
Steve Jobs was born with a double grand square between Venus, Mars, Uranus/Jupiter and Neptune. Mars opp Neptune is the aspect of obsessions and drugs which he probably had to take for his health condition. Jupiter opp Venus is the aspect of a lot of wealth and also the attraction to foreigners and their philosophy. Jupiter conj Uranus is an aspect of sudden windfalls which materialize out of upheavals. Venus sq Neptune makes one extremely idealistic and Mars sq Jupiter gave him the ability to recuperate fast and also the incredible energy and sudden bursts of enthusiasm which he had.
The double grand trine in Water signs gave him the deep empathy and compassion for for children and older people which reflected in his Pixar movies like Toy Story etc. We are not sure of Scorpio Ascendant but it seems to fit him the most. Virgo rising also would have given him some similar qualities but he wasn't really shy like Virgo rising, he was more intense and reclusive like Scorpio rising. Having Leo as part of his 9th and 10th house cusps gave him the messiah like preaching quality and showmanship and the involvement with the film industry (I also have Leo on the 9th and my astrology is certainly like preaching! Some of the best orators have this placement actually as well as those whose fame is through their philosophical ideals.
Moon was in Aquarius when Steve Jobs had the first surgery for Pancreas and he also had Mars transiting his 9th house, which indicates a time when you are forced to think about God. Exactly the same transit returned when he pased away. Moon was in Aquarius which reflected a unique world event ponting to an innovator and inventor. Similarly, when Michael Jackson passed away, the Moon was n Leo spotlighting one of the greatest entertainers of our times.
I knew Steve Jobs was in critical health around Feb or so and it seems every time his grand square got touched off, his health really suffered. He knew he was on borrowed time and wanted to do as much as he could in the limited time available to him. When he stepped aside from his post, he knew his days were numbered but worked courageously till the end. Although he was reclusive but his extended family was in the millions and that was what motivated him to transform their lives.
We should be thankful to Nature for having given us the opportunity to witness the transformation in mass communication and making it possible for everyone to bring their imaginative ideas to life through the magic of technology and software, all because of one man, Steve Jobs. The mindset of a Mac program is like divine nature itself i.e. extremely intuitive and simple. Even though I use both the PC and Macs, the PC programmers just don't get it. While copying the Mac ideas, they make a total mess of the simplest menu program. It is a totally different mindset when you see nothing on the screen in terms of the menus till you move the mouse. Nothing unessential and no sound from the fans to affect your creative thoughts.
On the PC, you will find a menu and a sub menu and a sub-sub menu. On the Mac, you can search for anything and it starts giving context based results even as you are typing. On the PC, a simple Search becomes such a big chore that it interferes with your thinking engaging your brain for trivial items. Use the Search on a PC and it will ask you if it is a folder, or pics or text etc etc. This is what infuriated Jobs and he gave up on PC engineers to understand the Mac mindset once he realized it is a different way of thinking. PCs will probably catch up in time but the midset is still very different.
I will be adding to this page again but in the meantime, here are some insights from my prevoius newsletters, some of them written as far back as 1995!
Detailed Analysis
Here is a an astro-analysis of one of the greatest visionary of our times who combined the analog and the digital world and was the true reflection of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius (inspirational creativity) which we pointed out years ahead of time.
We wrote this in 1995 and in retrospect everyone will understand the gravity of what we were writing...
Expect Apple to be back to its normal innovative style by late Summer of 1996. In 1997, Steve Jobs will be back to lead Apple into a totally new era. He is a brilliant mind and is way ahead of everyone else and the whole world is finally catching up to his way of thinking.
Written in Dec 2010
Uranus (innovations and technology) in Pisces (music, ocean, spirituality etc): Uranus "rules" the sign of Aquarius and Pisces is "ruled" by Neptune.
Neptune (inspirational ideals of your generation) in Aquarius (sign of innovation and masses).
As you will notice, these are both cross themes i.e. Uranus in Pisces (ruled by Neptune) and Neptune in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus). Uranus is a once in 84 year cycle and Neptune is a once in 165 year cycle.
When you combine these two themes, you will understand why most of our predictions about creativity mixed with technology relate back to a single man's chart in this whole world! We wrote about this more then ten years ago and we have been seeing the evolution of Apple and the world's most advanced and simple interfaces being spearheaded by Steve Jobs who is a Pisces with Mercury in Aquarius!
Written in Sep 1997
Steve Jobs best represents the "Animated Age of the Movies from 1998 onwards" we predicted in 1987, and his chart reflects where the world is headed! Look at our "AstroTrends till 2001" under Uranus and Neptune from 1998 and you will know everything about Steve Jobs! Creativity and inspiration combined with hi-tech!
Two grand trines in Water increase his sensitivity to the underdog and two grand squares indicate his constant stress and struggles. With Mercury in Aquarius like Jules Verne and Thomas A. Edison, Steve Jobs has an absolutely brilliant mind but is also very stubborn. Saturn squared to his Mercury (only aspect to Mercury) makes him practical and focused but also very set in his viewpoints. He can be very manipulative, coolly sarcastic and dictatorial (Mercury opp. Pluto sq. Saturn). Sun and
Moon in Pisces account for his love of animation and attraction to children's minds and Disney. His company Pixar produced the first computer generated film Toy Story.
From now till mid. 1998, Saturn will conjunct his Neptune and oppose his Mars, both mentally and physically very stressful transits (this is the same transit by the way which was shaping up again when he passed away). He has to be careful of legal hassles, heart, bad timing (he sold one million shares and a week later they went up by 32%, then another 25%!).
Steve Jobs is born with Mars sq. Uranus and has to be careful of freak accidents and a volatile temper although this transit can also produce flashes of genius and inventive ideas. Jupiter conj.his Mercury till Feb.'98 is excellent for revolutionary ideas, success of Mac OS8, the new Apple Board of Directors and major deals like with Microsoft.
Jupiter conj. Uranus in his 8th house (sudden windfalls and luck through hi-tech and investors) gets touched off from Mar.'98 for six months which should give Apple sudden prominence. With Saturn rising in his chart, Steve is on his way up and Apple stocks will keep rising. In the meantime, Steve Jobs will be instrumental in showing this world some of the wonders and magic of his Aquarius and Pisces planets with his showmanship (Leo on 9/10th) and philosophical ideals.
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