Horoscope of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Detailed Analysis Steve Irwin was a Pisces with a lot of Aquarius planets. This is a combination of someone who is truly quite humanitarian and wanted to make a difference in the life of everyone in the world. He did it very well with over 500 million people watching his show "The Crocodile Hunter". Pisces is the sign of the fish and also the ocean which he loved. Aquarius planets represented the internet medium he choose to bring his message to the masses. Unfortunately, he was also born with a Mars-Saturn conjunction. This is a major accident configuration and it points to danger from sharp objects. He was also born with Jupiter opp Uranus which normally represents miraculous escapes and also sudden opportunities through the media (Uranus in Leo) which brought him fame (Leo). This configuration probably saved him many times but he certainly tempted fate a lot with his daring and adventurous Mars conjunct Jupiter. This is the classic aspect of a gambler and an athlete. Olympic athletes and those who break rules and are daring by nature are always born with some aspect between Mars and Jupiter. Mars-Jupiter also represents over confidence and taking on too much from time to time. in fact, these people tend to procrastinate a lot as they need a lot of challenge to feel motivated. Once everything builds up to a crisis point, they go like a real steamroller. This aspect is one of courting danger, being extremely adventurous, overestimating own potential and underestimating danger. When you combine the natal accident configuration (Mars-Saturn) with the over confidence (Mars-Jupiter), the tragedy was waiting to happen. Throughout 2006, Neptune was touching off his this natal stellium (three or more planets together in a sign) in Aquarius (being recorded on live TV). Neptune conjuncting Mars wa the single most dangerous aspect which him intoxicated with the need to court danger. This is a nightmare aspect and one that I have written a lot about while analyzing the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy Jr. and Princess Diana. However, unlike Mars touching off their natal Neptune for a few days in their case, Steve had Neptune touching off his natal Mars for the whole year, in fact even the year before till the next year. This happens once in about 165 years and indicates danger from ocean, drowning, poisoning, nightmares because of wrong intuition, acting upon wrong hunches etc. Steve also belonged to the generation which is the most extremist (Neptune in Scorpio) and has a fascination with life and death issues (Scorpio). They have a reverence for the powerful and the mysterious and are completely oblivious to their own limits (Princess Diana was a classic example of it and risked her life even with the land mines). We don't know the time of birth (please let us know if you find it) but I have a feeling that Steve may have been born in the morning with Aries and Taurus in the first house(daring and stocky). In that case, Jupiter would have been transiting his 8th house (major contracts) and Mars in the 6th house (danger at work from sharp objects). His Moon would have been in Virgo in which case Mars would have been touching off the Moon as well, which makes a person even more impulsive. Neptune would have been in Scorpio in the 8th house, which would indicate contracts and money through ocean related projects especially involving danger. If we had been able to guide him, we would have definitely wanted him of danger from the ocean and poisonous animals. Whether he would have listened to the advice or not was part of his free choice but the Aquarius side of him was quite rebellious and stubborn as well (Mercury conjunct Saturn). At least he didn't suffer and he will be loved by all the children and he certainly took the daring to the next level for generations.
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