by Hassan Jaffer
29 May 2012: Serena Williams just lost the French Open in the first round which is unprecedented for her. However, when you look at her transits it is quite obvious. Mars squaring her Neptune from the 6th house (health house) is a nightmare theme and reduces the immune system of the body. This continues in her chart till mid-June 2012.
I was watching the match between the Williams sisters and as usual looked at their charts. it is fascinating to see astrology in action. Venus had the Moon in Leo back in its own place when she was born and on top of her chart (one of the indications of who will win and be more in the limelight).
She also had Jupiter trining her Mars exactly (it continues till Nov 2008) which is a major windfall aspect and one of the best transits for sports, travel, health and sudden bursts of energy. This was the same aspect which I used to predict a Tiger Wood's first major win!
Luckily, she also has Mars conjunct her Jupiter which lasts for just a few days but also gives sudden bursts of high energy. No wonder that she seemed to have so much more energy than normal and worked much harder than usual to keep coming back.
Venus is born with a Mars-Saturn conjunction which is one of the classic aspects of authority conflicts, rebellious nature and can lead to heart problems unless they learn to sublimate their blocked energy in positive ways. Drinking lot of water can also help and pacing themselves. Mars and Saturn in Virgo can make a person very critical and not tolerant of other people's mistakes. It does make one very health conscious. Healthwise, Venus has to be careful of kneecap problems and head area (Mars in 12th).
Venus has Saturn transiting above the horizon but she will probably retire after about two to three years. Serena, on the other hand, has Saturn just starting to rise and the Moon was at the bottom of her chart. However, she still had some good aspects and although Venus won the Wimbledon, both sisters won the doubles right after!
Venus is on her last leg of her limelight and will most likely have a baby in 2009 to 2010 and then keep a low profile after that.
In 2009, Serena gets the same transit as Venus and will be in top shape from Jan till Aug. 2009 so watch out! Her chart shows that she will be in the limelight for a long time but that is probably also because of her excellent business sense (Mercury in Libra) and coming out with a whole line of sports fashion or such enterprises.
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