Chart Analysis of Saddam Hussein: (1936 instead of the published 1937)
Libra rising gives a strong sense of fairness and justice which brings many politicians in power. Scorpio underneath leads them to misuse power if they hang on too long. Hitler was born with it and so was Saddam. Always spoke about peace and what applied to Iraq should apply to the rest of the world.
Sun trine Neptune gave him a sense of mission and humanitarian instinct, which was his motivation to power in the first place.
Mercury in Taurus sextile Pluto gave him insights in human nature at a grass root level and understanding of problems relating to the masses. Powerful friends. Ability to spot anyone who lied or betrayed him. Need to save the masses.
Capricorn on 4th house cusp: Father missing, mother influential in brought up like Hitler and Clinton.
Neptune in 11th: Did a lot of humanitarian work especially for the poor and the farmers.
Pluto in 10th is often found amongst dictators and reformers.
Chart like the US Libra with Scorpio underneath!
Motherland important to leaders with Libra rising: Hitler had the same thing. Father missing makes one weak in morals and very lenient towards women but cruel against men. If the mother married again, then the treatment of the stepfather becomes extremely important in how the person is going to treat others.
Venus trine Jupiter gave him the wealth and luxury but also corrupted him to some extent.
Saturn in Pisces often indicates cruelty and although a lot of it was the result of seeing injustices against Arabs and no tolerance for any traitors, it was still one of his traits. Everyone with Saturn in Pisces has this inherent trait although it may be beneficial for doctors or those who have to practice “tough love”.
Saturn in Pisces opp to Neptune: Mental stress and scandals due to children. Applies to everyone born between (10 May 1035 to 3 Feb.1937). Eliminated anyone he suspected was undermining him (unwarranted fears and phobias). Chemical poisoning of thousands.
Although Saddam was a brutal dictator, who came to power after CIA not only masterminded the coup but supplied him with a list of intellectuals with leftist (communist) leanings, starting one of the bloodiest purges, he was one of the few heads of State in the Middle East who stood up against perceived injustices of the US and Israel. Before the 1991 Gulf War, he made a public statement that Iraq was willing to dismantle any WMD or nuclear facilities if the rest of the world did the same. The US had its own agenda and was more interested in oil in the region, which is exactly the rationale behind the takeover of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Transiting Planets:
Moon was in Leo (exactly where it was when Saddam was born) on top of his chart, giving him in unwanted limelight again. It often denotes royalty being in the news. Uranus in 5th indicates sudden upheavals in the life of children i.e. sons and grandson being killed. Mars first opposed his Saturn in the 5th house and his sons and grandson were killed, touching off the mental stress his natal Saturn opp Neptune shows.
As we had said, his relatives proved to be his enemies and they tipped him off. 2005-2006 is dangerous for his health and major conflicts with the law.
We had said in our newsletter that the danger for his generation was between May 2003 and Dec. 2003 as Mars conjunct Neptune for his age group. His most stressful time was exactly between that period when he was in hiding. Kurds probably found him first and used him to bargain their autonomy in exchange. Saddam has Saturn transiting his 9th house now, which is the house of major legal matters. However, with Saturn moving towards his M.C. and Zenith in his chart, he is destined to be in limelight again, and will pose a threat to the US interests as he can still expose their dealings with him. The generals must be disappointed that he did not resist and is still alive and in a position to expose his dealings with the CIA.
It is unfortunate when someone who has a deep feeling for the poor and needy, rises to power because of a strong sense of justice and fairness, brings major reforms in his country, particularly in the lives of farmers and the poor, stays in power too long and then as soon as the children are born, his love of luxury and corruption takes over.
Unfortunately, in the Middle East, the real misuse of power starts as the children grow up and start using their parent’s authority to make a mockery of the law. The US used Saddam to gain a foothold in the Middle East, favored him against Iran and supplied him with intelligence, and more than a million people were killed without anyone trying to stop the war. As we have mentioned before, those with Libra rising often have the father missing and the mother playing a domineering role, subsequently marry an aggressive or strong willed wife (including Churchill, Hitler, Simon Wiesenthal, Clinton, JFK) and lack certain morals as the mother allows them to get away with a lot. Although this does not justify their behavior, which in Saddam’s case was aggravated by his stepfather’s cruel treatment. The best solution for such politicians is to limit their power to 5 years!
Saddam stood up for the Palestinians and his frustration in not being able to do anything about it, vented his anger on his own people when he felt they were sabotaging his plans. From his point of view, he was right in calling his son-in-laws traitors as their disclosures eventually led to the WMD scare and coalition for the 1991 Gulf war which brought untold misery to his people,.
Ironically, now that his nightmare period is over, Saddam is well fed and is being proved right that the US used WMD as a cover to gain control of Iraq’s oil fields and that the conspiracy was being run by the neocons in the Pentagon. Iran will ultimately gain the most and the theocracy held in higher esteem as they are the only ones seen as bringing real control and justice in the South of Iraq. US democracy has no value for Iraqis, as they cannot even demonstrate. The Mullahs have exposed the fallacy of US democracy, which has banned demonstrations or any news of dissent, and are now insisting on democratic elections, which the US cannot afford nor ignore!
There will be peace starting from Sep. 2004 onwards, however, throughout 2005 and 2006, there will be mass insecurities as epidemics as Saturn opposes Neptune and homelessness climbs to its highest level. Iran will be instrumental in bringing law, order and stability (at least in Southern Iraq) and once the monarchies are shaken between 2005 and 2006, the US will loose its grip in the Middle East. Afghanistan and Iraq will thrive with the new found oil, US companies along with the rest of Europeans will be instrumental in the oil discoveries and trade, but the war machine will be gone for a long time.
Iraq Coup
When Saddam came to power in Feb, 1963, Mars was in his 10th house of career (limelight through military coup) as well as Moon in Leo (same position as when he was born!). Saturn was just starting to move up from his 4th house and he started building his party and laying the foundation. Saturn was opposing his Moon and making him ruthless (thousands were killed).
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