Written 7th July 2011
We are putting the chart analysis of the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch as it shows how the most inspirational aspects can also be used in a such a devious manner.
Murdoch was born under the most sympathetic and the most unsympathetic sign of Pisces and comes from a generation of the some of the best craftsmen and yet the best of the crooks.
It is very sad that Mercury in Pisces trined to Pluto could be used in such a negative way. Here is an aspect of wisdom and the ability to understand the divine truth yet used in such a base manner just because he also has Mercury opposed to Mercury. This is an aspect where you cannot separate truth from fantasy and can justify anything. It is like a saint and a con artist's chart.
Of course he is also born with Mars opposed to Saturn which indicates major legal conflicts and also problems with the heart, temper and constant frustration. This opposition is getting touched off by transiting Saturn approx from Sep 2011 till Sep 2012. This is not only a transit of majro law suits in his life but also an indication of danger to his heart.
Jupiter touching off his Mercury may help him to some extent in terms of spiritual awakening (interesting how peopel rememeer God only when they are in trouble!) but we wont be surprised if the legal hassles lead to even jail term for him.
Interestingly, his chart is like some of the best investigators but also the most cunning crooks who justify all uncreditable actions. He would have been a very good psychic in fact and there are uncanny parallels in his chart and that of Edgar Cayce and Ron Hubburd of Scientology, except neither of them harmed the public like Murdoch.
Hacking murder victim's phone, bribing government officials and police officers are all part of his Mercury opposition to Neptune (schizophrenic aspect). Very sad to see that one would misuse a powerful and almost sacred Mercury trine Pluto aspect in a negative way.
The power to influence the masses is not a common gift given to everyone yet it is tragic that it was so easily misused because of his defective judgement and lack of moral ethics (Mercury oppose Neptune) and the ability to justify anything just indicates that there were probably unresolved issues is his personal life which gave him the impetus to destroy so many people's lives by his sleazy gossips (gossip columnist Hedda Hopper was also born with a similar aspect).
Trying to implicate Iran in the MH-370 tragedy not only is morally wrong as it is a total fabrication but also exposes the people he is trying to protect and who might actaully have been involved and have something to do with it.
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