We just heard the tragic news that the handsome actor of Fast & Furious fame died in a fiery car crash. It is really sad to see someone at the prime of his youth and just starting to do some of his best work, die so young. His time of birth gives him Virgo rising but I think he had very late Leo rising as his blue eyes and demeanor reflect Leo Ascendant.
Venus in Libra and Venus conj Uranus in Libra gave him a electric magnetism made him look so balanced and proportionate and good looking as well.
Virgo rising gives Scorpio on the 3rd house cusp but Leo rising would put it in on the 4th house (his father worked in plumbing). You always have to be careful in driving and brushes with the law with Mars in the 9th house.
Uranus was transiting his 8th house, one of the transits coinciding with an interest in the occult but also the fascination with close to death experiences (portrayed so well in his movie roles). It is also in an indication of sudden wealth and contracts that he landed before. The eighth house also deals with life-death situations and inheritance etc. Moon was in Scorpio in his 3rd House along with with Satun in Scorpio and the colors for it are back and deep red or burgundy (the color of blood) and you can see Paul wearing a black shirt and the car has the Scorpio colors. The main driver was a Scorpio also. It is not because of it that this happened but it is just reflective of the day's tragic events.
Mars is also an indicator here of the fiery red Porche he died in. Apparently, he had just left the charity he founded for the Philippines victims of the typhoon and his friend and CEO of his company was driving in a 45 mph zone and hit a light pole while speeding when the Porche Carrera caught fire.
Saturn in the 3rd house (similar to Princess Diana's accident) is also an indication of accidents. In fact, Saturn had been opposing his Mars for the last six months, which is a major accident configuration but was probably being offset by the speeding and violent roles he was playing. Moon was also transiting his 3rd house (problems in transportation causing life-death situation).
Saturn was at the bottom of his chart which and he was supposed to keep a low profile. He was already doing four films, one of which will be in theatres on 13th Dec 2013 and two are in post-production. Paul was born on a Full Moon with Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces. No wonder he raised money for the Philippines victims of the typhoon and he had Moon in Pisces, a sign of the ocean and also humanitarian causes). Moon in Pisces indicates fantasy-related professions and movies.
The ruler Neptune in the 10th house is also an indication of a heartthrob personality and the fact that he had strong humanitarian tendencies. Mercury conj Pluto is also one of the aspects of life and death situations and where you try to rectify major calamities and try to save the world. However, it also indicates when you violate the divine truth and their words often come true (blessings and curses) and it is one of the hallmarks of negative prophecies coming true. Being in the 8th house makes it even more connected with life-death situations.
There were many transits which were very close but not exact e.g. Mars in an out of sign square to Saturn, and Saturn in a wide opposition to Mars. There was also a wide out-of-sign opp between Mars and Uranus which probably activated the freak accident to the head and spine (just like Princess Diana).
One of the reasons for this analysis is to help others in their research and hopefully save others from potential tragedies. Saturn in the 3rd house making a wide opp to his natal Mars along with the Moon in Scorpio, which was like the final trigger as it just opposed Mars (fiery crash).
We just found the birthdate of Paul’s daughter, Meadow but not the time of birth. Saturn was exactly opposing her natal Moon. Here is the Saturn-Moon article we have on another page. This happens approx every seven years and is one of the major signs of depression and sadness in the family and relating to the parents. This lasts till the end of next year but she also has Jupiter trining her Moon, a sign of family reunions, spiritual reflection and mind expansion. She will probably go back to her mother now because of events beyond her control. So there is sadness and family reunions and when you take both the transits together, you can see the loss of one parent and her going back to her mother because of it.
She was also born with a Mercury conj Pluto which she inherited from her dad who had the same conjunction as well. It is a very difficult aspect to resolve events pertaining to life and death and it is like questioning God why did this have to happen to her? Of course, it is natural to do so but being in the sign of Sagittarius, a philosophical sign, this defines her mission in life also.
Her mission will be tied forever to this event now. The number 8 and planets in Scorpio (Moon, Mercury, and Saturn were all in Scorpio) will have a fated quality to it. The only way to offset an adverse Mercury-Pluto aspect is to get involved with a “saving” profession and to transform the lives of others because of it.
She needs someone to tell her that her mission begins now and that it is best to leave some things in the hands of the Creator, who in His wisdom, sometimes denies us of the most precious things in our life, perhaps to lead us towards our mission.
Roger Rodas and Paul Walker had a Mars conj Saturn between them so there was always a danger whenever they drove together. The fact that it was a red Porsche possibly makes it even more related to Mars which is associated with the color red. Mars = red = fire. In fact,
You are welcome to put in your comments or questions below and discuss anything astrologically. It would really help us in our research if anyone can share her time of birth and we would be able to shed much more light in our analysis.
On a final note, the Moon in Scorpio always seems to bring news about life and death or funerals in the news (Princess Diana, JFK Jr., King Hussain, ex-PM of Canada Pierre Trudeau and Hafiz Asad). The Moon also happened to be in the sign of Scorpio along with Saturn (this will repeat itself for a few times till mid-2014) and the driver was a Scorpio. When the Moon is in the same sign as your Sun sign, people tend to be weaker and their reflexes slower.
You are welcome to put in your comments on our other site http://www.astrocycles.net/paul-walker-of-fast-furious/ where we can discuss anything astrologically.
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