Here is the chart analysis of a very talented acrobat and daredevil, Nik Wallenda, who just entered history with his "death defying" tightrope crossing over Niagara Falls! At least it was made to look like that till you noticed the barness attached!
Nik is a Capricorn with Moon, Venus and Neptune in Sagittarius which gives him the deep religious faith. You can even see the crosses on his t-shirt and necklace to confirm this philosophical planetary configuration. Moon conj Venus gives him the showmanship along with a wide Moon in Sag trine Jupiter in Leo. Moon conj Neptune gives a lot of empathy for the needy and increases his humanitarian side. Stellium in Sag also makes him a positive thinker and his ability to inspire others.
His picture here with the cross necklace and a T-Shirt with crosses on it is a further confirmation of his Sag religious side!
Mars opp Jupiter is one of the most important aspects here as it is the hallmark of many champions who take big risks. With Mercury in Capricorn, he is cautious enough to make the Mars opp Jupiter not as dangerous otherwise he would be a total gambler. Saturn in Virgo gives him the perfection and Mercury trine Saturn the discipline to persevere and work hard to achieve something in a tangible way.
Mars in Aquarius (like Leonardo da Vinci) shows the inventive side of him and also working with NASA. Sun close to Mars gives him high drive. Moon squared to Saturn makes a person very calm under stress and almost ruthless with themselves when it comes to putting hours and hours of work. This is also one of the sings of lacking iron but some of the best trainers are also born with it. There are some deep insecurities reflected by his Saturn squared Neptune which may also the be the reason why he keeps pushing himself so much,
Nik's palm shows the Head Line joined to the Life Line, indicating that he doesn't really take unnecessary chances and practices a lot before attempting his dangerous acts. In fact, he had a harness attached to his waist and was never really in any danger but the showmanship made it appear as if it was a matter of life and death! It was still quite daring but had he slipped, then he would have just made a fool of himself a bit and dangled from the wires for a while before being pulled in to the shores. However, he is still a six-time Guinness World Record holder for his daring stunts. Performing acrobatics, including hanging by his teeth, 200 feet above the ground on a trapeze suspended from a helicopter is not a joke. His ability to inspire and motivate others is reflected by his Sagittarius planets (preaching with a flair for showmanship).
Many pilots are also born like this as opposed to those having the Head Line separate which would make them very spontaneous and taking more risks. Nik practiced for two years before attempting his Niagara Falls tightrope act. His hand shows him to be very practical and down to earth-as-well. Fire and Earth combination makes him take on new challenges and the Earth gives him the ability and stamina to finish them as well. The heavy base is one of the signs of wealth (Venus in Sag wide trine to Jupiter).
Today on June 15th, 2012, with Jupiter trining his natal Mars and sextiling his natal Jupiter, he had the best possible aspects to cross the Niagara Falls. Jupiter Mars aspect gave him the high energy, daring, sudden bursts of power and confidence to accomplish such an amazing feat. Just two weeks ago would have been a very dangerous time as Mars was conjunct his Saturn. Mars transit just finished two weeks ago and Moon in Taurus trined his Saturn in Virgo giving him total focus and concentration. Mars wide conj to Saturn shows the danger around the middle of the act when the mist and winds were a bit of a problem but the overall aspects were very favourable.
However, this streak of good luck finishes by Oct 2012 when he has the very dangerous Saturn squaring his natal Mars for quite a few months. His next stunt is going over the Grand Canyon and we just hope he does it before Oct 2012 while Jupiter is still touching off his Mars.
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