Here is the chart of Nelson Mandela, a name synonymous with courage in adversity, single-mindedness, unwavering focus and mission in life. He was one of the most inspirational historical figures whose chart accurately portrayed his selfless nature and his need to help and save the underdog.
The sign of Pisces rising on the Eastern horizon reflected his acute sensitivity and compassion for fellow human beings and especially children and the elderly. It is also one of the most humanitarian Ascendent to have and makes one very sympathetic to the needs of others. They are drawn to the sadness of others and we always recommend them to be close to the ocean and water to heal their sensitive nature.
Pisces and Aries in his first house made Nelson Mandela like a pioneer and a poet. Pisces represents the end of the Zodiac and Aries the beginning of it. Pisces was the humanitarian purpose and Aries the action behind it.
Moon in Scorpio in the 9th house along with Sagittarius on the 9th and 10th house axis made him a natural preacher who was ready to die for a cause. Moon in Scorpio gives a certain amount of intensity and being the 9th house, it is directed to law and as it is reflected in the laws of the nation. This Moon position gave him the ability to accept his fate as being necessary to his cause and, along with Pisces rising, his need to sacrifice his life for the welfare of the masses.
Nelson Mandela is a Cancer with Jupiter also in the sign of Cancer, which made him see everyone as part of a large family. Jupiter brings out the benevolent nature in Cancer and makes one very caring and nurturing to others.
Mercury in Leo gave him the intelligent leadership ability and oratory skills (both Presidents Obama and Bill Clinton) are also born with it and his single-minded resolve and force of conviction. Mercury close to Saturn in Leo made him even more fixed in his nature and purpose in life. Saturn in Leo makes one charismatic as a leader but also a lonely eagle (Hitler was also born with the same placement) and it gives a certain amount of approachable quality like with the monarchy.
You will notice that he was born with a wide Moon sq Saturn, which is one of the signs of solitude and being reclusive. Although in women, it is often a sign of depression and lack of iron, it often makes men emotionally very touch (many personal trainers are born with it) to the point of being cruel to themselves. His many years in jail and being away from his children and family is also one of the aspects of sadness indicated by this square.
In fact, he had a Moon-Saturn-Uranus T-Square which indicates sudden upheavals in family and lot of emotional turmoil in once’s life. However, the Moon Uranus aspect is good for the media and visual perception. Ironically, the Moon-Saturn almost blocks the subconscious. One of the best ways to offset is when you get involved with earth and building of property. Marilyn Monroe was also born with a Moon-Saturn aspect which gave her the depression and also no children, setting herself up for sadness in life later on.
In Nelson Mandela’s case, he had many children but was kept away from them. he also treated the whole world like a huge family. It is amazing how those with Mercury in Leo conj Saturn can be very charming till their viewpoint is opposed and that is when you see their stubborn side. It reminds me of a benevolent dictator but luckily in his case, he belonged to such a wonderful generation that his tough love was never seen as mean harsh by anyone. In fact, that is what gave him his iron resolve and his ability to lead in a humble manner.
Neptune in Cancer was the generation with strong family values that Nelson Mandela was born in. No wonder he loved the family and children and has several children and grand children. This generation was born just before the age of the golden movies and many of them remind us of family values including Dr. Seuss, Jimmy Stewart, Lorne Greene, Walt Disney, Lucille Ball, Ed Sullivan and Mark Twain.
Every one of the them had a strong sense of family values and were protective of their loved ones. They also drew their inspiration from family values and had an innate appreciation of Children’s needs. You could see these values in their writings, movies and the work they did.
Looking at Nelson Mandela’s hand, you will notice that the Head line is completely joined to the Life line. This indicates someone who is very close to his family and very cautious and deliberate in his actions. He is not an impulsive person at all but one who believes in strong roots and never acts in haste. Because of people like him we have culture and tradition. They invest in blue chip longterm investments and their programs last a long time as well.
Moon in Scorpio conjunct by Saturn makes one feel very depleted and this just started and would have continued throughout next year, making him even more frail and tired. However, Jupiter trining his Moon at the same time is going to make him very popular with the public, just like in Princess Diana’s case.
It is interesting that in Diana’s case, the Moon was in Scorpio when she passed away and more than a billion people watched her funeral. In Nelson Mandela’s case, he was born with Moon in Scorpio and on the day he passed away, Prince William and Kate were watching his movie at a theatre in London with his two daughters when they came to know about his death. The public was not informed till after the rolling credits and they all burst into an applause after. Royalty, Diana, Moon in Scorpio events and Nelson Mandela, it is hard to explain everything but I might just drop in hints like that for those off you who are into cosmic synchronicity and the mysterious connections between those who touch us at the soul level.
I am sure the whole world will be at his memorial and only someone into astrology can see the significance of this. Moon in Scorpio (life death situations) Neptune in Cancer (the whole world coming together to celebrate his life) like a big family. Nelson Mandela couldn’t have been happier that he brought more people together at his memorial than most people do in all their life.
For those he leaves behind, it must be an amazing feeling to know that he lives in the hearts of so many by all the work he did and nothing but fond memories and inspirational moments even though he was born with some of the most difficult aspects. It is wonderful to see how people rise up to their highest potential, and it gives me even more confidence in astrology when we see someone turn their whole life around like this and bring out the best in others.
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