June 2008:
Senator John McCain is just finishing the last seven years of his Saturn transit. In about two to three years time, he will have to consolidate his position in public and in another two years it will be a time to retire. Although this gives him just enough time to get the leadership role for one term, if he does win, he will retire in disgrace like George Bush Jr. next year.
Senator McCain is on the last leg of Saturn as it is going down in his chart in a few years time. It is now in his 12th house which is a major health house and also conjunct his natal Neptune. This can be a very stressful aspect and indicates stress related illnesses. Although he is quite health conscious having Venus in Virgo, the Saturn Neptune aspect and no other planets above the horizon point to a lack of public response.
However, Jupiter is moving into his fourth house which indicates moving to a bigger place and sometimes this can point to the Whitehouse like in George Bush Jr.'s case in the last election but we doubt that. The biggest problem in his chart is that Pluto is coming to a major square to his natal Mercury which indicates that his thinking is totally against that of the masses, and he will become very dictatorial and misuse his powers. This is an extremely dangerous aspect and one that most dictators were born with! John McCain is going through it by transit which may indicate why he used such callous remarks as "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". Senator Hillary Clinton was born with Mercury in Scorpio (which is "ruled" by Pluto and can be used both for destroying or reconstructing, and she also used some radical remarks with reference to Iran (a nation which has not attacked anyone during the last 800 years!).
Pluto square Mercury indicates when there are powerful forces (or even health issues which remind one of left and death matters) which oppose your plans to make global changes. If these people do come to power, then unfortunately it gives them the capacity to wage major wars and create catastrophes where they can never undo the damage.
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