Written Feb 2011
Here is the chart of a very young talented artist to grace the pop culture, Justin Bieber. Justin is a Pisces with the charm and seductive aura of Venus in Pisces, and Mercury in the inventive sign of Aquarius. Mars being close to Mercury which gives more force to the voice. Mercury trine to Moon gives a nice tonal quality to the voice but Justin is not born with a Mercury Venus aspect which a lot of singers are born with (Venus makes the voice more eloquent and beautiful e.g. Elvis Presley and Celine Dion). However, the Moon compensates for Venus and gives a comforting element to his voice. However, I feel it is the Neptune going over his Mercury which gives him a healing tone as well, at least till about 2012!
Moon in Libra is part of his 11th house and here is something interesting which a lot of astrologers miss out on. Your 11th house points to your best contacts and those who will help you achieve your goals in life. Justin has the sign of Libra here which points to those involved with the fashion industry as being his best contacts. This is not surprising as Usher is a big supporter of his and has been an excellent mentor for him as well. Usher has his own fashion line of course and it is interesting how astrology shows him so clearly in Justin Bieber's chart. Moon in Libra makes him rather soft looking and it is hard to imagine that he actually has Scorpio rising. In fact, I have a feeling that he has Libra rising also and this in itself makes one easily popular in the USA (Libra rising also). Moon in his 11th house indicates that his main supporters will be women and that he will be involved with humanitarian projects involving housing as well.
Michael Jackson had a Mars sq Mercury and Justin Bieber has a Mars conj Mercury. Either of these aspects gives one a forceful high pitched sound and many sopranos and tenors are also born with including the ability to sing high notes.
Justin Bieber has Neptune conjunct his Mercury and Mars in his 3rd house. Neptune Mars creates an obsessive nature and although it is excellent for art, music, dancing and creativity, he has to be very careful of any escapist tendencies. This is also a bit of a scandalous aspect but he is quite young so it may be just reflecting events in the life of his close relatives (3rd house). For song writing, Neptune increases the imagination and the trine from Neptune till Moon will help his image till end of 2012.
Neptune trining his Moon increases his popularity with the public and this will increase in Mars till May when Jupiter also touches his Moon off. This will probably coincide with his buying a bigger home and family reunions. However, Saturn conjuncting his Moon indicates some sadness in the family and one of his parents feeling very depleted. This continues from end of summer 2011 till summer 2012. Justin will be somewhat anemic during this period and will need more iron and physical rest.
Mercury square Pluto in Justin's chart indicates that he will have to be careful of being somewhat controlling (Oprah has a similar aspect) and maybe at odds with the system. He is quite brilliant and original and rather inventive as well. His fame through YouTube is a perfect indication of his Mercury and Mars being in Aquarius. He is born with an accident configuration and always has to be careful near his home while driving or skating etc. 26th Feb and 26th June 2011 is when this accident configuration gets touched off (it happens many times so it is not an isolated event). Justin always has to be careful of accidents involving the spine and motor cycles as well as ice and snow.
April and May 2011 are excellent for tremendous popularity but he will have to slow down somewhat after summer so he doesn't exhaust himself. March will be one of the best months for Justin and many musicians as there are several planets in Pisces (same event which is disastrous fro tsunamis and floods around the world!).
In astrology, I have identified Mars Neptune adverse aspects as indicative of addictive tendencies and obsessions. The orb i.e. how many degrees you take before an exact aspect varies from person to person. Justin Bieber is going through an obsessive Mars Neptune conjunction. In Michael Jackson's case, he had a wide Mars opp Neptune aspect. Mars (energy and action) and Neptune (creativity and inspiration) certainly pointed to his amazing musical abilities, his sense of rhythm, his perfect timing and his total dedication to his art. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find any other aspect in his chart which points to his obsessive dedication to music and dancing. Justin is not born with it but is going through it till 2012 and just needs to keep sublimating his obsessions in positive ways..
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