Virgo/Libra on First House cusp = Conservative, shy, good looks, and proportionate. Libra rising (JFK) gives a strong sense of fairness.
Sun in Sag. sq. Pluto = Powerful drive towards the fated mission.
Conflicts with the establishment. Went to Cuba to interview Fidel Castro!
Moon in Aquarius = Sudden upheavals at home. Excellent for
media (Princess Diana). Excellent public response till Feb.'98.
Moon opp Uranus = Visual flashes and ideas, sudden upsets
and upheavals at home, erratic mood swings, sudden limelight
Moon in Aquarius opp Pluto = Could be sarcastic. Subconscious power over others. Unresolved family crisis. Hidden enemies.
Mercury trine Mars = Strong and forceful mind.
Mercury conj Neptune = Intuitive. Emotional misjudgments. Hidden agenda. Evasive. Secretive. Spying. Trusting wrong people. Misunderstandings.
Mercury sxt Pluto = Wisdom. Ability to bring about changes to the masses.
Venus conj Jupiter = Easy wealth, love of luxury, and comfort.
Venus in Cap. conj Saturn = Loves older women. Unhappy marriage.
Jupiter conj Saturn = Entrepreneurial and likes working hard. Reversal of fortunes. Delays caused by authority conflicts.
Mars in Cancer opp. Saturn = Major accident configuration. Has to be extremely careful of car and aviation accidents. Heart (acidity and ulcers). Legal hassles. Authority conflicts. Danger from guns and fire. Injuries to head and knees.
Pluto in Virgo = Born in the age of herbal medicine and naturopathy
Here is the chart of America’s prince charming JFK Jr., who first stole the heart of millions when he saluted his father’s casket.
John F Kennedy Jr was born with a Mars-Saturn opposition which is a major accident configuration and indicates wrong timing (Dec.’97 issue). It usually points to danger to the head and car accidents. We noted this in our Dec.’97 issue of AstroTrends as indicating danger through guns, fire, and injuries to the head.
With most of the planets moving above the horizon, he certainly had everything going for him. However, his wife Carolyn Bassette Kennedy had most of her planets coming down in her chart. Although he could have become the President of America if he wanted to, there is no way she could have been the First Lady as planets coming down in your chart indicate a very low profile. Her luck may even have pulled him down although his own chart was supposed to cause upheavals for others as well (he was born with Moon in Aquarius (like Diana) and in adverse aspect to Uranus (like his sister).
Mars in Scorpio was in his 3rd house (danger through transportation) close to Neptune (violence, intrigue and espionage but also engine problems). This points clearly to danger from walking, running or flying (especially if you are the pilot yourself). Mars-Neptune is a nightmare configuration and our Moon Magic 1999 (page 47) clearly warns of danger of drowning in lakes and the ocean from July to mid. Aug. 1999 for anyone born in the 60’s. All three in the plane were born in 60’s and were all going through a Mars-Neptune transit!
Mars was hovering in his 3rd house for some time and the plaster cast from his paragliding accident may have temporarily saved him from major accidents. In fact, the removal of the plaster cast became the first link in a tragic chain of events leading to the fatal plane crash. I have a feeling that it was a sudden loss of engine power that made him lose control of the plane. Mars-Neptune aspect also shows the danger of loss of a child, and just like Diana, I am sure that his wife was also pregnant.
John F. Kennedy Jr. is a Sagittarius with a strong sense of mission in life. However, his Mercury conjunct Neptune makes it difficult for him to separate Truth from fantasy from time to time (although this may be an asset to practice Western Law and for politicians!).
With Venus in Capricorn, he is definitely not like his father when it comes to love and social activities and is very private and reclusive. Like Elvis Presley and Rock Hudson, his Venus in Capricorn gives him an earthy magnetism.
His mother had Venus Saturn opposition (a similar theme) which makes one like older or very mature partners. Saturn squaring his Venus from 1997 indicates heartaches, feelings of loneliness and breakups.
However, transiting Jupiter is making some excellent aspects to his natal Venus as well as Mercury from Feb.'98. This will help him both in his love life as well as his writing and publications. Actually, he has excellent transits to have a child by the summer of 1998! All conflicts in relationships end by mid.'98.
From Dec. 1998 till Aug. 1999, he has to be extremely careful of a nightmare period (Mars conjunct Neptune in 3rd) especially relating to travel (cars, running, and flying).
This can also indicate danger from ocean and lakes (drowning)
With a Mars-Neptune transit, you always have conspiracy and sabotage theories and a lot of coverups that are used to justify them. In Diana’s case, there was a white Fiat that took off after having collided against her Benz and was never found. In JFK Jr.’s case, his plane vanished soon after he identified himself to the small local beacon near Marthe’s Vineyard airport. It was very close to the same place that the TWA had been blown out of the sky almost exactly two years ago to the day! It was almost the same day 30 years ago when Ted Kennedy’s secretary drowned.
I analyzed JFK Jr.’s hand from this picture and you can see that he has a wealthy hand (slightly chubby), rather practical (almost square hand), and all the fingers are bending inwards pointing to a strong, stiff hand. His Head Line also seems to be joined indicating a very cautious nature and not used to fast reflexes. This is not a real daredevil’s chart so no wonder he always mocked the behavior of his cousins and considered them out of line. What happened in the plane required immediate correction although there was not much he could do if the engine failed or there was oil in the fuel line.
Those of you who have Gemini M.C. have been going through this transit from Feb.’99 and have been susceptible to car problems, and back or kneecap injuries which continue till the end of Sep.’99.
The M.C. conjunct JFK Jr.’s Pluto in Sagittarius in his 3rd house exactly at 9:39 pm and we calculated this to be the time of his plunge in the ocean near his mother’s estate (4th house) even before the reports confirmed that 9:40 pm seems to be the most likely time of the tragedy.
Moon had come back to the same place as it was when he was born (in Virgo) and reflected the sadness of the masses. He was also thinking of his mother when he sent an email at 4:05 p.m. offering condolences to his friend whose mother had passed away (Moon conj. his Pluto and Scorpio Asc. touching his 3rd house). Saturn was in his 9th house (danger from flying). It was also opposing his natal Mars in Scorpio indicating that the violence and accident-prone phase was present from last year and would have continued for some time.
He was born with a natal Mars-Saturn opposition and was getting another Saturn-Mars aspect by transit. No wonder he suddenly developed a passion for flying. Mars opposed his Jupiter giving him confidence and making him take chances like a gambler. It was also the aspect under which he bought the plane just a few months before. He got delayed by 2 1/2 hours in the rush hour traffic while picking up his sister-in-law. Everyone is scared to fly with him probably increased his stress. Had he been alone, he may have survived but not with the luck of his passengers pulling him down.
1- He was born with a Mars-Saturn opposition (a major accident configuration and wrong timing). Although it did not get touched off, it increased his danger of accidents all the time.
2- Saturn just started transiting his 9th house pointing to “accidents and danger while driving or flying” (especially if you are flying yourself). In two years, it would have reached the 10th house (zenith) and a perfect time to hold any public office he wanted to.
3- Mars transiting the 3rd house (accidents near home) and moving towards a conjunction with Neptune (nightmares, wrong hunches, and danger of drowning, page 47 of Moon Magic ’99.
4- Moon conjunct Pluto: wrote an email to a friend offering condolences. Moon just out of 12th (tired and reflexes still down).
1- Saturn at the very bottom of her chart (just like Diana - read Moon Magic 1999 page 45 “careful of driving or car related mishaps”) and exactly squaring her Mars in 12th house, a major accident configuration which was in effect from June ’99 till April 2000!
2- Uranus was also exactly conjunct her Mars in Aquarius for the whole year, almost a sure sign of aviation disaster- Mars Uranus transit and spine injuries just waiting to happen. I did the charts of 3 people who died in the Swissair crash and all three had a Uranus-Mars or Mars-Uranus transit (freak accidents and danger from flying).
3- Mars was in her 9th house (see page 39 of Moon Magic 1999 pointing to accidents and danger through transportation) and completed the picture. Mars was also moving towards Neptune (a nightmare and drowning aspect). Moon in Virgo opp. her Saturn indicating being very critical, tired, and disappointed. It was also in her 7th house (arguments with the partner) and just touching her 8th house like Diana (MM 1999...often reminded of life-death situations).
JFK Jr.’s sister Caroline Kennedy’s chart shows that she also went through the same nightmare aspect. 1- She was born with a Mars-Neptune aspect. Neptune being the ruler of her 3rd house (brother), clearly points to the danger from drowning for her brother. It was just a matter of time before disaster would strike.
2- Uranus touching off her natal Moon-Uranus opposition (same as JFK Jr.) also indicates sudden family upheavals. There are so many freak accidents and air crashes shown in the Kennedy charts that it is difficult sometimes to understand if it applies to that person or to someone close.
3- Saturn opposing Mars and squaring Moon till May 2000 shows accidents, depression, and deep sadness in the family.
4- Mars-Neptune conjunction happened in her 11th house of hopes and wishes and probably changed her mission forever. Her chart still shows upheavals in the family and for herself as well. 5- Moon in her 9th house squared Saturn showing deep sadness and thinking of God.
Nature may have snatched JFK Jr. from us but our understanding of the tragedy will hopefully teach us something and save the lives of many as a result of unraveling this mystery.
John F. Kennedy Jr. had Mars in Scorpio transiting his 3rd house (transportation) and was about to conjunct his Neptune. This is a nightmare configuration and our Moon Magic 1999 (page 47) clearly warned of the danger of drowning from lakes and the ocean in July till mid. Aug.1999 for anyone born in the '60s. All three in the plane were born in the 60s!
JFK Jr. had Mars in his 9th house opposing his Neptune when he got his pilot license indicating a major accident configuration and starting the danger of drowning and accidents. When he bought the plane in March 1999, he had exact Mars-Neptune conjunction that repeated itself at the time of the accident. In other words, he bought the plane in a nightmare configuration as well. Moon was in his 12th house for almost three days before the accident. This is the most dangerous period and he must have felt very tired also.
Unfortunately, Lauren Basset delayed them but he did not want to back off. He probably realized that he could not see the airport clearly and wanted to turn back to New Jersey but turned abruptly and banked the plane steeply instigating the stall conditions and spiral which he could not control because of his cast. Even the water accident which caused the cast in his leg was under a Mars-Neptune transit.
Lauren Bassette had Uranus conjunct Mars for the entire year indicating freak accidents and danger from aviation. Mars was also in her 9th house of travel and Saturn in her 3rd house (exactly the same as Princess Diana) was also squaring her natal Mars indicating a very accident-prone period. Her planets were at the very bottom of her chart indicating the need to keep a low profile whereas JFK Jr. had all planets moving above the horizon indicating a high profile (like Prince Charles now). Her chart almost pulled his down.
However, it was Lauren who may have triggered off the accident configuration. She kept working till late so that JFK Jr. left close of 9 pm when the haze started developing. He probably did not want to back off at that time (Mercury in Scorpio). He was only going to Martha's Vineyard to drop of Lauren Bassette and if he had left earlier, the haze would not have been a problem at all. Unfortunately, people have wrong hunches during a Mars-Neptune transit and act upon them.
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