Horoscope Analysis By Hassan Jaffer
Updated video based on 7:30 pm (the correct time I am sure)
Original video based on 7:30 am
Here is the horoscope analysis of an extremely talented singer Dimash Kudaibergen from Kazakstan. When you watch his performance, you are immediately captivated by the range of his voice as well as the emotional intensity and versatility of his range. I have analyzed many great singers Dimash doesn't fall into the normal category at all.
Dimash has mercury in Gemini, which gives agility and versatility to his voice.
Moon in Scorpio close to Pluto in Scorpio gives the dark, sensual intimacy he is able to conjure. It also represents the symbology of life and death events and transformation like in the Swans video. Lady Gaga also has the same Moon cnj Plut on Scorpio and she was born just a few months before him. We hope he doesn't go to the extremes she goes into though especially with the wardrobe. In his case, he will prefer dark colors and the nighttime.
There are two times of birth it seems. I first analyzed his time based on 7:30 am but someone said that his mother has posted 7:30 pm on her Instagram which actually makes much more sense and I did another video for that as well.
At 7:30 am the most important element of the dramatization would be Leo on the 3rd house. The third house is communication and Leo is the most dramatic sign and also indicates the area of fame and fortune.
However, it seems Pisces on the 3rd house (7:30 pm), the voice would be even more healing. You can watch the video for the full analysis of the other time but I will analyze 7:30 pm here.
Dimash has many aspects for the singing talent in his chart. Mercury in Gemini gives him the agility and smooth transition between the octaves and the versatility he has.
Mercury close to Venus beautifies the voice like Elvis Presley and Celine Dion.
Mercury sextile Mars gives him the power and high range.
Mars in Taurus is something we had not considered before but it makes sense and Taurus rules the throat and it may represent the power behind his voice and the high range as well.
Pisces on the 3rd house gives the healing quality to his voice and there is a pathos to it like a sacred sadness.
Neptune also being in his third house helps in the imagination and healing rendition.
Uranus being close to Neptune in Capricorn indicates the sudden spectacular awareness through the internet and how he was able to revive old traditions so easily.
Capricorn in the third house also adds to the maturity of his voice and thoughts and gives him more discipline as well.
Mercury in Gemini also shows up in his ability to play several instruments.
Moon cnj Pluto in Scorpio shows his mother also being quite intense and being somewhere secretive as well.
His mother has a beautiful voice as a soprano along with his father who also sang, so talent was there for sure.
Dimash was brought up by his grandparents (Pisces in the 4th house which is another reason I feel 7:30 pm is the right time.
Pisces on the 4th also indicates that he will eventually live close to the water (lake or ocean).
Dimash writes his own songs and has the ability to compose also. Neptune in his third house gives him the imagination he needs and Uranus the uniqueness and the ability to use the internet and social media to his benefit.
Dimash has Venus in Cancer which makes him more patriotic (just like the Donald who also has Venus in Cancer!).
Venus in Cancer in 8th shows that he might have a restaurant chain at some point as he loves good food probably.
Mercury in Gemini is excellent for marketing and he certainly has that ability.
Moon in Scorpio squared to Saturn in Pisces (wide sq almost 17 degrees but I am sure it is working in his case) gives him a certain amount of emotional toughness and sort of a poker face where he can hide his emotions and be unapproachable yet intimate. It also indicates that he needs more sleep and iron.
Venus trine Jupiter is an aspect of a lot of wealth and is one of the important aspects if someone is going to be famous these days as it means millions of earnings also.
Mars opp Jupiter is something Olympic athletes are born with and it gives sudden bursts of energy as well as a lot of travel and love of fast cars.
The best care for him though would be something like a Bentley which has the speed but also is conservative and more suitable for the family.
Dimash will be very caring and nurturing as a father and is like a natural psychologist.
A grand trine in water planets gives him a lot of empathy and compassion and Mercury in Gemini gives him rational intellect and objectivity.
Leo in the 9th house shows a connection with the divine and when he sings, he is a state of prayer and trance just like Elvis especially when he sang the gospel songs.
It is not surprising that Dimash has the Head Line joined to his Life Line as this indicates that he has worked very hard and laid the foundation very thoroughly before coming out in the public. It makes him rather cautious and somewhat of a loner as well but not lonely. He has a deep respect for tradition and culture and also makes him more humble.
Dimash comes from a very talented family as you can see from this wonderful video of his parents singing with him on stage and his grandparents also in the audience.
7:30 pm shows the planets are coming down in his chart and after next year, he may keep a low profile and focus on building the foundation for a few years before coming out in the public again.
2020 is excellent for immigration and buying of property as well as an excellent public response but after that, the parents and grandparents will have to be very careful as it shows depleting health.
Dimash needs to take more rest after next year and better sleep patterns so he doesn't strain his voice too much.
He has certainly brought a lot of spiritual happiness and healing to millions already which seems to be the Leo in his 9th house and Pisces in his 3rd house.
We wish this 24-year-old wonder a lot of success as I mentioned in Your Mission, he certainly was born to make everyone realize one of the greatest miracles of God's miracles, the human voice.
Updated video based on 7:30 pm (the correct time I am sure)
Original video based on 7:30 am
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